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Advice for what team to concentrate on for Dungeons?

Advice for what team to concentrate on for Dungeons?

19 нояб. 2022, 15:2719.11.22

Advice for what team to concentrate on for Dungeons?

Hey Guys,

do you have any suggestions on what team i have to concentrate on for Dungeons? Thanks for your Inputs in advance ! I have the feeling i'm missing "real nuke" dps.




19 нояб. 2022, 17:0419.11.22

Your statement of missing the "nuke dps" is quite funny. You have the strongest dps champ for dungeons in the game, Seer. 

Build her with 100% crit rate, high crit damage and use some champs that can put buffs on your team.

19 нояб. 2022, 17:3019.11.22

Your statement of missing the "nuke dps" is quite funny. You have the strongest dps champ for dungeons in the game, Seer. 

Build her with 100% crit rate, high crit damage and use some champs that can put buffs on your team.

I think at only 5 60's on the account, they're probably not at the stages where Seer stands out yet. Seer really shines in later stages where enemies have ungodly amounts of HP, and she needs some buffs and gear to make her truly shine, so I'm not surprised that they won't see value in her for some time yet. 

OP, Stag Knight is an amazing epic for all dungeons. Gorlos, when built right, can deal good damage, too. 

19 нояб. 2022, 17:3719.11.22
19 нояб. 2022, 17:48(отредактировано)

I think at only 5 60's on the account, they're probably not at the stages where Seer stands out yet. Seer really shines in later stages where enemies have ungodly amounts of HP, and she needs some buffs and gear to make her truly shine, so I'm not surprised that they won't see value in her for some time yet. 

OP, Stag Knight is an amazing epic for all dungeons. Gorlos, when built right, can deal good damage, too. 

Thanks, i just pulled Stag Knight but i guess concetrating on him could improve my game in every area. 

I'm thinking of: 1) Stag Knight, 2) Shemnath, 3) Rhio, 4) Melga, 5) ???

I would overlap debuffs with Gorlos. Especially cause SK got Def- and Rhio HP Burn.

19 нояб. 2022, 18:2519.11.22

Thanks, i just pulled Stag Knight but i guess concetrating on him could improve my game in every area. 

I'm thinking of: 1) Stag Knight, 2) Shemnath, 3) Rhio, 4) Melga, 5) ???

I would overlap debuffs with Gorlos. Especially cause SK got Def- and Rhio HP Burn.

By the way, Shemnath should be a solid damage dealer. Stag Knight as debuffer, Riho as a support. Maybe Bellower in Stun set as control and a flexible position.

20 нояб. 2022, 00:0620.11.22
20 нояб. 2022, 00:11(отредактировано)

Have a closer look on Siegehulk. He can deal serious damage.

Uugo, Fahrakin and one of the Armigers are also champions you will not regret bringing to 60

20 нояб. 2022, 01:2820.11.22

Thanks, i just pulled Stag Knight but i guess concetrating on him could improve my game in every area. 

I'm thinking of: 1) Stag Knight, 2) Shemnath, 3) Rhio, 4) Melga, 5) ???

I would overlap debuffs with Gorlos. Especially cause SK got Def- and Rhio HP Burn.

It seems, as if you want one team for every content of the game, but that doesn't work.

There are some champs that are valuable at different dungeons, but it's hard to find one team that fits everywhere. The different dungeon bosses each have their own game mechanic. While tm-decrease is king at Spider and Fireknight, the Dragon is immune to that. Sometimes, while progressing dungeons, you have to change your team just becuase of the affinity of the actual stage.

That said, you have a bunch of really good champions, that may carry you very far in the game. 

Seer will serve you very well later on. In dungeons lvl 21 and higher, the enemies of wave 1 and 2 have an enormous ammount of hp. You will love the damage she does later on. As Balltazer allready said, maybe it's a bit early to recognize her potential. The damage of her A3 is 0.1 x enemy max hp + 0.005 x removed buff, and that damage can crit. Just an example (not the true numbers, only to show the principle): If the enemy has 10k hp, Seers base damage is only 0.1 x 10k = 1k. A champ that deals "normal" hit damage - like Athel - will easily perform better in lower dungeon levels. But at stage 25 of a dungeon, an enemy from a wave may have 250k hp, so the base damage of Seer's attack will be 25k, and that gets improved per removed buff and can be critical. 

