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Doomtower floor 120 - Eternal Dragon lvl 280

Doomtower floor 120 - Eternal Dragon lvl 280

13 нояб. 2022, 15:3313.11.22

Doomtower floor 120 - Eternal Dragon lvl 280

Hi all.

been so lucky to advance to final boss on normal.

At te last Eternal Dragon lvl 185 i used

Visix 60 - Ninja 60 - Drexthar 50 - Septimus 60 - Scyl 60 (all full ascended, but not all geared fully up)

Since then i been upgrading some gear but not all, but seems to be far away from victory anyway.

I don`t have any fancy legends as most take their wins with, but have these

Versulf, Foli, Genzin, Yannica, Shaman, Karam,Peydma, Skullcrown, Sachi, Gorgorab, Archmage Hellmutt, Fang Cleric, Coldheart, Armiger, Dunestrider all LvL 60

Rector Drath LvL 56

Drexthar, Tyrant, Narma, Kreela,Dark Athel, AOX, Tainix, Thenasil, Uugo, Venom, Occult Brawler, Reliquary Tender, Kael,Spirithost, Ultimate Deargknight, Vrask, Urticata, Deacon Armstrong,Vergis, Tatura all LvL 50

Miscreated monster LvL 47

Anax LvL 43

Any of those who can do the job, and if so, in what position would you use the

Leader, 2,3 4, 5 etc 

Hope to get some ideas (fingers crossed smiley)

13 нояб. 2022, 16:2813.11.22

My first thought - gorg, tyrant, genzin, yannica, foli.

13 нояб. 2022, 17:5413.11.22

My first thought - gorg, tyrant, genzin, yannica, foli.

i will give it a try 👍

13 нояб. 2022, 17:5813.11.22

My first thought - gorg, tyrant, genzin, yannica, foli.

and that was not even close (just as my own setup 😭)

13 нояб. 2022, 20:1613.11.22
13 нояб. 2022, 20:17(отредактировано)

The Eternal Dragon can hit really hard, your team has no decrease attack debuff. This debuff should be active all the time, and the Dragon can put your skills on cooldown, so you need an decrease attack from an A1 attack. --> Peydma instead of Visix. The Dragon is immune to tm decrease (Visix A1 useless) and can't be provoked (Visix A3 useless), so Visix has no real job in this fight anyway.

You have strong hitters with Ninja and Septimus. With a leech debuff they could heal themself while attacking. --> Deacon instead of Drexthar 

If he summons his servants and you can't kill all of them, go for the priest first. If he consumes that one, the Dragon gets an extra turn and other benefits much better than the 15% heal he gets consuming a Warrior.

14 нояб. 2022, 00:2414.11.22

Do you mind sharing your builds of some of these champs you're giving it a go with? Perhaps there is something we can help suggest in the builds the recommendations that would get you over the top.

14 нояб. 2022, 01:0514.11.22

Do you mind sharing your builds of some of these champs you're giving it a go with? Perhaps there is something we can help suggest in the builds the recommendations that would get you over the top.

+1 to this. 

Also if we're going long in this fight then I want more champs with strong passives, i.e. Scyl. That strategy would of course go quite well with Ninja. 

14 нояб. 2022, 11:2314.11.22

Do you mind sharing your builds of some of these champs you're giving it a go with? Perhaps there is something we can help suggest in the builds the recommendations that would get you over the top.

I will do that as soon as i get the time (am soon of to work)

But though i have been playing for some time, i just resently startet to learn about real builds, so a lot of my gear is proberly not working the way it should 😫

And with limited amount of ressources i have to be carefull in what i do.

I have starting looking on youtube for better builds for my champs, and itm i am rebuilding my

Scyl, Foli, Peydma, Coldheart, Rector Drath (new)

Scyl i got with regeneration on Weapon, Helmet, Shield and Boots (main stats come later), and Speed on Gloves and Chest.

Peydma is with Speed on weapon, helmet, shield, boots and defense on gloves and chest.

Foli is with stallwart on shield, gloves, chest and boots, and crit D on weapon and helmet

Rector i am building with curing on weapon,helmet, gloves and boots and resistance on shield and chest.

Coldheart is on speed with weapon and helmet, Crit R on gloves and boots, Daze on chest and crit D on shield.

