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Taunt infographic is misleading

Taunt infographic is misleading

1 нояб. 2022, 16:2701.11.22

Taunt infographic is misleading

I appreciate you taking the time to make a clean infographic for this - but the way you phrased it in the "What is it?" section is incredibly misleading. As you properly noted *everywhere* else, the buff is clearly intended to be a form of shutdown against specific types of debuffers/nukers - I mean, like, really, specifically against Rotos and similar champs.

But the wording of the "What is it?" section clearly states "A buff that forces enemies to attack the Taunting Champion", which is, in fact, 100% incorrect. Taunt does *not* force you to attack the taunting champion. It forces you to target the taunting champion with an attack, if you are attacking. However, it does not force you to attack with a single-target ability, NOR does it force you to attack at all.

At very least, fix your own infographic. The "What is it?" section should clearly state something like "A buff that forces attacking enemies to target the Taunting Champion", and the "Stuff to know" section should clearly state "Does not force enemies to attack".  


1 нояб. 2022, 17:2201.11.22

Got to admit, I don't really see much difference between taunt and a team-wide veil with an exception, e.g. Tatura's A3. Both seem to produce pretty much the same result: only the non-veiled/taunting champion(s) can be targeted, but you're free to do whatever else.

1 нояб. 2022, 17:2901.11.22

Got to admit, I don't really see much difference between taunt and a team-wide veil with an exception, e.g. Tatura's A3. Both seem to produce pretty much the same result: only the non-veiled/taunting champion(s) can be targeted, but you're free to do whatever else.

There is none - except that veil also gives damage reduction, and perfect veil prevents torment 

2 нояб. 2022, 15:3002.11.22

Gonna just bump this up once and tag you two @harleQuinn @dthorne04 since I do think this should be addressed.

2 нояб. 2022, 15:4502.11.22

I'll pass on your feedback Kram, ofc. Try to do that for most things. :)

I don't find this infographic particularly confusing though. Under advanced info, it says "enemies can only target the Taunting Champion." If you're not using an ability that targets, it reads to me as if you can do whatever you want. Which is, of course, how it works.

This is just a super simple basics section here to introduce the debuff and I don't see the problem really.

I'll try and make sure that the official buffs/debuffs section here on the forums and in game reflects that it only affects targeting on skills that target though.

(Official info here, same page that shows up in the game too: https://raid-support.plarium.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017680240-List-of-Buffs-and-Debuffs)

2 нояб. 2022, 15:4802.11.22

That said, did people really find it all that confusing?  Asking for feedback purposes. :)

2 нояб. 2022, 16:0302.11.22

Most of my confusion comes from not really understanding why they felt the need to add it in the first place, and thinking I'm missing something to explain it. Like I said, I can't see how it's functionally different from a veil buff that is doing a poor cosplay of a provoke debuff.

2 нояб. 2022, 16:0802.11.22

Most of my confusion comes from not really understanding why they felt the need to add it in the first place, and thinking I'm missing something to explain it. Like I said, I can't see how it's functionally different from a veil buff that is doing a poor cosplay of a provoke debuff.

I am sure things, like new content and champs, will interact with it differently as we move forward. I am taking a wait and see approach there. :)

2 нояб. 2022, 16:2302.11.22
2 нояб. 2022, 16:24(отредактировано)

That said, did people really find it all that confusing?  Asking for feedback purposes. :)

We definitely had like, a good hour-long back-and-forth in our discord before it was finally settled by some CC showing that it didn't prevent non-attack abilities from being used, yeah.

2 нояб. 2022, 16:3802.11.22
2 нояб. 2022, 16:39(отредактировано)

After thinking about this some more, ultimately the reason why I think it is so confusing is just because in most other games, taunt and provoke are essentially synonyms. They force the other team to target you.

Here, however, Taunt does not force the other team to attack you, it just forces them to not target anyone else on your team with an ability. The infographic wording it as saying it forces an attack just adds to the confusion.

2 нояб. 2022, 16:4102.11.22
2 нояб. 2022, 16:42(отредактировано)

No, I am not saying that. I was shorthanding targets to mean "targets an enemy

Taunt only affects targeting when targeting the enemy team. Your Siphi (and the like) does not get locked down from reviving Rotos and then Extra Turning out my team, even when I have Taunt, unfortunately.

EDIT: LOL.... Krama and your sneaky post deletion. I leave my response anyhow. :D

2 нояб. 2022, 16:4302.11.22

No, I am not saying that. I was shorthanding targets to mean "targets an enemy

Taunt only affects targeting when targeting the enemy team. Your Siphi (and the like) does not get locked down from reviving Rotos and then Extra Turning out my team, even when I have Taunt, unfortunately.

EDIT: LOL.... Krama and your sneaky post deletion. I leave my response anyhow. :D

Yeah apologies for deleting the post you responded to, but after thinking about it some more, I realised the mistake I was yet-again making. Still, to me, that just emphasises the confusion. I'd like to think that I'm generally pretty good at grasping game mechanics, so the fact that it's taken me several stabs at it to even formulate why I think it is confusing should be a sign in and of itself that there's a problem.

2 нояб. 2022, 16:5002.11.22

Yeah apologies for deleting the post you responded to, but after thinking about it some more, I realised the mistake I was yet-again making. Still, to me, that just emphasises the confusion. I'd like to think that I'm generally pretty good at grasping game mechanics, so the fact that it's taken me several stabs at it to even formulate why I think it is confusing should be a sign in and of itself that there's a problem.

I honestly think if the wording is changed on anything, it should be Provoke, to clearly indicate that it locks you only into your basic A1 skill, period, full stop. That is not something known without videos/practice/etc....

For example, in my past 16+ months modding, folks seem quite surprised to find out the easiest way to shut down a Mortu is with any provoker, since he can't Peril you when provoked as it locks down even Secret Skills.

2 нояб. 2022, 19:1502.11.22

That said, did people really find it all that confusing?  Asking for feedback purposes. :)

Definetly yes! The description "a buff that forces enemies to attack the Taunting Champion" indicates that you are forced to attack the taunting champion.