Uugo is underrated in this thrad so far. The combination of block buffs and def debuff is just god tier quality. No nasty paragon loops in void dungeons, great vs. Hydra Head of Mischief, great in arena (as the football worl championship starts today, I will say it in the terms of this sport: Uugo 1 - Skullcrown and Leo 0 🙂). As an addition to tha,t she brings leech, heal, cleanse and a last resort team revive. There is a reason, why HellHades says Uugo is one of the BEST epics in the game and gives 4.5 stars out of 5. Bring her to lvl 60, no doubt.

Armiger is basically a legendary. He hides in the uncommen rank, but his value for an early account is fantastic. He keeps the turnmeter of the Spider down, so your other champs have time to kill her.

Toragi is a great vs. Clanboss. Atk debuff, shields, ally protection.

There are other really strong champs that are good candidates to become 60 (e.g. Stag Knight), but I would start Uugo

20 нояб. 2022, 02:4320.11.22

It seems, as if you want one team for every content of the game, but that doesn't work.

There are some champs that are valuable at different dungeons, but it's hard to find one team that fits everywhere. The different dungeon bosses each have their own game mechanic. While tm-decrease is king at Spider and Fireknight, the Dragon is immune to that. Sometimes, while progressing dungeons, you have to change your team just becuase of the affinity of the actual stage.

That said, you have a bunch of really good champions, that may carry you very far in the game. 

Seer will serve you very well later on. In dungeons lvl 21 and higher, the enemies of wave 1 and 2 have an enormous ammount of hp. You will love the damage she does later on. As Balltazer allready said, maybe it's a bit early to recognize her potential. The damage of her A3 is 0.1 x enemy max hp + 0.005 x removed buff, and that damage can crit. Just an example (not the true numbers, only to show the principle): If the enemy has 10k hp, Seers base damage is only 0.1 x 10k = 1k. A champ that deals "normal" hit damage - like Athel - will easily perform better in lower dungeon levels. But at stage 25 of a dungeon, an enemy from a wave may have 250k hp, so the base damage of Seer's attack will be 25k, and that gets improved per removed buff and can be critical. 

Uugo is underrated in this thrad so far. The combination of block buffs and def debuff is just god tier quality. No nasty paragon loops in void dungeons, great vs. Hydra Head of Mischief, great in arena (as the football worl championship starts today, I will say it in the terms of this sport: Uugo 1 - Skullcrown and Leo 0 🙂). As an addition to tha,t she brings leech, heal, cleanse and a last resort team revive. There is a reason, why HellHades says Uugo is one of the BEST epics in the game and gives 4.5 stars out of 5. Bring her to lvl 60, no doubt.

Armiger is basically a legendary. He hides in the uncommen rank, but his value for an early account is fantastic. He keeps the turnmeter of the Spider down, so your other champs have time to kill her.

Toragi is a great vs. Clanboss. Atk debuff, shields, ally protection.

There are other really strong champs that are good candidates to become 60 (e.g. Stag Knight), but I would start Uugo

+1 to all of this. Uugo is such a good choice for anyone, especially great to level early. Aboslutely one of the best epics in the game. A legendary champ that only takes epic books and less pots to rank up.

20 нояб. 2022, 09:3820.11.22
20 нояб. 2022, 09:43(отредактировано)

It seems, as if you want one team for every content of the game, but that doesn't work.

There are some champs that are valuable at different dungeons, but it's hard to find one team that fits everywhere. The different dungeon bosses each have their own game mechanic. While tm-decrease is king at Spider and Fireknight, the Dragon is immune to that. Sometimes, while progressing dungeons, you have to change your team just becuase of the affinity of the actual stage.

That said, you have a bunch of really good champions, that may carry you very far in the game. 