My next champs i have looked on for upgrades are Drexthar and Miscreated, and on Ninja and Septimus for the gear build up

14 нояб. 2022, 13:1114.11.22
14 нояб. 2022, 13:22(отредактировано)
Lars H

I will do that as soon as i get the time (am soon of to work)

But though i have been playing for some time, i just resently startet to learn about real builds, so a lot of my gear is proberly not working the way it should 😫

And with limited amount of ressources i have to be carefull in what i do.

I have starting looking on youtube for better builds for my champs, and itm i am rebuilding my

Scyl, Foli, Peydma, Coldheart, Rector Drath (new)

Scyl i got with regeneration on Weapon, Helmet, Shield and Boots (main stats come later), and Speed on Gloves and Chest.

Peydma is with Speed on weapon, helmet, shield, boots and defense on gloves and chest.

Foli is with stallwart on shield, gloves, chest and boots, and crit D on weapon and helmet

Rector i am building with curing on weapon,helmet, gloves and boots and resistance on shield and chest.

Coldheart is on speed with weapon and helmet, Crit R on gloves and boots, Daze on chest and crit D on shield.

My next champs i have looked on for upgrades are Drexthar and Miscreated, and on Ninja and Septimus for the gear build up

You gear your champs the wrong way, like everybody does at start. To complete sets is much less important than using items with the right main- und substats. The setbonus is rather small, especially for the "normal" sets you will have at start. Later on a full Stoneskin set on a certain champ you use in arena, or a regeneration set for a champ soloing Dragon 25, may be important. In the lategame!

For now, the best thing you can do, is ignoring sets completely. Just give your champs artifacts with the right stats. If you can complete a set this way, well, that's good. If you can't use complete sets, because some of the items you would have to use to complete a set would have stats that are totally useless for the certain champ and lack important stats, then don't use complete sets.

Scyl need's to be fast, more turns = more healing. She needs def, because her damage is def based and she gets a tank that way. She needs some hp for general survivability. And she needs accuracy to land her stun. I can imagine that you don't have perfect gear (who has?), you can ignore crit rate and crit damage on her for now, otherwise you will probably have to lower her important stats. She is not a damage dealer.

Scyl: gloves (or chest) def%, chest (or gloves, the other part) hp% or def% (I personally chose hp% for mine), boots spd. Important substats: spd, def%, acc, hp%.

Peydma lands her decr. attack debuff from her A1 only, if the hit is critical. She needs 100% crit rate for sure. You may add some crit damage to increase her damage output, but crit rate is much more important. Peydma further needs accuracy to land her debuff. For survivability I would choose def over hp, as def increases her damage as well. Attack does increase the damage of her A1, but you should ignore this stat. The multiplier of def is higher than the attack-multiplier and she gets survivability from def. She does not need to be super fast. Faster than the opponents you are fighting, to land her debuff before they attack your team, but no need for Arbiter-like speed on Peydma.

Peydma: gloves crit rate (until you can achieve 100% crit rate by sub stats alone, what is probably not the case yet), Chest def%, boots spd (or maybe even def%, if you have spd substats on all items and get fast enough that way). Important substats: crit rate, crit dam, def%, spd, acc.

Coldheart needs 70% critrate (her crucial A3 skill has an inherent 30% bonus), speed to cycle through her turns more often (chance to land the A3 faster again) and as much crit dam as you can get. I personally, following a tip of the Raid-youtuber Ash, use a hp%-chest on Coldheart, to increase her survivability in the Fire Knight dungeon. If you use her mainly at Spider, you would choose atk%, in the team combination for Spider she shouldn't get attacked at all. The main part of her damage is based on enemy max hp, what gets increased by crit damage. So she doesn't need that much attack to be effectiv (others may disagree here). Coldheart has the lowest base def in the game, without hp% chest a Fire Knight 25 stage 1 or 2 enemy will one-shot her, so for me hp% works best. She further needs accuracy, tm effects like her A3 have to pass an accuracy check.

Coldheart: gloves crit damage (try to achieve 70% crit rate by substats of your other items, so you can go for crit dam gloves), chest hp% or atk%, boots spd. Important substats: crit rate, crit dam, spd, atk%.

15 нояб. 2022, 07:5415.11.22



I defently not have the right substats then 😁

Most of my gear are also taken of youtubers like ASH and HellHades (i like their videos), but alsom from others on the internet Ayumilove f.eks, but i have just taken those from sets i thought was best and not from substats.

I saw a video yesterday, were HH cleaned another guys gear group, so i can see how wrong i have made my choices (allthough it has lifted me up from were i was, till were i am now, i can go further.

