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Add auto skip feature

Add auto skip feature

22 март 2019, 19:2522.03.19

Add auto skip feature

Dont really wanna watch 2-3 minutes of fighting and load screens, kinda just wish i could click the screen and get a reward. I don't want to spend over an hour just using energy and rather prefer to spend as little time as possible watching and as much efficient time making progress and leveling up heroes. with the way the game slows you down significantly by forcing you to watch every single fight is kind of a waste of everyones time

22 март 2019, 19:3022.03.19

Looking for a dropdown box that says "how many times would you like to run this floor"  i type in or select 10 and after 2-3 secconds i spend 50 energy and get 10 generated rewards and then just be on my way with the rest of my day

Making people suffer and waste time isnt how you get away with stuffing loads of microtransactions down peoples throats, those should be for people that want to play the game more and not less
25 март 2019, 04:3725.03.19

Suggestion noted!

Might be added in the future but no promises ;)
25 март 2019, 07:2225.03.19

Zincro said:

Suggestion noted!

Might be added in the future but no promises ;)

Most games like that have such a feature, so please make it some more comfortable.

6 июль 2019, 09:0006.07.19

That's exactly the reason why I quit the game, to spend hours and hours a day watching the same fight in circle is 1st very boring and 2nd waste of my life time, so please add this feature and I will gladly return.

6 июль 2019, 14:0406.07.19

You see what shit they implemented, the most retarded ultra overhyped multibattle. Such a dumb design# every half brained down syndrome person could have come up with a better solution ...

 DarthNihilus said:

That's exactly the reason why I quit the game, to spend hours and hours a day watching the same fight in circle is 1st very boring and 2nd waste of my life time, so please add this feature and I will gladly return.


6 июль 2019, 15:3106.07.19

So basically you want a 'feature' added so you basically just click a button and get rewards... Why play the game if you just want things handed to you. The grind is part of the game, no one is forcing you to run any level or dungeon however many times. You can choose what you want to run, dont want to grind? dont, go run dungeons instead. 

Point is this 'feature' just takes away from the game. If you want to lvl food faster, build stronger champs. Theres a video on youtube of a guy using fellhound or something and running stage 12-X in 6 seconds. If thats too much time for you please move on to a different game, summoners war might have what you want.
6 июль 2019, 15:4406.07.19
6 июль 2019, 15:54(отредактировано)

Are you crazy?  I dont wanna be mean but do you know how long it takes for normal ppl to run 12-x? Let it be just 10-x or 11-x. Now think about getting a 500 energy pack or a 1.2k - 1.5k energy pack. Lets say it just takes 45 seconds per campaign run. 1200/8 x45= 6750 secs / 60 = 112.5 minutes. Thats about 2 hrs of pure staring at the same battle 150 times not factoring in the loading times.

I dont know what kind of person you are but i you like to watch the same fight hundreds or thousands of times, same outcome no variation - your life must be fucking boring if this is shat you call 'fun' or not at least a waste of your precious lifetime.

Now i didnt even mention about dungeons like spider or any lvl 15+ stage which easyly takes most people 5-10 mins PER RUN.

Lets just assume its ONLY 5 mins per 14 energy spend. Assusming you get over 400 energy from replenishing and refills, thats 50 mins per 140 energy. Do you really wanna tell me that you like staring at these fights for around 2.5 - 3 hours a day, knowing you will win anyway otherwise you wouldnt spend the energy in the first place. And this was just the example for your daylie dosis,  now think about someone buying a 1200 energy pack. 9 hrs of watching the same fight? REALLY?

plus you lose out on energy for this time cuz you are over the limit for 90% of the time, thus u dont replenish.

It takes nothing away from the game if you can insta skip them, theres enough to do anyway and other games have this sort of feature tooand somehow nobodys complaining about it.

So basically you want a 'feature' added so you basically just click a button and get rewards... Why play the game if you just want things handed to you. The grind is part of the game, no one is forcing you to run any level or dungeon however many times. You can choose what you want to run, dont want to grind? dont, go run dungeons instead. 

Point is this 'feature' just takes away from the game. If you want to lvl food faster, build stronger champs. Theres a video on youtube of a guy using fellhound or something and running stage 12-X in 6 seconds. If thats too much time for you please move on to a different game, summoners war might have what you want.

28 июль 2019, 17:1728.07.19
I started playing yesterday and I already think that we REALLY need this feature. At least 3 skips per stage per day (like in many other games). Having to "spend" (feels more like "waste", tho) a few mins to battle a battle I can still win in auto is boring and lame.
28 июль 2019, 19:0828.07.19

mija85 said:

 Such a dumb design# every half brained down syndrome person could have come up with a better solution ...