Seer will serve you very well later on. In dungeons lvl 21 and higher, the enemies of wave 1 and 2 have an enormous ammount of hp. You will love the damage she does later on. As Balltazer allready said, maybe it's a bit early to recognize her potential. The damage of her A3 is 0.1 x enemy max hp + 0.005 x removed buff, and that damage can crit. Just an example (not the true numbers, only to show the principle): If the enemy has 10k hp, Seers base damage is only 0.1 x 10k = 1k. A champ that deals "normal" hit damage - like Athel - will easily perform better in lower dungeon levels. But at stage 25 of a dungeon, an enemy from a wave may have 250k hp, so the base damage of Seer's attack will be 25k, and that gets improved per removed buff and can be critical. 

Uugo is underrated in this thrad so far. The combination of block buffs and def debuff is just god tier quality. No nasty paragon loops in void dungeons, great vs. Hydra Head of Mischief, great in arena (as the football worl championship starts today, I will say it in the terms of this sport: Uugo 1 - Skullcrown and Leo 0 🙂). As an addition to tha,t she brings leech, heal, cleanse and a last resort team revive. There is a reason, why HellHades says Uugo is one of the BEST epics in the game and gives 4.5 stars out of 5. Bring her to lvl 60, no doubt.

Armiger is basically a legendary. He hides in the uncommen rank, but his value for an early account is fantastic. He keeps the turnmeter of the Spider down, so your other champs have time to kill her.

Toragi is a great vs. Clanboss. Atk debuff, shields, ally protection.

There are other really strong champs that are good candidates to become 60 (e.g. Stag Knight), but I would start Uugo

Hey, thank you very much for your feedback. I will build up Seer later, for sure. But for now i'm on Dragon 19/20 and try to do that farmable on auto. 

But why Uugo? He is good, i won't argue with that. But for Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs i got Riho, which has just a way better version for that. For Defense down i could use Stag Knight, he also has ATK AOE down. As a cleanser i already got Shemnath and my reviver is Melga who also shields and will get replaced by Arbiter. So he would bring a bit of everyone into the table what i already have, in a weaker version.

20 нояб. 2022, 09:4820.11.22

Hey, thank you very much for your feedback. I will build up Seer later, for sure. But for now i'm on Dragon 19/20 and try to do that farmable on auto. 

But why Uugo? He is good, i won't argue with that. But for Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs i got Riho, which has just a way better version for that. For Defense down i could use Stag Knight, he also has ATK AOE down. As a cleanser i already got Shemnath and my reviver is Melga who also shields and will get replaced by Arbiter. So he would bring a bit of everyone into the table what i already have, in a weaker version.

Riho has a good team cleanse, yes. And she is very solid arena champ. But no, she doesn't apply AoE Block Buffs like Uugo does. She certainly doesn't marry that with AoE Dec Def either.

Shemnath is not a cleanser at all. Shemnath can remove buffs as part of an attack and can transfer buffs on themself. All good things, but ultimately a different job. Shemnath is a nuker.

Stag Knight is a good champ. But he doesn't bring the pure utility that Uugo does. He's not bringing a cleanse, and he isn't bringing a block buffs skill. He's absolutely an all star must build for someone who doesn't have Uugo or Dhukk though.

Melga is a solid reviver. But that's her entire job... reviving.

Really though you've answered your own question. Why Uugo? Because Uugo does things you listed 4 champs you would need to fully replace her. There are limited slots on your teams, and champs that can perform a variety of roles with the largest toolkit, they see the most play.

20 нояб. 2022, 09:5420.11.22

Riho has a good team cleanse, yes. And she is very solid arena champ. But no, she doesn't apply AoE Block Buffs like Uugo does. She certainly doesn't marry that with AoE Dec Def either.

Shemnath is not a cleanser at all. Shemnath can remove buffs as part of an attack and can transfer buffs on themself. All good things, but ultimately a different job. Shemnath is a nuker.

Stag Knight is a good champ. But he doesn't bring the pure utility that Uugo does. He's not bringing a cleanse, and he isn't bringing a block buffs skill. He's absolutely an all star must build for someone who doesn't have Uugo or Dhukk though.

Melga is a solid reviver. But that's her entire job... reviving.

