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Leveling Event - Towering Titan - Math Calculation - Confirmed!

Leveling Event - Towering Titan - Math Calculation - Confirmed!

14 июль 2019, 17:3614.07.19

Leveling Event - Towering Titan - Math Calculation - Confirmed!

I finished the Leveling Event using my Requirements + Math Calculation’s.

My Requirements + Calculations can be found in the below Forum thread Page 2.


It cost me 30$ to finish the event which is what I anticipated!

I did everything I said and I was successful!

Thus, I am here to confirm my results! 👍

14 июль 2019, 18:3514.07.19
14 июль 2019, 18:40(отредактировано)

How many mystery shards did you have saved up? How many did you get per day? I had spent mine in the prior summoning events, as I didn't have many other shards to open and gain points. Hence this option would not have been feasible for me with literally 0 m. shards. 

Second question: how many champion slots did you have available for this? I generally am full with 100 + 140 vault... Clearing a few slots, summoning, running campaign, fusing rinse repeat all the time for 10 slots a time isn't a great experience ^^

Cool that it worked out for you though

14 июль 2019, 21:0814.07.19

i did this event with around 1000 safed up jewels (energy and exp boost)

didnt have to spend anything on this event. usually the shards you farm are enough. so i did level up 1 stars, into 2 stars, 3 stars and so on.

on an average day i made like 2k points with this. on somedays when i got to make 4 or 5 stars even 3500

14 июль 2019, 21:3114.07.19
Player J said:

I finished the Leveling Event using my Requirements + Math Calculation’s.

My Requirements + Calculations can be found in the below Forum thread Page 2.


It cost me 30$ to finish the event which is what I anticipated!

I did everything I said and I was successful!

Thus, I am here to confirm my results! 👍

Cool story bro.  I bought a game a while back called Dark Souls 3.  Bought it for $5 online.  Better graphics, more engaging, challenging gameplay.  But yea, $30 on an app for one single event.  Good move bro
14 июль 2019, 23:3814.07.19
14 июль 2019, 23:56(отредактировано)

MadCo0kie said:

How many mystery shards did you have saved up? How many did you get per day? I had spent mine in the prior summoning events, as I didn't have many other shards to open and gain points. Hence this option would not have been feasible for me with literally 0 m. shards. 

Second question: how many champion slots did you have available for this? I generally am full with 100 + 140 vault... Clearing a few slots, summoning, running campaign, fusing rinse repeat all the time for 10 slots a time isn't a great experience ^^

Cool that it worked out for you though

First question:

I burned thru all my green Shards.

I ran out mid-way.

I had to buy hero’s from the market.

I needed to max level 150 - 1 Star hero’s per day.

However, Green Shards sometimes drop green or rare hero’s.

I needed an few extra 100 Green Shards to account for green or blue drops.

Second question:

All I did was level 1 Star hero’s all event long.

Than I ranked up the hero’s to 2 Star.

Than I used the 2 Star hero’s as food/experience to tavern level up 3 star hero’s I got from Drops.

My Champion Slots are 100 + 140 vault.

I didn’t use any vault hero’s.

I had over 10mil Silver from all the leveling runs.

I could open more vault slots if I wanted to but never had a problem.

14 июль 2019, 23:4914.07.19
14 июль 2019, 23:51(отредактировано)

WenSon said:

i did this event with around 1000 safed up jewels (energy and exp boost)

didnt have to spend anything on this event. usually the shards you farm are enough. so i did level up 1 stars, into 2 stars, 3 stars and so on.

on an average day i made like 2k points with this. on somedays when i got to make 4 or 5 stars even 3500

I calculated how much a person would need with no Gems.

They needed around 1,600 jewels in total.

160 jewels per day for 10 days.

250 jewels would come from Daily missions

150 jewels would come from Crystal mines +3

200 jewels would come from Miscellaneous Event rewards, Arena rewards, or Clan Boss rewards 

1,000 jewels would come from Purchase or Saved up on there account.

In my case, I had to purchase the 1k which came out to be 30$.

In your case, you had it saved up from previously.
15 июль 2019, 00:0615.07.19

I finished the event yesterday. I bought raid pass + gem for refill. Total i spent 20$. 10$ for raid pass and 10$ for buy gem. I'm little bit lucky i got special offerings 2 days ago. 10$ for 7 ancient shard + 850 gem. 

My leveling up strategy is likes this :

- Use Xp brew + 3 1 star champion to leveling 1 star champion to max. 

- Before used 2-5 star hero as a food i leveling them first. Why ? because you got a huge-jump leveling up on earlier level. Winning 1 stage on brutal 12-6 will bring your champion from level 1 to level 7. That means you got 18 point for 8 energy. If your champion level 3-5 you just need to multiplier the amount. 

- How long i play every days ? probably 6 hours+.

But i can say this has no fun at all. Next times they make same event likes this i'm gonna skipped it.   

15 июль 2019, 01:3015.07.19
Elviraz said:

I finished the event yesterday. I bought raid pass + gem for refill. Total i spent 20$. 10$ for raid pass and 10$ for buy gem. I'm little bit lucky i got special offerings 2 days ago. 10$ for 7 ancient shard + 850 gem. 

My leveling up strategy is likes this :

- Use Xp brew + 3 1 star champion to leveling 1 star champion to max. 

- Before used 2-5 star hero as a food i leveling them first. Why ? because you got a huge-jump leveling up on earlier level. Winning 1 stage on brutal 12-6 will bring your champion from level 1 to level 7. That means you got 18 point for 8 energy. If your champion level 3-5 you just need to multiplier the amount. 

- How long i play every days ? probably 6 hours+.

But i can say this has no fun at all. Next times they make same event likes this i'm gonna skipped it.   

Agree 100% on skipping it next time.  WAY too time-consuming for all this.  Not worth it imo.
15 июль 2019, 06:4215.07.19

Im baffled as to how much people pay(and this is nothing compared to some), for an event no less , events which should be fun right? At least thats why I play a game. To each their own lol.

Its no wonder the mobile market is such good business when its so easy taking advantage of (foolish/unfortunate addicts)people.

Look at all the "deals" they throw at you the last 2 days...if you fell for it, well good for Plariums pockets i guess.

15 июль 2019, 20:3615.07.19

Nyssa8 said:

Im baffled as to how much people pay(and this is nothing compared to some), for an event no less , events which should be fun right? At least thats why I play a game. To each their own lol.

Its no wonder the mobile market is such good business when its so easy taking advantage of (foolish/unfortunate addicts)people.

Look at all the "deals" they throw at you the last 2 days...if you fell for it, well good for Plariums pockets i guess.

It’s not your money.

You shouldn’t worry about what others do with there money.