And now i "just" have to adjust (easier said than done, with almost no money 😂)

Are there a website, were i can see all that info (mainstats, substats etc) on each champ, that you know of.

15 нояб. 2022, 09:5015.11.22
Lars H



I defently not have the right substats then 😁

Most of my gear are also taken of youtubers like ASH and HellHades (i like their videos), but alsom from others on the internet Ayumilove f.eks, but i have just taken those from sets i thought was best and not from substats.

I saw a video yesterday, were HH cleaned another guys gear group, so i can see how wrong i have made my choices (allthough it has lifted me up from were i was, till were i am now, i can go further.

And now i "just" have to adjust (easier said than done, with almost no money 😂)

Are there a website, were i can see all that info (mainstats, substats etc) on each champ, that you know of.

I don't know any website that gives that detailed information to the gear like I did above. You really have to do that by yourself.

Look at sites like HellHades or Ayumi at the damage multipliers and base stats of the heros you want to euip. Champs with low multipliers will never be big damage dealers, so you can remind that you don't have to care about crit, unless the champ does something special from his skills only, if he lands a critical hit (like Peydma). In that case you want 100% crit rate.

Dedicated revivers allways need a very high durability, def% and hp% in early game, later on you want to add resistance. If somebody else dies and the reviver survives, he can complete your team again. If the reviver dies first, he is useless.

Champs that have to place debuffs on the enemy team need accuracy. Champs that don't have any debuffs in their skill kit (Apothecary) or technically have debuffs, but you don't need them (Trunda), don't need any accuracy. Apothecary could go with literally 0 acc. On the other hand, dedicated debuffers should have at least dungeonlevel x 10 as accuracy to land their debuffs.

Damage dealers need 100% crit rate and a very high crit damage. The best way to achieve that, is 100% crit rate from substats, so you can go for gloves with crit dam as mainstat. You recognize a damage dealer from high base stat and damage multipliers. For example the allready mentioned Trunda: base atk 1608, damage multiplier of her A3 is 3 and it's a double hit, so 6 x 1608 = 9648 base damage on all enemies. Compare to a champ that is definetly not a damage dealer, but has another role, let's take another Dwarf, Conellia, a healer/debuffer. Damage multiplier according to Ayumi is 6 (surprisingly high), base atk only 826, base damage 6 x 826 = 4956. Much lower as Trunda's, and only on a single target. It's obvious who of these two is a damage dealer and needs 100% crit rate and tons of crit damage.

15 нояб. 2022, 16:0415.11.22

 Hell Hades has a nice Optimizer tool that you can install if you play on PC. It has helped me a lot with gearing. It also has a decent team tab for optimizing a team for a specific boss encounter.  Not on my laptop right now so I'm not 100% sure if the DT Boss' are on it.

If you play on PC it's worth installing and playing around with.

16 нояб. 2022, 07:2616.11.22

I don't know any website that gives that detailed information to the gear like I did above. You really have to do that by yourself.

Look at sites like HellHades or Ayumi at the damage multipliers and base stats of the heros you want to euip. Champs with low multipliers will never be big damage dealers, so you can remind that you don't have to care about crit, unless the champ does something special from his skills only, if he lands a critical hit (like Peydma). In that case you want 100% crit rate.

Dedicated revivers allways need a very high durability, def% and hp% in early game, later on you want to add resistance. If somebody else dies and the reviver survives, he can complete your team again. If the reviver dies first, he is useless.

Champs that have to place debuffs on the enemy team need accuracy. Champs that don't have any debuffs in their skill kit (Apothecary) or technically have debuffs, but you don't need them (Trunda), don't need any accuracy. Apothecary could go with literally 0 acc. On the other hand, dedicated debuffers should have at least dungeonlevel x 10 as accuracy to land their debuffs.