Really though you've answered your own question. Why Uugo? Because Uugo does things you listed 4 champs you would need to fully replace her. There are limited slots on your teams, and champs that can perform a variety of roles with the largest toolkit, they see the most play.

+1 to all of this. There aren't many champs as versatile as Uugo, and especially not at epic. These are the kinds of support champs that give us access to the best comps out there. 

Uugo also has the added bonus of being a champ we're going to use literally forever, remaining relevant all the way through end game PvE. :)

20 нояб. 2022, 10:2120.11.22

Hey, thank you very much for your feedback. I will build up Seer later, for sure. But for now i'm on Dragon 19/20 and try to do that farmable on auto. 

But why Uugo? He is good, i won't argue with that. But for Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs i got Riho, which has just a way better version for that. For Defense down i could use Stag Knight, he also has ATK AOE down. As a cleanser i already got Shemnath and my reviver is Melga who also shields and will get replaced by Arbiter. So he would bring a bit of everyone into the table what i already have, in a weaker version.

Riho's decrease def is only single target and Riho does not provide block buffs. Riho brings block debuffs on your team, Uugo puts block buffs on the enemy team. Both is very usefull, but it has different places in the game.

Block buffs (Uugo) is your counter* to Valkyrie, Roshcard, Skullcrown, Leo and champs like that, who get very strong if they are allowed to use their buffs. 

Block buffs further prevents, that your buffs get stolen by the Hydra. The Head of Mischief may still remove them, but he doesn't get the buffs for himself.

In the end, it's worth building Stag Knight and Uugo, because they have different affinities. Dragon 20 has magic affinity, not Stag Knight's best place.

* Of course there is a counter-counter to block buffs, they can cleanse debuffs first and using their buffs after doing so. But that needs another spot in the small arena team of only 4. And in that case you could bring other options, like stealing their buffs after they are placed. That's the way this game works, a little bit like stone-paper-scissor. 

20 нояб. 2022, 10:3620.11.22
20 нояб. 2022, 10:45(отредактировано)

Riho's decrease def is only single target and Riho does not provide block buffs. Riho brings block debuffs on your team, Uugo puts block buffs on the enemy team. Both is very usefull, but it has different places in the game.

Block buffs (Uugo) is your counter* to Valkyrie, Roshcard, Skullcrown, Leo and champs like that, who get very strong if they are allowed to use their buffs. 

Block buffs further prevents, that your buffs get stolen by the Hydra. The Head of Mischief may still remove them, but he doesn't get the buffs for himself.

In the end, it's worth building Stag Knight and Uugo, because they have different affinities. Dragon 20 has magic affinity, not Stag Knight's best place.

* Of course there is a counter-counter to block buffs, they can cleanse debuffs first and using their buffs after doing so. But that needs another spot in the small arena team of only 4. And in that case you could bring other options, like stealing their buffs after they are placed. That's the way this game works, a little bit like stone-paper-scissor. 

I was talking about Stag Knights aoe defense down, not Riho's, Riho is single target, that's for sure. :)

Right now i'm just not seeing Uugo in my team due to following reasons, correct me if i'm wrong:

  • Most of my Team Mates who are already at 60 are Magic. Bringing another Magic affinity into the table wouldn't help my current situation
  • Bringing my existing Bellower into the team would also give me a Block Buffs debuff. Furthermore with a stun set he could bring me good controle
  • Stag Knight has her 60% Defense down and 30% slow + 50% ATK down
  • Her a3 can be really good if i'm reading this correctly, but for removing debuffs Riho is just better and she isn't even there to do this. She is there cause her a2 while shemnath increasing the duration of every debuff , which leads to a 100% uptime on a Boss. And it also heals the whole team for more than Uugo does.
  • Her revive is good, but if she isn't the tankiest one she won't be the last and therefore no revive.

Correct me if i'm wrong :) I won't argue with you about her usefullness overall and thank you for the awareness of her. But right know for me i'm having a bit of a struggle fully focusing on her right now due to the points i've made above.

