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Rewards: events, daily, weekly

Rewards: events, daily, weekly

14 март 2019, 12:1614.03.19

Rewards: events, daily, weekly


Got a small suggestion that most likely will  be supported by the majority of the game players. 

After working hard to gain our rewards on the events, it would be great to be able to use them whenever we need them, without limitations of the events deadlines. 

Same goes for the daily, weekly and monthly rewards. It would be usefull, if all of the rewards go to the mail box, so the player would be able to activate experience boost and use saved energy at the same time. 

I get the dev. idea to encourage the player to spend more germs on buying exp boost or energy not to waist the rewards. But it a very disappointing practice, as the player should be able to enjoy the game at his own free time, not to be rushed by the multiple deadlines.
