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Need help on Clan Boss Group for Nightmare?

Need help on Clan Boss Group for Nightmare?

27 июнь 2019, 19:0227.06.19

Need help on Clan Boss Group for Nightmare?

I am focused on working on my end-game clan boss group and need some feedback.  This is what I am considering so far:

1)  Nethril - Love his poisons, and with multiple hits, most likely will be great with Giant Slayer.

2)  Pain Keeper - Not only does her heal literally top off all my champions at once, but her cd reduction ability is just amazing imo.

3)  Aothar - Heard he is great because of those poisons.

Beyond those 3, I am at a toss up of these champions that I have so far:

a)  Kael - Poisons of course

b)  Kallia - Heard not a good choice for nightmare since HP Burn doesn't scale and so wastes a debuff slot, so prob not her?

c)  Hordin - Rating for him seems great for clan boss, though not 100% sure why?  Maybe because of his self speed boost?

d)  Royal Guard - Not sure why he is rated so high, but assuming it is because of [Takedown] and that it would scale great?

e)  Apothecary - Assuming his ranking is great for clan boss because of the speed boost?

f)  Hyria - Assuming her rating is high because of [Lead the Charge]?

g)  Athel - From what I heard, since weaken doesn't impact nightmare as much, she is probably not one of the better picks now?

h)  Marksman - Assuming the only way to make him truly viable for nightmare is to have a ton of accuracy for [Venom Arrow]?

But anyway, those seem to be my top picks so far.  Those first 3 seem like keepers, but need help with the other two.  Feedback would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks. :)

27 июнь 2019, 19:1527.06.19
If you have Nethril and Aothar, you don't need any more poison. You also need a counter on your team (Skullcrusher, Martyr, Valkyrie). 

Royal Guard is rated high for CB because his a1 has a chance to apply decrease defense debuff. He is mediocre.

Spd buff is necessary to output max damage. Frostbringer may be the worst spd buffer because she can place a useless heal reduction on with her a1 taking up a useful debuff spot. Apothecary is the easiest and probably second best spd buffer behind Lyssandra. 

27 июнь 2019, 20:1727.06.19

Thanks for the feedback.

And I checked on Discord too.  Got some useful feedback there.

Guy said for clan boss, best combo is:

1)  A healer (I prefer Pain Keeper over Thenasil for her cd reduction)

2)  A speed booster (Apothecary is my only option currently)

3)  A damage reducer (to keep you alive a lot longer).  I have Bogwalker in my roster to do that now.

4)  Nethril - poison/damage

5)  Aothar - poison/damage

So, I think I got it figured out now.  I didn't know how big of a difference a damage reduction champion like Bogwalker could keep you alive until someone explained it on there.  Makes complete sense.

I think that is about the best I can do with my group now.  Guess we will see what happens.  :)
27 июнь 2019, 20:2027.06.19
Only other question I'd have at this point is would it make sense to toss a poison set on either Nethril and/or Aothar, or are they most likely going to top off the max debuff limit on their own without it?
27 июнь 2019, 22:4627.06.19

You definitely do not need toxic set on either of them. I have a problem with maxing out on debuffs with Zavia and Juliana. Nethril and Aothar are better poison debuffs than them too. With the right team, Nethril will be sufficient in maxing out on debuffs, but its hard to find a counter and a Longbeard so 2 poisoners are good. 

This is my team:

Martyr offers increase defense buff (necessary to last long against cb), counterattack, and decrease attack debuff (also necessary to last long against cb)

Painkeeper offers cooldown reduction and party heal

Apo offers turn meter increase, spd buff, and a target heal

Zavia offers 3 hit a1 with poison, and poison a2

Juliana offers poison a2, hp burn a3, and chance to remove attack buff with a3
27 июнь 2019, 23:5227.06.19

Thanks again for the info.  Sadly, I do not have anyone that does increase defense, counter, and decrease attack.  Best I have in that regard is Bogwalker.

So for me, looks like currently, it comes down to:

1) Nethril - poison

2) Aothar - poison

3) Pain Keeper - healer

4) Bogwalker - decrease attack debuff

5) Apothecary - speed buff

I'm excited. :)  Little frustrating that I am getting funneled down to the only ones that are viable for it for now, but at least I have more options when it comes to my arena team.  Having more fun toying with various groups with that at this point.