20 нояб. 2022, 11:2620.11.22

I was talking about Stag Knights aoe defense down, not Riho's, Riho is single target, that's for sure. :)

Right now i'm just not seeing Uugo in my team due to following reasons, correct me if i'm wrong:

  • Most of my Team Mates who are already at 60 are Magic. Bringing another Magic affinity into the table wouldn't help my current situation
  • Bringing my existing Bellower into the team would also give me a Block Buffs debuff. Furthermore with a stun set he could bring me good controle
  • Stag Knight has her 60% Defense down and 30% slow + 50% ATK down
  • Her a3 can be really good if i'm reading this correctly, but for removing debuffs Riho is just better and she isn't even there to do this. She is there cause her a2 while shemnath increasing the duration of every debuff , which leads to a 100% uptime on a Boss. And it also heals the whole team for more than Uugo does.
  • Her revive is good, but if she isn't the tankiest one she won't be the last and therefore no revive.

Correct me if i'm wrong :) I won't argue with you about her usefullness overall and thank you for the awareness of her. But right know for me i'm having a bit of a struggle fully focusing on her right now due to the points i've made above.

Most things you said are true, but some parts are not. 

You say, you don't want another magic affinity champ, that wouldn't help. Buty instead you don't want mixed teams, because somebody would have weak affinity and for that reason does not perform well. For crucial roles in the team, like damage dealer and debuffer, you want more than one champ that is able to fill that role and swap them according to affinity.

Dragon 20 is the most important stage of the game for a very long time. The chances to get better gear increase slightly from stage to stage, but from 19 to 20 is a big jump, because 4* artifacts no longer drop in stage 20. In Dragon 20, Uugo is beter than Stag Knight just for her affinity. Weak hits don't place debuffs.

For other dungeons, that may differ. FK 20 is force affinity, Stag Knight is strong here, Uugo is not. Ice Golem 20 has spirit affinity, you could bring either of them. In arena you may swap from the affinity of the opposing champs. For Tag Team you want 3 def debuffers anyway.

The answer to the question "Uugo or Stag Knight?" is both of them. The approach of building one team that fits everywhere is wrong and won't bring you success.

Bellower in a stun set is a very solid champ, but his A1 does not provide block buffs. Block active skills may have a similar result in a lot of cases, but the Hydra is immune to that (and to stun), and it's only a (booked) 30% chance to land.

Another part where I definetly have to disagree is, that Uugo isn't the tankiest one. That's definetly not true.

  • Uugo lvl 60 hp 19.650, def 1.255
  • Melga hp 20.475, def 991
  • Stag Knight hp. 20.970, def 1.046
  • Bellower hp 16.515, def 914
  • a really not tanky champ just to compare, Athel hp 13.545, def 936

In the end, it's your account. We can only give advise, you have to decide.

20 нояб. 2022, 13:5420.11.22
20 нояб. 2022, 14:34(отредактировано)

A good team vs. Dragon 20 from your champs could be:

  • Apothecary, teamleader for def aura, provides speed and healing
  • Shemnath, damagedealer
  • Riho, additional healing, remove and block debuffs from your team, place debuffs on the boss
  • Uugo, decrease def for the waves, additional healing and cleanse, last resort revive and don't forgert her leech debuff at the boss
  • Bellower, in a stun set, control vs. the waves

A team with Apothecary and Riho shouldn't need a dedicated reviver. None of your teammembers should die in the fight with that ammount of healing provided. And your lvl 60 reviver, Melga, has the wrong affinity for Dragon 20. If any champ would die, it's probably her.

Uugo is not the most important part of that team, the main thing here is decrease def on the waves. But the block buffs is a nice add, the crossbowmen in the waves can buff themself otherwise with a 30% critrate buff and get an extra turn after doing so (no time for Shemnath to remove the buff before they fire).

/edit: I don't have Riho or Shemnath. Lucky pulls for you, both of them are very strong legendaries. I just built a team for showcase that is similar, but much weaker.

I used Chani as random damage dealer instead of Shemnath and Skathix instead of Riho for cleansing debuffs. Both of them don't play in the same league as the champs you have. I have much better champs than these 5, I could have used Zavia as damage dealer and do the run in half of the time. But I wanted to show that a team similar to the team I suggested for you is able to do Dragon 20 easily, if Chani is good enough, Shemnath will work for sure.


