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Garanteed Fortus

Garanteed Fortus

21 окт. 2022, 12:0621.10.22

Garanteed Fortus

What do you think?  

Shard hoarder's delima; now that I have plenty of shards, I value them much more and hate to give them up, but if you never use them, what are they worth?

Anyway, a1 and a2 seem underwhelming.  A3 and passive seem promising.  Astral Terrors, aoe, can ignore 30% defense, damage increases by 10% for each fear/perfect that has been placed.  If fear has been placed on each opponent twice, is that an 80% increase? Does that stack across rounds?  while ignoring 30% def?

21 окт. 2022, 12:0921.10.22

After thought, it's nice to run a summoning event concurrently.  Opening 80 voids would net me those 4 leggo books + all the others.  ( and I'd probably pull a second or even third krisk lol). I promise not to rage if I don't pull the dup Krisk.

21 окт. 2022, 12:3621.10.22

Those shards ain't gonna pull themselves 

21 окт. 2022, 20:4021.10.22
21 окт. 2022, 20:47(отредактировано)

After thought, it's nice to run a summoning event concurrently.  Opening 80 voids would net me those 4 leggo books + all the others.  ( and I'd probably pull a second or even third krisk lol). I promise not to rage if I don't pull the dup Krisk.

The summon rush is running at the moment, and a friend of mine pulled 80 voids for Fortus and got every reward in the event, including 4 legendary books.  Might be worth it for that alone

I currently have 105 void shards and I'm considering it.  The 10x for Krisk at the same time is a nice bonus.

With regards to Fortus, there was a video by the Hell Hades team doing a breakdown of him and why he was underwhelming.  Plarium have come back to say that they will fix him, but haven't gone into any detail around what they are changing, which does make this more of a gamble.  Also, the increase damage from fear does not carry over each round

I'll probably cave and pull the shards today...

Edit: Video with the breakdown of Fortus (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A55MurWw4hE, at the 21:30 mark)

21 окт. 2022, 20:4421.10.22

Champion is utter garbage.

His damage is similar to Kael (a rare), and he requires a setup to work.

Sure it seems decent on paper, but in reality you don't need this champ for any kind of content.

Even if you are new player there are better champs you get for free these days. 

21 окт. 2022, 21:0721.10.22

He's definitely extremely underrated. Only champ in the game whose damage scales infinitely. Will write up more later.

21 окт. 2022, 21:5121.10.22
22 окт. 2022, 00:42(отредактировано)

Champion is utter garbage.

His damage is similar to Kael (a rare), and he requires a setup to work.

Sure it seems decent on paper, but in reality you don't need this champ for any kind of content.

Even if you are new player there are better champs you get for free these days. 

I couldn't find anything on his multipliers.  Where did you get the info?

22 окт. 2022, 00:1122.10.22

i have 5 Void shards so no tough decisions here.  

22 окт. 2022, 00:1922.10.22

Yeah I'm very skeptical of that claim too. People with lots of gold in their accounts seem to have a very hazy memory of Kael.

22 окт. 2022, 05:1922.10.22

Kael is still my farmer.  He does 15 secs on 12-3.  I dont need any faster.  

22 окт. 2022, 07:1422.10.22

Kael is still my farmer.  He does 15 secs on 12-3.  I dont need any faster.  

That's not a very high bar. My bellower does 7-10 seconds while wearing a stun set.

22 окт. 2022, 07:3222.10.22

Kael is still my farmer.  He does 15 secs on 12-3.  I dont need any faster.  

I have at least 4 campaign farmer who can complete under 12sec. 

Kael 12s,Hurndig 8-10s,Baron 6-8s,Fellhound 5-7s.

22 окт. 2022, 08:2722.10.22

Rae, Big Un work just fine too. I'm personally fine with 8-12 seconds, though I know some on here are big on super optimizing campaign farming speeds. 

Anyway, let us know how those pulls go @Angwil. I don't have a super strong take on Fortus, but I'm interested in living vicariously through your pulls. 😂

22 окт. 2022, 12:2822.10.22
22 окт. 2022, 12:35(отредактировано)

He's definitely extremely underrated. Only champ in the game whose damage scales infinitely. Will write up more later.

Later is now! please do so! I am searching your oppinion on this one in all forum (note: so far you are the best teacher here by far and i am wondering if i should or not spend $$ on this pull, so, whats your opinion here?) 

EDIT: it scales on fear and true fear, 10% each time, 40% chance to do so. but fear and true fear canot be applied on bosses :( so.... 

This seems great but where can we use this? 

Whats your mind on this?

22 окт. 2022, 17:1322.10.22

Aite. So thoughts -

There are basically two champs in the game that play well in go-second vs go-second matchups - IE, where you're basically in a stalemate where neither team can win. These are scenarios like where you're against Siphi + Duchess + Ursaga + Candy. Your go-second team of, say, Mithrala + Brogni + Raglin + [Someone] is looking for a person to actually be your win-condition. Their team won't win because you can just keep reviving your team with Raglin's super-low revive, and the fact that their nuker is going to repeatedly target Brogni due to weak affinity. But your team won't win if you are running a "traditional" go-second DPS like, say, Ragash, because they're too tanky and will just keep reviving themselves over and over.

The aforementioned two champs are Mortu and Rotos. Mortu because Peril is basically going to oneshot literally anyone when it eventually procs, and your game is to just sit there and wait until it does. Rotos because, even though he's going to die over and over, eventually, you'll get a revive on him and he'll get a turn, and eventually that'll translate into his A2 stealing some HP. Then he'll keep dying again and again, and eventually you'll get another A2. After enough of those cycles, you'll have him strong enough to not die, at which point you get his A2 faster, and then eventually his A3 blocks revive and you win.

Fortus is similar to Rotos in that respect, but given he's DEF-based, he won't be dying nearly as often. In that aforementioned Mithrala + Brogni + Raglin team, Fortus fits perfectly. He'll slowly get stronger as the fight goes on - while initially his A3 will do very little, eventually it'll scale so much that he'll just oneshot the other team.

Will it be a slog? Absolutely. Especially against teams with block debuffs, his fear won't be activating nearly as often as you'd like. But, it will eventually land. And each time it lands, his A3 gets stronger.

All that said - he's absolutely worthless outside arena. However, if I didn't have both Mortu and Rotos already, I'd 100% be pulling for him, because go-second teams without a reliable win condition just don't work.

22 окт. 2022, 18:1622.10.22

I have been so outplaced TagTeam Arena for last 2 months; regardless I am in Tier III (3), I am unable get ahead cuz somany lvl 60 swipe me down before I can even get a Skill off. I am particularily upset fact MMO has not taken any fix for this,regardless what lvl I am

22 окт. 2022, 19:1922.10.22

I have been so outplaced TagTeam Arena for last 2 months; regardless I am in Tier III (3), I am unable get ahead cuz somany lvl 60 swipe me down before I can even get a Skill off. I am particularily upset fact MMO has not taken any fix for this,regardless what lvl I am

Hey, if you're having issues with Tag arena, feel free to make a new thread with a screenshot of your champs and we'll see if there are some solutions to your problem. 

22 окт. 2022, 21:3622.10.22

Hey, if you're having issues with Tag arena, feel free to make a new thread with a screenshot of your champs and we'll see if there are some solutions to your problem. 

As he said he gets dusted by "so many 60s"

His problem is lack of brutal campaign, 12/3 and tavern brews. 
