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Update on Loading Crashes?

Update on Loading Crashes?

13 июль 2019, 17:5413.07.19

Update on Loading Crashes?

Hi there, I've already asked on discord but have a feeling I'm not going to get a reply on there so thought Id ask here too.

If this needs to be moved to "Technical Issues" I completely understand why but seeing how quite a few posts there dont even have any replies you can see why I wanted to post here instead.

Any chance we could get an update on whats happening with the loading screen crashes?

We were originally told we weren't getting any compensation until after the issue had actually been solved so multiple comps weren't being offered. Now we've supposedly recieved compensation for it yet the issue still persists? 

This isn't a complaint or me wanting to get any more compensation or anything of the sort, just wanting to know more information about what the situation is.

Is there anything we can personally do with our own settings/devices to reduce how often they occur? Im on android and have updated to the most recent version available. In fact, I think 1.8.1 actually made this happen more often for me.

Most crashes tend to happen when "warm up actor shaders" is being shown but have seen it at multiple times including "loading screen 'Forge' resulting scene".

Like I said just wanting any sort of update, even just a simple:

 "We're sorry that these problems are still occurring, our team are working on trying to reslove the issues." 

Thanks :)

23 авг. 2019, 17:5923.08.19

О боже, я думал, что такой один, ребята, сделайте что нибудь уже наконец с этими вылетами с загрузкой warm up actor shaders. Это невыносимо, я уже потерял очень много энергии, чуть не проиграл турнир и вообще это несёт очень плохой опыт игры для меня, занижаю вам оценку в app store, до момента, пока ситуация не исправится.

iphone 6, ios 12.4