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15 июль 2019, 12:2415.07.19


The problem with this fusion event isn't that it is challenging, I think we all expected that for a pretty good legendary, so fair enough. But to lock it behind a pay wall on the last event, when all preceding events were very doable, is gross.  The event for towering Titan  was challenging also, but it came first and let you know what you were getting into, it had good rewards along the way, cost less money than this one would, and towering Titan was the only epic who didn't require a fusion himself. I accepted that event as a tough but fair challenge. The following events ranged from easy to average difficulty to complete, based off those events there was no reason to think that trend would end on the very last one. So now many of us have 3 garbage epics in the vault, fully ascended lvl 50, being held hostage by Plarium to either buy a bunch of shards or lose our work. So I'll offer up some  constructive criticism. But to be honest, this is such superficial unadulterated greed that pretending like you don't already know these things is kind of silly. But since I clearly have Stockholm syndrome, here's a few suggestions of different stuff you could implement.

*Preview events if you're going to make them silly like this, show us all required points and scoring for a particular fusion once that event is open, that way we can plan ahead and opt out if need be.

*Don't make fusions time-gated, I don't see any urgent reason that fusions have to be so temporary, at least if you're going to make them so costly. Leave the events open for a couple months and let us chip away, and then new players/F2P won't feel hopeless. 

*Make the legs in a fushion worth keeping. The reason this most recent event hurts the most is because it's all for nothing, I have no return on my investment. Make the epics good, make them hard to get, costly, whatever, but make them solid. Steel bowyer is a the only decent hero, who's rare, and you're already announcing she is going to be nerfed. All 4 epics in this event are average and below. It should sting a little sacrificing 4 epics for a legendary, it should be worth it, but hurt a little. I wouldn't use any of those current epics for any event, dungeon, arena, CB, nothing.

*Not everything in this dumb game should cost money. Active players would do CB, arena, dungeons, save their heros, understand how the game works etc. They should be able to complete events without spending. If I go through the day without ever letting my energy be max, do 3 keys a day, and have some decent heros. I shouldn't have to open my wallet at all unless I want to out of convenience for myself. 

*Make shards more available in-game, idk how or where, you can figure that out. But the fact remains there is almost no way to get them, I'm lvl 52 and probably have gotten less than 10 ancient shards from dungeons. There should be a somewhat reliable way to get shards in order to complete summoning events, otherwise the summoning event is just another pack out of the shop with a price tag. 

That's all, please change your game or me and a bunch of other people are just gonna quit. And that would make you less rich, and you can't have that. 

15 июль 2019, 14:1415.07.19
thousand likes 
15 июль 2019, 14:1715.07.19
Plarium did me a favor. They got too greedy too quick. Thank you for showing your true colors before I committed to this game.
15 июль 2019, 14:4415.07.19

I've been also grinding for all the Fusion Champs for Foli. It's been a tough grind, spent all possible resources and I was able to get all the Champions from the Events. I'm disheartened that I now need to spend a lot of cash just to be able to get Centurion from the event. 

15 июль 2019, 15:5115.07.19
It has been a tough grind so far, now adding a paywall at the last stage is a bit unfair :/
15 июль 2019, 16:2115.07.19

Dude, no idea why you are *threatening* to quit instead of just quitting.

What they are doing is nothing short of a con.  They got everyone invested already, and then BOOM!  $150+ paywall!  That is sickening.  And for a stupid app!  Not even a full game, an APP!!!

Just walk away now.  They will only continue to try to rip you off in the future if you don't.

And I'd be surprised if this thread stays up.  They have been deleting negative feedback left and right.