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Nethril Materies for Clan Boss - Support of Defense Tree?

Nethril Materies for Clan Boss - Support of Defense Tree?

14 июль 2019, 18:4714.07.19

Nethril Materies for Clan Boss - Support of Defense Tree?

I am not sure which one to go with here.  I see advantages to both:

1)  Support tree - extra accuracy from [pinpoint] and [charged focus], along with prolonged poisons with [master hexer] and faster speed with [arcane celerity] and [sniper] for increased chance of landing poisons.

2)  Defense tree - more chances to hit the boss with giant slayer and poisons (since Nethril's A1 is what applies poisons) thanks to [retribution] and [deterrence], as well as increased survivability with [delay death] [tough skin] and [rejuvenation].

I feel like it's a really tough call, but since Nethril's poisons are on his A1 and his A1 also means 3 hits with gs, I am REALLY leaning towards going defense tree with him.  I just feel that one has more to offer than support.  What do you guys think?
15 июль 2019, 00:1015.07.19

Definitely support.

In the Defense tree:

Deterrence will only add roughly 2-3 extra attacks for the entire fight,depending how long your line up is lasting. Every 3rd CB attack is a stun, He is likely going to start killing your team from the 20th turn point so he will use his stun attack 8-12 times and 20% of the time the ability will proc IF the stun isn't on Nethril himself.

Retribution is fairly good but doesn't really come into play until about the half way point when CB actually starts doing enough damage to register.

In the Support tree:

Charged Focus is always up on Nethril since you won't be using any of his CD abilities, so that frees up some space for more Speed or HP for durability.

Arcane Celerity is pretty huge on Nethril too since he is placing A LOT of poison debuffs. You can pretty much count this as a flat 10% speed buff.

4th tier is mostly a waste for Nethril. You can make use of Lore of Steel if you're going for Speed and Acc sets but the meta for end game leans towards Lifesteal so depending on your artifact choices and your team line up will determine what you spend points on here. You may like Evil Eye if you use him for Dungeons or Arena.

And finally Sniper and Master Hexer, You can basically count these as roughly 10% extra poison damage each, which is pretty huge for Nethril.

15 июль 2019, 01:2815.07.19
GoodGuyGlen said:

Definitely support.

In the Defense tree:

Deterrence will only add roughly 2-3 extra attacks for the entire fight,depending how long your line up is lasting. Every 3rd CB attack is a stun, He is likely going to start killing your team from the 20th turn point so he will use his stun attack 8-12 times and 20% of the time the ability will proc IF the stun isn't on Nethril himself.

Retribution is fairly good but doesn't really come into play until about the half way point when CB actually starts doing enough damage to register.

In the Support tree:

Charged Focus is always up on Nethril since you won't be using any of his CD abilities, so that frees up some space for more Speed or HP for durability.

Arcane Celerity is pretty huge on Nethril too since he is placing A LOT of poison debuffs. You can pretty much count this as a flat 10% speed buff.

4th tier is mostly a waste for Nethril. You can make use of Lore of Steel if you're going for Speed and Acc sets but the meta for end game leans towards Lifesteal so depending on your artifact choices and your team line up will determine what you spend points on here. You may like Evil Eye if you use him for Dungeons or Arena.

And finally Sniper and Master Hexer, You can basically count these as roughly 10% extra poison damage each, which is pretty huge for Nethril.

Great, thanks for the info.  I really appreciate it.