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Questions about Zavia

Questions about Zavia

3 апр. 2019, 19:2403.04.19

Questions about Zavia

Good day all, 

So I have Zavia for a while now, and she does have some sky high ratings as well as what seems to be the praise of every single Raid player i encountered. I have her at 6 stars fully ascended, but tbh I fail to see her shine anywhere except the clan boss. 

Am I doing something wrong here ? her damage seems to be fairly low, and she underperforms badly in the arena. 

Anyone has any advice ? 

Her gear is 2 attack sets and one critical rate set (gloves are Crit rate %, chest is attack %, and boots are speed)

thank you

4 апр. 2019, 16:5504.04.19

Looking at the champion.

She seems quite powerful.

The Aura Alone is kinda awesome, she's a valentines unit, that if you match her with her partner, she's probably ridiculous with that debuff spread.

Further, two of her abilities are his all enemies attacks, which is very nice, and poisons very often, which is generally a pretty awesome ability.

You put her on a poison team for high levle dungeons, or Clan BOss, and she just proccs all poisons for free, and applies her own poisons. 

Also her ability to prevent Resurrection is probably just a small bonus. 

Overall seems like a nice unit. Multi-hit for Fire Knight, AoE for Spider / PvP, a really nice damage aura, and good poison based skills making her excellent for high HP dungeon bosses or CB.

Just my surface at a glance thoughts of the champion.

20 сент. 2019, 09:2220.09.19
main issue i have with her: her 3rd is either capped or bugged against bosses, which is super annoying