Damage dealers need 100% crit rate and a very high crit damage. The best way to achieve that, is 100% crit rate from substats, so you can go for gloves with crit dam as mainstat. You recognize a damage dealer from high base stat and damage multipliers. For example the allready mentioned Trunda: base atk 1608, damage multiplier of her A3 is 3 and it's a double hit, so 6 x 1608 = 9648 base damage on all enemies. Compare to a champ that is definetly not a damage dealer, but has another role, let's take another Dwarf, Conellia, a healer/debuffer. Damage multiplier according to Ayumi is 6 (surprisingly high), base atk only 826, base damage 6 x 826 = 4956. Much lower as Trunda's, and only on a single target. It's obvious who of these two is a damage dealer and needs 100% crit rate and tons of crit damage.


will try your advices and hope i do it the correct way 👍

If you look at my first post (and look away from my first team selection), is there any champs i could try on the Eternal dragon instead of the once metioned (guess Scyl is Standard on the team though)

16 нояб. 2022, 07:2716.11.22

 Hell Hades has a nice Optimizer tool that you can install if you play on PC. It has helped me a lot with gearing. It also has a decent team tab for optimizing a team for a specific boss encounter.  Not on my laptop right now so I'm not 100% sure if the DT Boss' are on it.

If you play on PC it's worth installing and playing around with.

Got a Chrpmebook, but will check his page out, use it for masteries etc too

16 нояб. 2022, 07:4416.11.22

I don't know any website that gives that detailed information to the gear like I did above. You really have to do that by yourself.

Look at sites like HellHades or Ayumi at the damage multipliers and base stats of the heros you want to euip. Champs with low multipliers will never be big damage dealers, so you can remind that you don't have to care about crit, unless the champ does something special from his skills only, if he lands a critical hit (like Peydma). In that case you want 100% crit rate.

Dedicated revivers allways need a very high durability, def% and hp% in early game, later on you want to add resistance. If somebody else dies and the reviver survives, he can complete your team again. If the reviver dies first, he is useless.

Champs that have to place debuffs on the enemy team need accuracy. Champs that don't have any debuffs in their skill kit (Apothecary) or technically have debuffs, but you don't need them (Trunda), don't need any accuracy. Apothecary could go with literally 0 acc. On the other hand, dedicated debuffers should have at least dungeonlevel x 10 as accuracy to land their debuffs.

Damage dealers need 100% crit rate and a very high crit damage. The best way to achieve that, is 100% crit rate from substats, so you can go for gloves with crit dam as mainstat. You recognize a damage dealer from high base stat and damage multipliers. For example the allready mentioned Trunda: base atk 1608, damage multiplier of her A3 is 3 and it's a double hit, so 6 x 1608 = 9648 base damage on all enemies. Compare to a champ that is definetly not a damage dealer, but has another role, let's take another Dwarf, Conellia, a healer/debuffer. Damage multiplier according to Ayumi is 6 (surprisingly high), base atk only 826, base damage 6 x 826 = 4956. Much lower as Trunda's, and only on a single target. It's obvious who of these two is a damage dealer and needs 100% crit rate and tons of crit damage.

Actually i got one question more.

When setting up gear on champs, is it then more important to go for these stats, or to go for setting up in sets

(i have done the last thing)

Example a champ with 6 different sets with correct stats or the same champ with 3 sets (but mixed stats)

16 нояб. 2022, 08:1716.11.22
Lars H

Actually i got one question more.

When setting up gear on champs, is it then more important to go for these stats, or to go for setting up in sets

(i have done the last thing)

Example a champ with 6 different sets with correct stats or the same champ with 3 sets (but mixed stats)

Almost always we're looking to hit stats first, especially earlier on in the game. Sets like Perception and Speed are great early because they'll get us to some of the most important early stats (Speed and Accuracy) without giving up stats elsewhere by trying to force in other sets. 

It's completely fine to use broken sets to try to get to the stat thresholds you need for the content you're trying to do. 

17 нояб. 2022, 10:0017.11.22

So just to see if i get it right, after reading these posts and HH gear setup guide.

If i take Foli (apparantly right now with stupid gear, according to the guide) and put these sets on him.

Speed, Cruel, Crit Damagae (or speed, Savage), with sub.stat as speed, crit r, crit d, Hp% or Att%

then i would have a good set....

are there any of those new sets who are better, that i should try forging instead...

17 нояб. 2022, 11:1917.11.22
Lars H

So just to see if i get it right, after reading these posts and HH gear setup guide.

If i take Foli (apparantly right now with stupid gear, according to the guide) and put these sets on him.

Speed, Cruel, Crit Damagae (or speed, Savage), with sub.stat as speed, crit r, crit d, Hp% or Att%

then i would have a good set....

are there any of those new sets who are better, that i should try forging instead...

That is the right plan. But, as you mentioned only the substats of the items, I want to point out that the main stats (or primary stats) are more important. On a damage dealer, you want crit d gloves, atk% chest and spd boots.