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Masteries: Defense vs Support in Clan Boss

Masteries: Defense vs Support in Clan Boss

1 дек. 2022, 15:4201.12.22

Masteries: Defense vs Support in Clan Boss

A lot of times I generally see the Attack + Defense tree used specifically in a Traditional Clan Boss team and see the Attack + Support being used with an Unkillable comp. 


I've been questioning how effecient it is to run the defense tree in particular while running a block debuffs comp. 

Since I won't be getting any value out of Resurgence or Deterrence, would it make more sense to use the Support tree? 

Does Master Hexer alone outclass having extra survivability from Blast Proof and Delay Death? 

1 дек. 2022, 15:4601.12.22

i really feel like this depends on the champion. did you have specific champs in mind or was this more of a general thought experiment?

1 дек. 2022, 16:2401.12.22

i really feel like this depends on the champion. did you have specific champs in mind or was this more of a general thought experiment?

A general thought, but looking at Myciliac Priest Orn. On Hell Hades in particular Orn has this for traditional: https://hellhades.com/champions/myciliac-priest-orn/

and he also has this for Unkillable: https://hellhades.com/champions/myciliac-priest-orn/

For me running a Block Debuff comp, I'm wondering if I should be caring much about the defense tree - especially with champs that want to land / extend debuffs

1 дек. 2022, 16:5001.12.22

So, if you're running a block debuffs comp without block damage, you would want the damage mitigation masteries at least on a few of your champions, in the Defense tree. If you're running both block debuffs/block damage, then we can look at Support for sure. 

So, if we're running say a Myth Heir with Heir cleansing the stun, that means we'll get value from Deterrence. If we're running a classic Maneater/PK comp, then we'll get value from Retribution.

1 дек. 2022, 17:5001.12.22

So, if you're running a block debuffs comp without block damage, you would want the damage mitigation masteries at least on a few of your champions, in the Defense tree. If you're running both block debuffs/block damage, then we can look at Support for sure. 

So, if we're running say a Myth Heir with Heir cleansing the stun, that means we'll get value from Deterrence. If we're running a classic Maneater/PK comp, then we'll get value from Retribution.

Currently I'm running x2 increase defense champs with x2 decrease attack (Hotatsu and Sepulcher). 

Sepulcher's non-buffed defense is 4,658, while Hotatsu's is 4,385. Their buffed defenses are around 7,400 and 6,900 respectively. Mitigations are both at 84% while buffs active. 

Is the damage reduction from Delay Death additive? 

2 дек. 2022, 02:5602.12.22

Currently I'm running x2 increase defense champs with x2 decrease attack (Hotatsu and Sepulcher). 

Sepulcher's non-buffed defense is 4,658, while Hotatsu's is 4,385. Their buffed defenses are around 7,400 and 6,900 respectively. Mitigations are both at 84% while buffs active. 

Is the damage reduction from Delay Death additive? 

To your question: I believe so, yes.

In general I think I'd want offense/defense tree on pretty much all champions in these types of comps, racking up damage + damage mitigation is going to be pretty key.