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Can't get Toragi to work

Can't get Toragi to work

3 окт. 2022, 21:3703.10.22

Can't get Toragi to work

Pulled Toragi a few days agao and was under the impression that he is a pretty strong character, especially for clan boss. However, when I swap him out for one of my poisoners (outlaw, assasin) my numbers go down. 

Without knowing anything else can anyone intuit what I may be doing wrong here? 

3 окт. 2022, 21:4103.10.22

So, could be a few things going on but my first inclination is he's simply lacking defense and HP. Toragi needs to have proper defensive stats to make ally protection work (otherwise he'll die to a stiff breeze) and accuracy to land attack down on the A1 and the poisons.

If he isn't level 60 yet, doesn't have masteries and isn't geared with HP/DEF in mind, he's not going to do too much for you. That said, he is one of the best non unkillable Clan Boss champs out there when built right.

Could you show your build and roster? Thanks.  

3 окт. 2022, 21:5803.10.22

I daresay a much bigger problem is going to be your team composition and, more importantly, your speed tuning. Generally when people say "if I swap x out for y, my team damage goes down", it's because their team isn't tuned.

But as thorne mentioned, post your roster/build and we can try to help.

3 окт. 2022, 22:1703.10.22

My acccount is new enough that showing you any 'build' is probably nonsense because there is a lot of hodgepodge gearing going on. lol 

But my Roster is UDK, Kayle, Assasin, Outlaw Monk and Apothecary. I am doing about 8M on Hard. 

I think what I am being told is, especially for a newer account that getting Toragi to 60 and maxing masteries plus better gear is well worth it. Maybe my next focus. I happened upon Miscreated Monster as well recently, not that he helps on Clan Boss but just in terms of my next sixty. 

3 окт. 2022, 22:2603.10.22

Hey grats on Toragi, he is a super frog!

Toragi is good because of the ally protect and that he starts to stack poisons onto the clan boss when the wave hits go out. I have him with Aox, which is good. He also has ATK down on his first attack. 

My advise is to put him in very high HP gear to get his HP super high, this will keep your team alive. With UDK (in full def set) your team will survive a lot at low levels without too much speed tweeting and things. Kael is a good addition then you should look at other champs you have to fill out the group. 

Might be worth to list few of your other champs. 

4 окт. 2022, 00:0404.10.22

Pretty new account. And I am drowning in Support or supportive style characters. Some good ones though for sure. 