Anyway, thanks again for the feedback.
28 июнь 2019, 09:3428.06.19
If you don't have counterattack speed aura could make a difference.
30 июнь 2019, 20:1630.06.19


40 Apothecary (speed buff, tm incr, heal)

40 Skullcrusher (counterattack)

60 Kallia (hp burn, warmaster)

60 Juliana (hp burn, psn, psn set, warmaster)

60 Gorgorab (att buff, tm incresse, healer)

Sadly i didnt up my skullcrusher though he was one of my first epics and i got apo very late, just recently so they both are @ lvl 40. Reaching around 5.5 - 6.2 mil per key with this team on brutal.

30 июнь 2019, 20:3430.06.19
mija85 said:


40 Apothecary (speed buff, tm incr, heal)

40 Skullcrusher (counterattack)

60 Kallia (hp burn, warmaster)

60 Juliana (hp burn, psn, psn set, warmaster)

60 Gorgorab (att buff, tm incresse, healer)

Sadly i didnt up my skullcrusher though he was one of my first epics and i got apo very late, just recently so they both are @ lvl 40. Reaching around 5.5 - 6.2 mil per key with this team on brutal.

You don't have anyone better than Kallia? HP burns don't stack so you're not getting much use out of Kallia or Juliana since they both offer HP burn. In other words, you can only have 1 HP burn applied on clan boss at a time. 
1 июль 2019, 15:5801.07.19

One of the really frustrating issues I am finding with Bogwalker is that since his decrease attack debuff only has a 50% chance (at max skill level), there are still times where he leaves my team vulnerable.  While his A2 only gives 30% increase def, since it is a guaranteed buff, I am thinking I should be popping that whenever it pops up too, right?  Originally I wasn't using A2 for the increased accuracy for the main (from mastery "charged focus"), but I am thinking that 30% def that is guaranteed is worth casting as well, right?

I just hate to have Bogwalker on my team and maxed out his skills when his damage is practically nothing, and his usefulness seems too RNG when it comes to decreasing the attack.  Maybe it's just because I am on hard boss, and on nightmare, the decrease attack is going to be much more substantial?  I don't know, I just don't like the fact that he is taking up a spot and it seems hit or miss as to whether he is going to keep me alive for a few more rounds of attacks or not
1 июль 2019, 16:4301.07.19
1 июль 2019, 16:49(отредактировано)

My team is still very new.

We don’t have anyone with a full team of 60 heroes.

We are not close to doing Nightmare.

Nevertheless, I did ask for advice on the Clan Boss.

I had several people who are in nightmare show screenshots + talk me threw some of the set ups.

The reason I gathered the information was to help my team fight vs. Clan Boss from Easy Mode - Hard Mode.

My team has members attacking those different ones.

The set up they told me to start off with in Easy Mode + Normal Mode is following:

1) Healer (Apothecary) my only healer vs. War Priest

2) Turn Meter Filler (Gorgorab)

3) Enemy Max HP (ColdHeart)

4) HP Burn (Wretch)

5) Poison  (Kael)

The set up they told me to start off with in Hard Mode is following:

1) Damage Reducer + Increase Defense (Seducer) is only person I have that can do the above.

2) Turn Meter Filler (Gorgorab)

3) Enemy Max HP (ColdHeart)

4) HP Burn (Wretch)

5) Poison (Kael)

The set up they told me to start off with in Hard Mode + Nightmare Mode is following:

1) Damage Reducer + Increase Defense

2) Turn Meter Filler

3) Debuff Duration Extender + Healer

4) HP Burn

5) Poison

Since, you peeps are in nightmare.

I felt like comparing my notes and seeing what other people think.

I have 2 questions:

1) Do you agree with the break down above that was given to me?

2) Have you tried a Debuffer Duration Extender in your CB team? A hero like WarLord or Flesh-Tearer

1 июль 2019, 17:0901.07.19

Player J said:

My team is still very new.

We don’t have anyone with a full team of 60 heroes.

We are not close to doing Nightmare.

Nevertheless, I did ask for advice on the Clan Boss.

I had several people who are in nightmare show screenshots + talk me threw some of the set ups.

The reason I gathered the information was to help my team fight vs. Clan Boss from Easy Mode - Hard Mode.

My team has members attacking those different ones.

The set up they told me to start off with in Easy Mode + Normal Mode is following:

1) Healer (Apothecary) my only healer vs. War Priest

2) Turn Meter Filler (Gorgorab)

3) Enemy Max HP (ColdHeart)

4) HP Burn (Wretch)

5) Poison  (Kael)

The set up they told me to start off with in Hard Mode is following:

1) Damage Reducer + Increase Defense (Seducer) is only person I have that can do the above.

