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Question about monthly rewards

Question about monthly rewards

28 март 2019, 20:4528.03.19

Question about monthly rewards

Good Afternoon,

I'm reaching out due to a concern I have for the monthly rewards.

I started this game about two weeks ago. Middle of the month, I saw the game promoted by a youtuber I watch, and decided to give it a shot. However, now that I"m looking at my daily / weekly / monthly reward quests, I'm noticing there was absolutely no way for me to get the monthly reward if it restarts on the 1st, because I started at a bad time. Even though I got all the other monthly rewards, all that was left was getting the 30 daily rewards.

So, is the monthly reward reset on every calendar month? or is it a personal reward track? That sacred shard would be nice to have, and it'd be kinda a bummer if I had to start over on the 1st without a real chance to actually get the sacred shard.


Am I completely unable to get the sacred shard rewards for the monthly quest, because I started the game in the middle of the month?
28 март 2019, 23:0328.03.19
28 март 2019, 23:04(отредактировано)

daily and weekly are actually daily and weekly :)

monthly is personal :) 

Edit: when you look below the progresion bar, you see timer for daily and weekly
29 март 2019, 02:4429.03.19
У меня вопрос....скачал игру по ссылке ютубера "славный друже Обломов",за что обещали эпического героя....где этот герой?
29 март 2019, 12:1229.03.19
Hi! Yep, that's correct :) The monthly quest is personalized, is not tied to a timer. Good luck opening that Sacred Shard! 

darkcloud0300 said:

Good Afternoon,

I'm reaching out due to a concern I have for the monthly rewards.

I started this game about two weeks ago. Middle of the month, I saw the game promoted by a youtuber I watch, and decided to give it a shot. However, now that I"m looking at my daily / weekly / monthly reward quests, I'm noticing there was absolutely no way for me to get the monthly reward if it restarts on the 1st, because I started at a bad time. Even though I got all the other monthly rewards, all that was left was getting the 30 daily rewards.

So, is the monthly reward reset on every calendar month? or is it a personal reward track? That sacred shard would be nice to have, and it'd be kinda a bummer if I had to start over on the 1st without a real chance to actually get the sacred shard.


Am I completely unable to get the sacred shard rewards for the monthly quest, because I started the game in the middle of the month?

29 март 2019, 12:1729.03.19

Привет! Имелось ввиду, что вы получите эпического героя на седьмой день игры. Свой прогресс можно проверить в наградах новичка слева на экране.  Спасибо, что начали играть Надеемся, вам понравится.

Unknown_Ranger said:

У меня вопрос....скачал игру по ссылке ютубера "славный друже Обломов",за что обещали эпического героя....где этот герой?

29 март 2019, 13:2329.03.19

Well that is a sigh of relief. 

Thank you for the response.
25 авг. 2019, 07:5325.08.19

For some reason my monthly quest is stuck at day 18. My player id is um16615453 | 16363901