You forgot to add greedy and deceitful.

Then it would sounds more like plarium team

30 июль 2019, 09:3430.07.19

from a player's perspective that feature will remove so much of the fun of creating a ''speed'' farmer. which can take months if not longer.

a feature that cuts down funtime is not a productive one in my optinion

however you might say ''farming is cutting productive time'' exactly . the whole mechanics of the game relies on extending the time it takes to reach end game, otherwise whats the point of reaching end game in 2 days? it be boring and then id just move on to the next adventure. but this is different. theres walls and obstacles to overcome that can take very long.

which is part of the fun. but its hard to appreciate that fun when the prime focus these days is instant gratification, its a epidemic, and a struggle for all of us

i do know what u mean tho, ive played games which have that feature and its pretty conventient ;)

30 июль 2019, 21:1930.07.19

imagine. i have skullcrusher and bad el kazar. these 2 can duo stage 15 mino. i take 3 character and put in 3k energy. 1k-ish for every champ

boooom. instant OP.

now that i type this i want it, but im against instant gratification. xD
30 июль 2019, 23:2930.07.19
30 июль 2019, 23:32(отредактировано)

macropcsoft said:

So basically you want a 'feature' added so you basically just click a button and get rewards... Why play the game if you just want things handed to you. The grind 

is part of the game, no one is forcing you to run any level or dungeon however many times. You can choose what you want to run, dont want to grind? dont, go run dungeons instead. 

Point is this 'feature' just takes away from the game. If you want to lvl food faster, build stronger champs. Theres a video on youtube of a guy using fellhound or something and running stage 12-X in 6 seconds. If thats too much time for you please move on to a different game, summoners war might have what you want.

    We shouldn't have to watch the fng. campaign.  Same goes for most battles. Why do I need to watch the minotaur battlevonce I hit auto I have autoed 15 more months now should just be able to spend the energy get the scrolls and move on with my day.   Would at least make me not want to quit so much when I play lv 15 affinity dungeon and get a single xp brew as a reward

31 июль 2019, 02:4631.07.19
31 июль 2019, 02:46(отредактировано)

why watch a auto battle? use manual to interact. use auto to do something else :P

31 июль 2019, 03:5031.07.19

This won't ever happen.  Plarium is profiting too much off of it's auto-farm feature and making people pay with a subscription to get more auto-farms.  They won't do something that is going to hurt their bottom line (profit).

As far as the argument from someone about that being a part of the game, that is the problem is that 98% of the game is just grinding the same stage over and over and over again.  That's not fun, it's not interesting.  All players do is look for the way to do it while paying the least amount of attention to the game.

Me personally, I put my bluetooth on with the volume low and wait to hear the finale music for the stage so I know when to hit the repeat button.  It is certainly not a part of the game that 99% of their players enjoy or want, so yes, would be nice to be able to skip it.

And as far as the comment of it taking away from making a fast-farming champion that could take months to build up, those people's lives won't be upheaved anyway.  They already have fast clears.  It would certainly help player retention to make the game not quite so god-awfully boring and repetitive.  But again, I don't see them ever doing it, as it would hurt their profits.  Maybe a limited amount of them like they did with the auto-farm feature, but I'm sure if they were to implement an immediate farm feature, it would cost even more.
31 июль 2019, 18:2731.07.19
31 июль 2019, 18:32(отредактировано)

God said:

This won't ever happen.  Plarium is profiting too much off of it's auto-farm feature and making people pay with a subscription to get more auto-farms.  They won't do something that is going to hurt their bottom line (profit).

As far as the argument from someone about that being a part of the game, that is the problem is that 98% of the game is just grinding the same stage over and over and over again.  That's not fun, it's not interesting.  All players do is look for the way to do it while paying the least amount of attention to the game.

Me personally, I put my bluetooth on with the volume low and wait to hear the finale music for the stage so I know when to hit the repeat button.  It is certainly not a part of the game that 99% of their players enjoy or want, so yes, would be nice to be able to skip it.

And as far as the comment of it taking away from making a fast-farming champion that could take months to build up, those people's lives won't be upheaved anyway.  They already have fast clears.  It would certainly help player retention to make the game not quite so god-awfully boring and repetitive.  But again, I don't see them ever doing it, as it would hurt their profits.  Maybe a limited amount of them like they did with the auto-farm feature, but I'm sure if they were to implement an immediate farm feature, it would cost even more.

They could easily go with limited auto tries per stage per day - same as pretty much every other god damn rpg does - provide raid pass users with an increased max amount of tries as well as make tries purchasable via gems - problem solved, nothing changes on the profit front - likely it would even boost revenue due to more players burning through their energy faster.

