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What to do next - need advice plz

What to do next - need advice plz

22 июнь 2019, 08:4522.06.19

What to do next - need advice plz

Hi I’m at level 50, 3* brutal campaign, hitting hard cb 3m each key, and currently have three 6* champions: bellower, kael and apothecary.

Other champions I use are lvl50: Elhain, spirithost, thenasil, outlaw monk (cb).

Level 40 and 50 I don’t use anymore: executioner, anointed, hyria, heiress, wretch and gladiator.

I also have following unlevelled champions worth mentioning: karam, romero, husk, crypt witch, cagebreaker, vergis and bushi (I have been quite unlucky with my epic pulls).

I feel I’m at a crossroad: either lvl elhain and start farming masteries with bellower, kael, apothecary, elhain an thenasil so that I can start farming seriously dongeons and try harder cb or keep my food and continue lvl food while waiting for a better champion to add to my mino team.

What would you do in my position and why?

Thank you all in advance for your help.

23 июнь 2019, 01:4523.06.19
23 июнь 2019, 02:05(отредактировано)

To Easy!

  • Campaign Farmer - Bellower
  • Arena Team - SpiritHost - Kael - Apothecary - Bellower
  • Clan Boss Team - Apothecary - Thenasil - Kael - Husk - Wretch

What you need to do next is to level Husk & Wretch.

Once, you have the above 2 heroes leveled up.

You need to make a Minotaur Team of 4.

The 5th Slot Rotates so you can’t rely on that hero.

I say forget about Elhain.

It is to late for Elhain!

You have no place for Elhain on your above teams.

If you wanted to level Elhain, You should of done it a long time ago.

You are level 50.

You are shifting into a Middle-End Game.

White & Green are Obsolete.

Rares, Epics, & Legendary are your only focus now.

Rares will eventually be Obsolete for you.

You should only focus on Rare’s if they improve something in your team.

Husk & Wretch are good examples.

OutLaw Monk is great when your lvl 5, not lvl 50

  • Husk has Enemy Max HP
  • Wretch has HP Burn

23 июнь 2019, 15:0923.06.19

Player J thank you very much for such a comprehensive answer.

Update: I am currently leveling painkeeper (forgot to mention him before and reddit users convinced me to try her).

Elhain: I get it, goodbye!

Arena team and farmer: ok this is what I currently do.

CB team: I didn’t consider using Husk but I will definitely try him. As for Wretch I have used him but have been disappointed: Outlaw Monk at the same level 40 was doing more damage on a consistent basis. I don’t want to level him to 60 but I am not sure whether Wretch is better. I can try leveling Wretch to 50 to compare one more time, but I am not convinced so far.

I will also try Painkeeper vs Thenasil against CB, do you have an opinion on these two champions?

As for Minotaure, would you suggest a core team of Bellower, Kael, Apothecary, Thenasil (or Painkeeper?) and then cycling out the fifth? But then for the first mino team, who would you suggest? Husk?

Last question, would you suggest leveling up Husk, Wretch, Thenasil (or Painkeeper) up to 60 before starting to farm masteries? Or only to 50?