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New Player Stuggling

New Player Stuggling

17 нояб. 2022, 15:4017.11.22

New Player Stuggling

I am fairly new, just got the high Khatun today.  I thought i understood the game, and get feeding.  I run my energy dry frequently at work while doing boring tasks, and playing in the evening.  But my teams are not strong.  I am in silver 3 in arena, and cannot stop the self-healers.  I have started leveling the dwarf bael in order to try and stop the healing.  I get that speed is really important, and accuracy and crit rate.  But the guides i look at all seem to be saying "get 200 acc, 200 speed, 100% crit and then you can work on getting some good gear.  I also have no idea how to put teams together.  I try and put defense and support to keep the attackers alive, but there is not enough damage.  I also dont have a good attacker i think at this point.  While I have gotten very lucky (i think) with void shards, all my top stuff seems to be healing/shielding.  I would really appreciate some specific feedback and help on what to do with my champions.


17 нояб. 2022, 15:5217.11.22

First thing's first - stop wasting your time with arena. It's not worth investing in right now.

You're lucky - you got two absolutely fantastic champs, in Krisk and Siphi. You should be able to sail through most dungeon content. Focus on getting your team to be able to farm Dragon 20.

You have a solo campaign farmer in Elhain, so farm up your food and get Siphi to 60 next. Once that's done, get Coldheart to 60. Your D20 team will be:

  • Krisk
  • Siphi
  • Elhain
  • Coldheart
  • Oboro (not the best, but you don't really have a better choice for AoE damage)
17 нояб. 2022, 17:1217.11.22

I'm actually shocked you have krisk and siphi. If you're new to the game you must have spent a fair bit on shards to get those two. Even during a 2x event that's pretty incredible.

17 нояб. 2022, 17:1617.11.22
17 нояб. 2022, 17:17(отредактировано)

Or, y'know, was just very lucky. I see about 23 void champs, and would guess there are a handful more somewhere off-screen, so somewhere around 25-30 void pulls netted him Krisk, Siphi, Demytha, Maneater, Shamael, Coldheart, and Paragon. Dude had better go buy a lottery ticket before his luck runs out :) 

17 нояб. 2022, 19:0317.11.22

I got a sale on 2 void packs last weekend, but that has to be insanely lucky still.  I now see that prices for everything are sky high.  So this has to work for me.

17 нояб. 2022, 19:0417.11.22

Has to be a Troll flex post...

Krisk, Siphi, Demytha, Maneater, Shamael, Coldheart, Paragon... there's a painkeeper down there too.

Dude just got Khatun today and already has an unkillable CB team...

OP... if you aren't just flexing your account and are really in need of help you should check out the Ultimate Budget Unkillable team on Deadwoodjedi's page.

17 нояб. 2022, 19:1117.11.22

Has to be a Troll flex post...

Krisk, Siphi, Demytha, Maneater, Shamael, Coldheart, Paragon... there's a painkeeper down there too.

Dude just got Khatun today and already has an unkillable CB team...

OP... if you aren't just flexing your account and are really in need of help you should check out the Ultimate Budget Unkillable team on Deadwoodjedi's page.

I am definately not flexing, I know nothing about how this game works.  I have checked out guides, but there is soooo much information, and it all seems to be quite intricate.  I started because of the UDK offer, and figured it was a basic but fun timekiller while i was on vacation.  I feel that everything I do is going to be wrong or wasted time.  I am trying to make sure that I take advantage of this.

17 нояб. 2022, 19:4717.11.22

 In that case, in your spare time if you're interested in the game, watch some videos on YouTube. Hellhades is a good one. I think he has videos on most of the Champions as well as on things like Dungeons and Clan Boss. 

That is a great account and the Champions you already have will take you well through mid-game.

17 нояб. 2022, 21:0617.11.22

I am definately not flexing, I know nothing about how this game works.  I have checked out guides, but there is soooo much information, and it all seems to be quite intricate.  I started because of the UDK offer, and figured it was a basic but fun timekiller while i was on vacation.  I feel that everything I do is going to be wrong or wasted time.  I am trying to make sure that I take advantage of this.

There really is a lot of information in this game, a quick time killer it is not. 

As you are learning about the game, build up Siphi. If you learn to use her, Krisk, an UDK....90% of the game is open to you. 

You have the champs, you'll need the gear....there is no substitute for it. With those 3, you need to focus on Speed, HP/DEF, and Accuracy for now. Focus on Dragon runs (FK and Spider require more specific champs) for now.

Stats over sets. Repeat after me: stats.....over.....sets. There are few roles that require certain sets to perform optimally, but for early game and most of mid-game, stats are more important than set bonuses. The only exception being Lifesteal to keep squishy damage dealers alive, but with Siphi, UDK, and Krisk, I wouldn't even worry too much about keeping others alive. 

Check back in when you have built Siphi and we can look at your ear and progress. And if you need a beginner casual alliance, I can show you to a buddy of mine. If you decide to get more serious, @Trips has one of the best alliances to help players get to that next level....but it requires some commitment.

17 нояб. 2022, 22:1617.11.22
17 нояб. 2022, 22:21(отредактировано)

Thank you all, this seems to give me some direction.  I will work on that Dragon build.  And then work on leveling up at least the 2 champs, maneater, and painkeeper.  I read about the "slow boi", not sure who that would be, probably list champs i have at that point and get the conventional wisdom from everyone.  It is exciting to hear that I have a strong base to work with.  I have held on to all of these rare champs, afraid to use them as feed.  It seems that I have already wasted resources building up some of these other champs, but i guess they will at least be useful in faction wars.  

18 нояб. 2022, 19:4518.11.22

Thank you all, this seems to give me some direction.  I will work on that Dragon build.  And then work on leveling up at least the 2 champs, maneater, and painkeeper.  I read about the "slow boi", not sure who that would be, probably list champs i have at that point and get the conventional wisdom from everyone.  It is exciting to hear that I have a strong base to work with.  I have held on to all of these rare champs, afraid to use them as feed.  It seems that I have already wasted resources building up some of these other champs, but i guess they will at least be useful in faction wars.  

I have spent fairly well in this game and am just over 90 days in now and I would love to have the roster this person has at that far into the game. Hell I would love to have some of them champs now. :-)