If Increasing the cost of additional tries in a some-what exponential way, they basically implement a soft cap at how often it can be used. That way, even high spenders don't profit that much more than the average player
31 июль 2019, 21:2831.07.19

OpheliaA1 said:

from a player's perspective that feature will remove so much of the fun of creating a ''speed'' farmer. which can take months if not longer.

a feature that cuts down funtime is not a productive one in my optinion

however you might say ''farming is cutting productive time'' exactly . the whole mechanics of the game relies on extending the time it takes to reach end game, otherwise whats the point of reaching end game in 2 days? it be boring and then id just move on to the next adventure. but this is different. theres walls and obstacles to overcome that can take very long.

which is part of the fun. but its hard to appreciate that fun when the prime focus these days is instant gratification, its a epidemic, and a struggle for all of us

i do know what u mean tho, ive played games which have that feature and its pretty conventient ;)

I'm lvl 60, 14 legendaries. There is no fun in the grind doing autobattles after reaching certain lvl. 

The fun is in:

1. Pvp

2. Manual fights -  where your input ia needed to win

3. Upgrading, ascending, improving, playing with gear. 

You are right that for players at lower levels these fight are definitely fun, but once you reach certain level where u can always auto brutal the charm goes away. 

Solution to this is to make maps progressive, i.e.,

You start the map using 8 energy for a certain reward, then next round u can go higher 16 energy for 2x rewards for twice the difficulty, then 24 for 3x rewards and 3x more difficult. 

You could make it challenging for all players regardless of their level and make people prone on buying more energy for faster grinds. 
31 июль 2019, 22:2731.07.19
The quicker the game let's you run the quicker you get free energy. Not going to happen. Only way it'd happen would be for subscribers
1 авг. 2019, 00:4601.08.19
MadCo0kie said:

They could easily go with limited auto tries per stage per day - same as pretty much every other god damn rpg does - provide raid pass users with an increased max amount of tries as well as make tries purchasable via gems - problem solved, nothing changes on the profit front - likely it would even boost revenue due to more players burning through their energy faster.

If Increasing the cost of additional tries in a some-what exponential way, they basically implement a soft cap at how often it can be used. That way, even high spenders don't profit that much more than the average player
I completely hear you and agree with your suggestions.  There are other reasons I see them not wanting to do it as well though, so I would honestly be very surprised if they ever implemented such a feature.  I don't have time to delve into the other reasons now, but I do hope that I am wrong and you are right, because it would be nice to reduce some of the grind in this game.
2 авг. 2019, 18:0602.08.19
2 авг. 2019, 18:09(отредактировано)

Raze said:

The quicker the game let's you run the quicker you get free energy. Not going to happen. Only way it'd happen would be for subscribers

You mean the base energy regeneration? 

The refresh time doesn't change so once you have depleted your energy you need to wait for it to restore to a level that actually let's you do something which is 24min for brutal campaign and 30min+ for dungeon - if I have to wait that long, I'm most likely not playing in the meantime...

Also base regeneration is capped at 480 a day, you easily drop that amount anywhere within the game. I stay strong on my opinion that the easier/faster it is to deplete energy, the more lucrative it becomes to buy more. Why would I want to spend those 40 gems if I know that running e.g. spider dungeon will effectively cost me another 30min to 1h which could better be spent on something more meaningful

Games shouldn't force players to spend tons of their time within it, they should promote doing so freely. This system would encourage me a lot more than the one that's currently in.

But then again, that's my personal opinion which doesn't need to be shared by the majority.

4 март 2020, 02:3104.03.20
AscendantGod said:

This won't ever happen.  Plarium is profiting too much off of it's auto-farm feature and making people pay with a subscription to get more auto-farms.  They won't do something that is going to hurt their bottom line (profit).

As far as the argument from someone about that being a part of the game, that is the problem is that 98% of the game is just grinding the same stage over and over and over again.  That's not fun, it's not interesting.  All players do is look for the way to do it while paying the least amount of attention to the game.

Me personally, I put my bluetooth on with the volume low and wait to hear the finale music for the stage so I know when to hit the repeat button.  It is certainly not a part of the game that 99% of their players enjoy or want, so yes, would be nice to be able to skip it.

And as far as the comment of it taking away from making a fast-farming champion that could take months to build up, those people's lives won't be upheaved anyway.  They already have fast clears.  It would certainly help player retention to make the game not quite so god-awfully boring and repetitive.  But again, I don't see them ever doing it, as it would hurt their profits.  Maybe a limited amount of them like they did with the auto-farm feature, but I'm sure if they were to implement an immediate farm feature, it would cost even more.
If that's what you want, use Bluestacks for Replay button on a macro and be done with it...
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