22 нояб. 2022, 12:0022.11.22
22 нояб. 2022, 12:08(отредактировано)

A good team vs. Dragon 20 from your champs could be:

  • Apothecary, teamleader for def aura, provides speed and healing
  • Shemnath, damagedealer
  • Riho, additional healing, remove and block debuffs from your team, place debuffs on the boss
  • Uugo, decrease def for the waves, additional healing and cleanse, last resort revive and don't forgert her leech debuff at the boss
  • Bellower, in a stun set, control vs. the waves

A team with Apothecary and Riho shouldn't need a dedicated reviver. None of your teammembers should die in the fight with that ammount of healing provided. And your lvl 60 reviver, Melga, has the wrong affinity for Dragon 20. If any champ would die, it's probably her.

Uugo is not the most important part of that team, the main thing here is decrease def on the waves. But the block buffs is a nice add, the crossbowmen in the waves can buff themself otherwise with a 30% critrate buff and get an extra turn after doing so (no time for Shemnath to remove the buff before they fire).

/edit: I don't have Riho or Shemnath. Lucky pulls for you, both of them are very strong legendaries. I just built a team for showcase that is similar, but much weaker.

I used Chani as random damage dealer instead of Shemnath and Skathix instead of Riho for cleansing debuffs. Both of them don't play in the same league as the champs you have. I have much better champs than these 5, I could have used Zavia as damage dealer and do the run in half of the time. But I wanted to show that a team similar to the team I suggested for you is able to do Dragon 20 easily, if Chani is good enough, Shemnath will work for sure.


Well thank you very much guys.

I just managed winning the UDK Tournament and i'm going for smth like this then after your inputs:

- Ultimate Deathknight (Strong vs Magic, -Att)

- Uugo (Healing, Buffs, -Def -Block)

- Shemnath (Nuker and Cleanser)

- Riho (Damage, Healing, Debuffs)

- Not yet decided (Thinking of either Toragi, Apo or Athel? - some sort of CC/Turn Meter control) 

22 нояб. 2022, 12:3122.11.22

Have a closer look on Siegehulk. He can deal serious damage.

Uugo, Fahrakin and one of the Armigers are also champions you will not regret bringing to 60


22 нояб. 2022, 14:3622.11.22
22 нояб. 2022, 14:36(отредактировано)


I did it !! (Under 10 Minutes :P )

I have much to improve but at least i did it on AUTO... thanks Guys, next Epic to upgrade is Uugo!

22 нояб. 2022, 14:4022.11.22

Well done!

I think a decrease def on all enemies champ will speed up stage 1 and 2 of the fight a lot.

22 нояб. 2022, 20:5522.11.22

Well thank you very much guys.

I just managed winning the UDK Tournament and i'm going for smth like this then after your inputs:

- Ultimate Deathknight (Strong vs Magic, -Att)

- Uugo (Healing, Buffs, -Def -Block)

- Shemnath (Nuker and Cleanser)

- Riho (Damage, Healing, Debuffs)

- Not yet decided (Thinking of either Toragi, Apo or Athel? - some sort of CC/Turn Meter control) 

Either Toragi or Apo is great in that final slot. Speed speed speed and some healing, versus Ally Protect and Poisons. 

22 нояб. 2022, 21:4122.11.22

Either Toragi or Apo is great in that final slot. Speed speed speed and some healing, versus Ally Protect and Poisons. 

Apo or Toragi are the defensive approach, and probably the right champs for now. But once you have better gear for the survivability of your champs, you could use Bellower in a stun set.

I don't use that champ very often any more normally, but in the sowcase team I posted above, he worked fantastic. I was surprised how much damage he brought to the table, nearly 1.3 million. With 3 AoE skills he is really strong vs. the waves.

Even later he can be replaced with Seer, but she needs a multi-buffer (like Archmage Hellmut, 3 buffs on all teammembers) as partner to be really effective, and I don't see any champs like that in your roster.