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Rebalance P2W vs F2P

Rebalance P2W vs F2P

16 нояб. 2022, 18:2116.11.22

Rebalance P2W vs F2P

Alright so, for many of us that are stuck somewhere between Free to Play and Mid Tier Spenders Tournaments feel very much rubbish and basically just massive ways for whales to get good account boost.

So many things in this game are pay 2 win.  Nearly every dynamic of the game you can pay your way 2 victory.  To be fair, I completely understand and realise that video games are a business and you have to generate income.  But at a certain point things start getting a little bit out of control.

Best example of this is the Empowerment System which is only usable on Legendary champions.  I realized a long time ago that I would like never empower any champion.  Infact you could of listed those last 3 tabs as whale only cause its very likely that they will never apply to me.  I am 7 months in and just got my first legendary faction guardian.  So the only people those will likely apply to is whales and players that have been playing this account for likely a year and a half or over.  (Not intended to be an absolute statement, im sure there are exceptions to this)  But the point of the matter is you did not apply the empowerment system to champions accessiable by low to mid tier spenders which are Common-Epic.  

This is a big deal and really should be given some consideration as most my champions that i use in arena which faces off against these players are +0 Epic and +0 Legendary champions against +1 - +4 Fully Booked God Tier Geared Empowered Legendary teams.  This could literally take me 2 to 5 years to be on that level.  Some of these whales have only been playing less than a year.  Thats a 4x Boost in progress over a lower-end Mid Tier Spender. Perhaps you should consider allowing players to empower epic and rare champions as well to make them more comptetive towards there empowered counterparts.  I mean would a +4 Legendary champion still not be more powerful than a +4 epic champion? Thats not such a big deal but the issue doesn't stop there.

Next we have faction gaurdians... yes eventually if you play the game long enough everyone will have these.  But whales will get them all too soon... Especially with free whale giveaway events like Champion Training Tournament coming up tomorrow which is giving a free legendary to best spenders in game and only for 1st place.  Just a heads up Constilation price straight up blows in comparison to 1st place. 

In games like nova empire I found it to be a lot more balanced as to where the rewards were kinda done in a bracket

1st Place got Best Reward

2nd and 3rd Place reward was maybe reduced by like 10-15% value

4th-10th Place was like 25-30% Reduction in value

11-20th Place was like 50% reduction

And if you at could get like top 50 you still got something... was pretty nice and offered a lot of inscentive to at least participate to some degree.

However, there is nothing you could give 2nd and 3rd place that would come close to comparing to the quality of reward that UDK brings to table.  Either an empowerment, faction guardian or just a new hero.  Which is why I feel the top 3 people in each bracket should be rewarded one, not just the 1st.   Because to give 1st place a UDK and 2nd place a sacred shard is like telling two people that they must duel and one person gets a P90 and the other person gets a stapler.  Also just because you expanded the rewards to give it to the top 3 does not mean that there wouldnt be strong compitition for the event.  Infact it would likely encourage a lot more competition as the rewards would be more achievable by many.  Yes you would multiply the circulation of UDK by 3 but would likely have a lot happier community that felt tournaments were more worth there time.  Many days when i wake up and i see a touranment has started, i open the tab and see the scores after only a few hours and decide I am not even going to bother, Congrats whales you won again.

If it the problems for P2W ended there... I could probably have avoided writing this post... but honostly they don't

Next we have the awakening system...  I don't run iron twins, yesterday was first day i pushed from lvl 8 to level 13 in force affinity iron twins.  It just doesn't seem to be efficent use of energy unless your running 14 or 15 iron twins.  Also, i feel that the soulstones are just out of my budget range as a low to mid range spender.  Another system that is strongly favoring whales right now.

I think plarium you are losing a lot of your players base and struggling with rention issues as you have favored your pay 2 win players to extensively over to long of period that for people just jumping into this game the deck seems so heavily stacked towards whale pay 2 win aspect that its after a few months your largest player base which is f2p-low spenders feel the fight is hopeless and move onto games that are newer or more balanced.

I believe if your a support of raid and plarium you should get maybe a slight advantage, but the difference is night and day between f2p and p2w.  You guys took the idea of cosmetics being the difference between pay 2 play and and droped a freight train on the tetter totter making these incredibly pay 2 win.  If its working for you thats fine and all, but the battle seems hopeless for lower end spenders that are trying to catch up. 

I understand that there is people out there that have been playing for over a year that are able to compete on a whale level, and to that I applaud you, but you are the minority in that regard and do not represent the larger community as a whole.  And if this is to be just whale wars, please add that in the description of your game. 

Anyway thanks to anyone that read this!
