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Who to 6-star first?

Who to 6-star first?

6 июль 2019, 22:3606.07.19

Who to 6-star first?


I am currently thinking about ranking my first 6* and could need some help in deciding who to pick. I have the following maxed 5* lying around:

  1. Elhain - main carry as of now, currently used everywhere but I'd like to replace her at some point
  2. Kael - used for CB & dungeons
  3. Juliana - used for CB & dungeons
  4. Apothecary - currently not used due to bad gear
  5. Norog - used in arena & dungeons
  6. Tallia - used in arena from time to time, used in dungeons
  7. Tayrel - currently not used
  8. Sinesha - used in arena & spider
  9. Reinbeast - used in arena
  10. Spider - planned to use in dungeon
  11. Executioner - currently not used
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

6 июль 2019, 22:5306.07.19

Can u do 12.6 on brut? Juliana and tayrel are super for CB, but at your stage focus on farming 12.6 on brut to get more champions to lvl 60. 

Do rainbeast or sinesha first and don't waste resources lvling up rares except for Apoth who is still the best rare in the game, but at this stage you still don't need him. 

Your main focus lvl up 5 to 60 then hit dangeouns for masteries to help you with CB for free stream of rewards. 

6 июль 2019, 23:1206.07.19
6 июль 2019, 23:13(отредактировано)
I am generally running brut 12.3, with occasional defeats due to 2 bombs. 12.6 still a little too hard, might need to replace elhain for that one