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Ultimate deathknight mechanics queries.

Ultimate deathknight mechanics queries.

31 окт. 2022, 17:4831.10.22

Ultimate deathknight mechanics queries.

Hi all

One of my tag teams for defence (and my classic defence) is ukko, duchess, mithrala and mortu- all in full stoneskin apart from mithrala.

It does ok to be fair- i can hit plat midweek quite easily, but tend to take the defence out for quicker farming in the week.

A couple of the more experienced clan members have suggested i would do better taking out duchess and inserting ultimate deathknight. Presumeably that counters people carefully using single target nukers to avoid whacking mortu by accident.

Has anyone tried that sort of composition? i can certainly use duchess in another tag team, also if someone targets mortu and the damage is redirected will it still count as a hit to trigger peril?

How do you guys build UDK? i am guessing slow, tonnes of hp and good defence and high res? with reaction gear if not using stoneskin?

Finally (and sorry for so many questions) if i put UDK in stoneskin will the stoneskin mitigate the redirected damage? i have fought them in arena but i use aoe attacks so i am not sure.

I havent built UDK yet and dont want to use up books and find he doesnt really help me in arena.


31 окт. 2022, 18:1031.10.22

Stoneskin mitigates the redirected damage yes.

I can see why people might recommend pulling out Duchess, since Ukko does a good job at being a reviver while bringing the additional buff steal and buff removal utility. Duchess Veils also don't play nice with Mortu getting Perils, since enemies can't target him.

I built my UDK in a High Defense/High Resistance full Stoneskin setup, and have been seeing good results in G1-G3 tag with him. He's as slow as I could make him with a High Resistance build, although at 180ish is faster than I want. I use him as a Rotos and MK hard counter, and against Mortus.

As far as full defenses, I don't use them at any point during the week, until a final day plat push.... and I don't my real defense in until the last 30 minutes or less. There is still a loss limit in Arena, so I can never really fall too far.

I wouldn't see how UDK is super effective at helping keep Mortu alive, cause you can either AoE or still single target away the team, just starting with UDK. I would hit that team for sure, personally. :)

31 окт. 2022, 18:2131.10.22

Thanks, i am only G1 most of the time (i have hit g2 but only briefly) but my logs show people still bash away at mortu with aoes an awful lot, which is why i have duchess in for the passive damage reduction and block debuffs

I see your point on UDK, i think i will still build him for offence as a rotos counter but experiment with other protectors, i dont have a nekhret, but might try brogni 

Part of the problem is i use these champs in hydra and hydra requirements are different to tag

Thanks again.

31 окт. 2022, 18:2531.10.22
Trevor Wilson

Thanks, i am only G1 most of the time (i have hit g2 but only briefly) but my logs show people still bash away at mortu with aoes an awful lot, which is why i have duchess in for the passive damage reduction and block debuffs

I see your point on UDK, i think i will still build him for offence as a rotos counter but experiment with other protectors, i dont have a nekhret, but might try brogni 

Part of the problem is i use these champs in hydra and hydra requirements are different to tag

Thanks again.

I am running him with Ursuga right now, personally. Brogni is a decent option yeah, although I love to see them on defense cause it means I can trigger my own Peril on shield reflects and take out the enemy Mortu, then it's over. 

Do you have a Kyoku? A Sandlashed Survivor even? I know she isn't the "new hot champ" but she's still quite good, and when helping @dthorne04 build his Tag Teams, I went with a Survivor/Mortu/Mithrala shell that seems to be doing very well for him. Ukko/Survivor/Mortu/Mithrala is not a pushover team. :)

31 окт. 2022, 18:3031.10.22

The interaction with redirected damage and Peril is interesting, and I'm not 100% sure of the answer on that one. I lean no because he gets targeted but not necessarily "attacked". I haven't built my UDK (am lazy mod) like @harleQuinn has, but I can try to test this out later this week if no one clarifies. 

I know in the past there's been some wonkiness with Mortu's passive, such as Bulwark triggering Peril even when Mortu wasn't being attacked.

I do know I tend to target UDK's in tag, just expecting fights to get stretched out. I think he's a much stronger offensive than defensive champ, on average.

31 окт. 2022, 18:3331.10.22

I am running him with Ursuga right now, personally. Brogni is a decent option yeah, although I love to see them on defense cause it means I can trigger my own Peril on shield reflects and take out the enemy Mortu, then it's over. 

Do you have a Kyoku? A Sandlashed Survivor even? I know she isn't the "new hot champ" but she's still quite good, and when helping @dthorne04 build his Tag Teams, I went with a Survivor/Mortu/Mithrala shell that seems to be doing very well for him. Ukko/Survivor/Mortu/Mithrala is not a pushover team. :)

This is probably my best defensive lineup of the group, I think. Sandlashed in 2 turn Stoneskin has been fun, one of the champs I definitely ignored and left lying on the sidelines for too long. 

31 окт. 2022, 18:4031.10.22

I can confirm that Mortu will not proc Peril from redirected UDK attacks.

31 окт. 2022, 18:4631.10.22

I actually used sandlashed in my tag defence for a very, very long time - i ran her with seeker in a shield set.

I think i went really slow and really high resist... which was the opposite of all the content creator recommendations.

I will see if i have stonskin gear to try her, cheers.

31 окт. 2022, 18:4731.10.22

I can confirm that Mortu will not proc Peril from redirected UDK attacks.

Thanks, that is what i feared.

1 нояб. 2022, 19:2301.11.22

Just an update, I rebuilt sandlashed and tried her in classic, just attacking every real defence and ignoring the solo defences. She is surprisingly effective and I think will be even better when I can gear her properly. Thanks for the suggestion 

1 нояб. 2022, 20:0601.11.22
Trevor Wilson

Just an update, I rebuilt sandlashed and tried her in classic, just attacking every real defence and ignoring the solo defences. She is surprisingly effective and I think will be even better when I can gear her properly. Thanks for the suggestion 

Glad it's going so well! :)