2) Turn Meter Filler (Gorgorab)

3) Enemy Max HP (ColdHeart)

4) HP Burn (Wretch)

5) Poison (Kael)

The set up they told me to start off with in Hard Mode + Nightmare Mode is following:

1) Damage Reducer + Increase Defense

2) Turn Meter Filler

3) Debuff Duration Extender + Healer

4) HP Burn

5) Poison

Since, you peeps are in nightmare.

I felt like comparing my notes and seeing what other people think.

I have 2 questions:

1) Do you agree with the break down above that was given to me?

2) Have you tried a Debuffer Duration Extender in your CB team? A hero like WarLord or Flesh-Tearer

Most of that looks good, except whoever told you to go for HP Burn instead of a second poison dealer gave you bad advice. 

HP burn is not based on cb max HP.  It is good for easy and normal, but for hard and above, everyone has recommended to me to go with poisons since they are HP based.  Especially on brutal and nightmare, poison will do far more damage than HP burn.  Maybe they told you to go with HP Burn based on your current champions?  If you don't have a 2nd poison dealer (with the 5%, NOT 2.5 like Kael), the HP Burn might be your next best bet, at least until Nightmare.

Otherwise, looks like the same advice I got.  Ideally, you want someone who can fill multiple roles at once.  Being fairly new like me though, you will have to pick whoever can fill those roles for now. :P
1 июль 2019, 18:5401.07.19
1 июль 2019, 18:55(отредактировано)


People told me HP Burn does deal damage based on Max HP.

They said HP Burn was better than Poison which is why the game made a limit of only 1 HP Burn on the Boss at a time.

1 июль 2019, 23:5801.07.19

HP Burn is a flat 75k no more, no less.

5% poison does 50k on Brutal, so HP Burn does more over all damage on poison. 

My team, 

60 max tome Nethril, (GS) - A1 Poison spam

60 max tome Juliana (WM) A1/2/3 

60 Vrask ( WM ) with 90k HP

60 Septimus (WM) debuff turn increase (will proc passive with WM proc )

Then I rotate Peydma or Kael due to boredom 

And I consistently hit 11/12 Mil per key on Brutal
3 июль 2019, 19:5503.07.19

Tekstone said:

HP Burn is a flat 75k no more, no less.

5% poison does 50k on Brutal, so HP Burn does more over all damage on poison. 

My team, 

60 max tome Nethril, (GS) - A1 Poison spam

60 max tome Juliana (WM) A1/2/3 

60 Vrask ( WM ) with 90k HP

60 Septimus (WM) debuff turn increase (will proc passive with WM proc )

Then I rotate Peydma or Kael due to boredom 

And I consistently hit 11/12 Mil per key on Brutal

Yep, this is what I heard!

This is why I have HP Burn Hero vs. Poison Hero
15 окт. 2019, 07:2315.10.19

If you have WM/GS on your poisoners, you need only LifeSteal sets on them so you don't have to reserve place for healers (healers who don't have any other features - like Vrask. Good heal but nothing else).

You should focus on poisoners and as much defense/shield/etc as you can. Get ATK dn debuff.

Then speed, or counter atk, or champ like Hyria.

But this is just an oppinion.

Unfortunately after a certain point heal is useless (boss hits your team to death) but till that point, your dmg could heal you by lifesteal.

So def buff and atk debuff is more useful imho.

GL to get your best team.

15 окт. 2019, 08:1515.10.19


After a look at the champions you mentioned, I can see that the following champions are worth investing in for late game Clan Boss in my opinion:

Pain Keeper
Royal Guard

however, there are some key ingredients missing here, namely defence up for the team, and the atk down debuff for the clan boss so your team can survive longer

Let us know if you have any more questions regarding clan boss compositions, you can find me on the Offical raid discord also under the same name




15 окт. 2019, 10:0615.10.19

Asenda keep in mind there are other affinities as welll, so what works for void won't necessary work for others. You would need to make some speed tweaks on boots or swap heroes around. 

You also want to run with only one poison debuffer and not two, so you can apply other debuffs when needed especially at later stage about 9th min into the fight. Two poisoners will fill up the bar too quicklu for you. 

Weaken debuff is fantastic, so not sure why would you heared otherwise. 

You need a combination of heroes with following skils



Def down/weaken

attack down

Remove debuffs

Appoth and other turn meter buffers will mess up your fine tuned speed - so generally avoid it unless you have worked out an alternative strategy.