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Feedback-Thoughts on Animations, Arena, Stability

Feedback-Thoughts on Animations, Arena, Stability

10 март 2019, 23:4910.03.19

Feedback-Thoughts on Animations, Arena, Stability

So, I have now been playing for all of...eh...maybe 4 days.  So remember that when you read where I'm coming from.  I don't have a long term understanding of this game, but I have given this game a chance to give me a first impression...and I have a # of thoughts.  Some good.  Some bad.  There is no ugly...except some of the Ogryn.

1) I love.  LOVE.  L O V E, this game's graphics.  It is among the best I've ever seen.  However, the animations are lack luster.  It's like stop motion animation, even on x1 speed.  The legs of characters look silly as they run back and forth so fast.  Perhaps the animations could be smoothed out a bit (?).

2) The Arena is not fun.  It's the place I should be having the most fun in, but it seems completely unbalanced and each match only runs for around 2 turns (for each character).  At that pace, skill cooldowns don't even matter.  Arena at the level I'm at (4* level 40, bronze tier 3 and below is ruled by AOE damage.  That's it.  And there's little/no way to tell how powerful your opponent is, because the rating values don't mean much.  You have to know the characters (which I don't, unless you're talking about the same 6 characters that are in every friggin' team in the Arena).  I think damage is a bit too high in the lower levels, because matches are not fun.  You pretty much know if you are going to win or lose within the first 3 attacks (which are always AOE).

3) This game freezes up too often.  Sometimes, every 10-20 minutes...other times, it doesn't hang up throughout the day.  But, when it does, I have to force close and restart.  I never had a game have problems like this before.  I have a Pixel 2, so I have the power to run the game.  And it's not overheating, the phone is running relatively cool.

4) What about adding a way for a team to auto play a campaign/dungeon level over and over, so we don't have to babysit the phone constantly.  This game is all about grinding, so any improvement to allow us a little more freedom would be welcome.  Perhaps if we've mastered a level, let us auto run it 5x, 10x, or unlimited, etc.  Maybe give out tickets for certain # of runs.  I don't know.

I look forward to seeing improvements and new features.  And new heroes!

11 март 2019, 01:1911.03.19

Was going to write one of these myself, but you prety much summed up my thoughts. Just want to add a few:

1. Training pit is a useless structure. Maybe it feels so because my xp boost is still on, but to get 10 levels for a whole day, which takes me less than 10 fights, is laughable. Definitely should rework that.

2. The arena medal system is really badly designed. So when I hit silver, I stop getting bronze medals which I need to up my great hall before I even think of using silver ones which I am now getting. Now I understand why people use lvl 1 hero defense. They have to drop rank to be able to play. It's ridiculous.

11 март 2019, 09:4311.03.19
laza992 said:

2. The arena medal system is really badly designed. So when I hit silver, I stop getting bronze medals which I need to up my great hall before I even think of using silver ones which I am now getting. Now I understand why people use lvl 1 hero defense. They have to drop rank to be able to play. It's ridiculous.

Why do you write before you tested anything? You can upgrade your bronze perks with silver or gold medals so your point is invalid.