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Can Marius or Cirilla respond to the centurion event?

Can Marius or Cirilla respond to the centurion event?

15 июль 2019, 14:2715.07.19

Can Marius or Cirilla respond to the centurion event?

Sorry if format is off, I'm on mobile.

Cirilla, you mentioned that this fusion event would not be easy, and would be a challenge for a lot of players. You mentioned about a break before coming out with a large event for us to invest in. You defended yourself to comments about letting us know in advance that a large event was coming. But there is no way that we could have prepared for this summoning event. There have been so many summoning events in the past month, along with the double chance ancient shards, that most people would not have any saved up. The price point for centurion is absurd. This was intentionally deceptive.

Marius, there is a lot of frustration and hatred towards plarium for how they are handling this event, especially now with this summoning event blowing it out of proportion. Why can we not get some for of response to at least know that plarium is listening and at least can acknowledge that a portion (possibly large) is extremely upset at these predatory practices after investing so much time and money already. We want to stay with a good game, but there needs to be open and honest dialogue about events like this. Please, as an avid player who thoroughly enjoys this game, how could I have prepared for this summoning event after all of these tricks? I play for multiple hours a day, rarely letting my energy overfill or cap for too long, refresh the training, and efficiently farm. Why am I being punished to feel poorly about not being able to complete this event now. I want to support the game, but how can I support a group who doesn't listen to its playerbase? Please meet us in the middle ground and at least acknowledge the blatant issues.
15 июль 2019, 15:1515.07.19

Those degenerates gave me a temporary ban on my primary account for calling them out on trying to rip us off with what is nothing short of a scam.

My advice is do what I just did... I disputed EVERY last penny in the iTunes store that I paid to them.  

I am getting back $123 total because those idiots were dumb enough to ban someone from the forums for calling them out on their scam.

There were multiple other posts they deleted too.  They will probably end up doing the same to this one.

They are intentionally ripping everyone off.  What they want is for you to waste $150+ on the shards to get Centurion.  

This game is nothing but pay to win.  Everything is about who buys the most.  I am over it.  I am SO glad that I disputed all the transactions I paid them.  It's a huge weight off my chest.

I suggest you and anyone else reading this do the same.  And be sure to update your review on the app store to reflect their *true* colors as well.
15 июль 2019, 15:3315.07.19

they will not answer

they'll be silent for a week or so, no one will remember

until the next super event

15 июль 2019, 16:3115.07.19
u correct. forgot foli, u can quit if u angry, or keep quite until next.
15 июль 2019, 16:3215.07.19
foli doesnt worth pay money. or u regret
15 июль 2019, 18:5415.07.19

What was it again?

Oh yea  Hook, line and sinker. Its ok to give devs some $(prob most go to ceo's doing nothing), but this is just plain ripoff.

Plarium is counting the monies now cause many will fall for it...again, see the raid discord, its like a following of sheep.

Just dont bother, most wont care.

Just do what Rippedoffnomore said.