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Need Help With Salad

Need Help With Salad

3 нояб. 2022, 00:1903.11.22

Need Help With Salad

My account just got Scyl about three weeks ago, so that's where I am in progression; still a newbie.

Can reach Gold3 Arena, Bronze3 TTA.  The game is generally fun... until I face a Ma'shalled.

We can usually take down any champ someone posts up as a singlet, but not 'Salad.  Tornado eternally stunlocks us.  Don't have the resources to have 4 arena champs speed past 300.  Don't have one viable Immunity set, never mind 4, and regardless, that just forestalls then inevitable by a couple turns.

Does Tornado need a nerf?  Basically if I see a team with Salad I have to skip that team; that seems way unbalanced.  The True Fear and loss of skills is neverending.

Hoping Morrigaine can at least stop his freakish healing.  Now I need a champ that wipes all our debuffs each turn...


Don't even get me started on "True Fear is only a 50% reduction in your skills".  More like 65%.  Wish I had time to take a statistical survey on just what percentages the controls are taken out of my hands.

3 нояб. 2022, 00:3703.11.22

He is fine.

Heal reduction
Block debuffs

If you had a more mature account you would just one shot him.

3 нояб. 2022, 00:5203.11.22

Short answer: Ma'Shalled and Tornado do not need a nerf. Salad is a strong champ, but one that can be countered. Immunity - which you mentioned - is one. 

Having a high resist champion that goes before the rest of your champs and can cleanse, or one that's faster than Salad that can put up block debuffs. A high resist team in general, or perhaps going faster than Salad to either CC or kill him. 

Some or all of these things might be a bit difficult for now. Eventually you will get to a point where Ma'Shalled becomes a lot more trivial of a fight. 

3 нояб. 2022, 01:0003.11.22

It's funny - back in the day he used to be a pretty clear sign to avoid a team. Now, on the other hand, he's a pretty clear sign to fight them.

Does he bring value elsewhere in the game? Unquestionably. But in arena, he does exactly nothing. Cardinal teams ignore his abilities entirely. Go-second teams ignore them entirely. And speed nuke teams? Well - they ignore them entirely too, since there's rarely room to fit him into any decent setup.

3 нояб. 2022, 02:2703.11.22

Ya i just got Ma-Shalled myself. My account is a bit like OP's one. So in my case, can Ma'Shalled make my top12 for tag arena, in many cases, sure, why not. But at the same time, I am fully aware that eventually, he will drop out of that group or even the reserve group, because if he can do 'well', he's not a team carry. Lots of defenses just laugh at my Ma'shalled LOL