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New server

New server

1 фев. 2019, 09:1301.02.19

New server

Are you planning to open new server ? 
1 фев. 2019, 20:4701.02.19
Hello and welcome to the forum! Not at the moment, no. There might be new segments later on if it makes it easier for new players to be handled from the technical point of view, but I do not have a solid yes/no answer to that just yet.
1 фев. 2019, 21:5001.02.19
8 авг. 2019, 13:49(отредактировано)
The game looks promising but it's hard to spent money on the game when you are far behind soft launch players (arena,  clans).. 
2 фев. 2019, 03:4302.02.19

Yeah, now that some people got 30! void shards for free and 6000 gems (like 66+ blue shards) and some people have been playing for 3 months... im waiting for a new server before spending any more real $$

it would be nice to know when this can be anticipated to happen

i want to start fresh with a bunch of people at the same time!
3 фев. 2019, 23:5103.02.19
Мариус, а как будут выглядеть сервера на релизе: по регионам или общие глобал сервера?
4 фев. 2019, 11:2104.02.19
animehowdy said:

Мариус, а как будут выглядеть сервера на релизе: по регионам или общие глобал сервера?
Пока что сложно сказать! Вероятно, по регионам, но это только мои догадки.
6 фев. 2019, 09:0006.02.19
Marius said:

Hello and welcome to the forum! Not at the moment, no. There might be new segments later on if it makes it easier for new players to be handled from the technical point of view, but I do not have a solid yes/no answer to that just yet.
Hello! I played another game a while ago, that had new servers open from time to time. Making it easier for new players to compete. Might be worth considering. A new player at release will never be able to rise to the top. It will be unrealistic.
8 фев. 2019, 15:0908.02.19
Games with new servers are just a waste of money in my opinion for old servers turning dead so fast...
12 фев. 2019, 09:2312.02.19
I also wait for a new Server. Sadly just find that nice game to late. Don't wanna spend money before.... no way to compete :(
15 фев. 2019, 22:0315.02.19
16 фев. 2019, 05:27(отредактировано)

I just started 4 days ago. I oppose the idea of adding a new server. This is not the kind of game for that. No turn based collectors game have separate servers. It's not an open world. People will leave every time a new server is created so you are left with barely anyone around. It happens alot in mobile games. What ends up happening you have complicated server merges, you'd merge with the server who are older anyway or be stuck in an empty boring server. 

A better solution would be to create a shard within the server for the pvp Arena board so people who started playing  on the same week are grouped together. I will support this game if it remains the way it is. The biggest, longest running games on Google play do not open new server and therfore they have the healthiest community. They keep everyone together. Even on PC games.
16 фев. 2019, 06:4516.02.19
Its still a beta game and I think they really should turn on a new server when the game launches. To many things changed over time.
16 фев. 2019, 12:5916.02.19

I played another Plarium game (Vikings) and personally hope they take time launching new servers.  From my personal experience, they launched a brand new kingdom nearly everyday.  When there was absolutely no migration. I started in Kingdom 10 and quit when they were in the 300's. Same clans, every day with no new experience.   Surrounded by warrior mentalities stuck in a Farmville environment.  When you have to set up fake accounts just to hit to score points for kill events, that's just wrong. If this game doesn't offer some kind of migration option in the design upfront,  I'm definitely out! I'm not spending a dime until I find out.    

13 март 2019, 14:1913.03.19
13 март 2019, 14:26(отредактировано)
1 минута

Any news on this? Currently the only server up is Production1 and I am waiting for a new server to open too. I do not want to spend money on an old server where thousands of people are lightyears ahead.

My friends and I would really like to play the game, but we are looking more for a fresh start. But ultimately its the decision of Plarium, would just like to know if something is planned now so that we know where to head. The original answer was, after all, 1.5 months ago.
20 май 2019, 10:0420.05.19
legendde said:

Any news on this? Currently the only server up is Production1 and I am waiting for a new server to open too. I do not want to spend money on an old server where thousands of people are lightyears ahead.

My friends and I would really like to play the game, but we are looking more for a fresh start. But ultimately its the decision of Plarium, would just like to know if something is planned now so that we know where to head. The original answer was, after all, 1.5 months ago.
Any update on new server plans?
26 июнь 2019, 15:5826.06.19
Any new servers opening up???
26 июнь 2019, 15:5926.06.19
Any new servers opening up?  I’m not playing in a server where people have tons of pre advantage 
26 июнь 2019, 18:0726.06.19
Geez you guys will completely destroy the game with this stupid new server idea. You cant be 'light years ahead' here ... with the huge rng and hero dependancy its a matter of how lucky you are with getting the right heroes and even blue heroes are at times better than epics or legs.
27 июнь 2019, 12:3527.06.19

Hello all! Opening a new server is not in our plans. Our analysts, game designers and the guys from the support team collect the data about the state of things in the game all the time, analyze this and see to it that the balance is maintained in all areas at all times. If we see some deviations, we take measures right away. it is always best to just look for your own strategies of developing champions, making them stronger and more competitive against opponents. You are welcome to also join our Discord community: https://discordapp.com/invite/mYKC5J6 You will find a lot of advice and useful tips from other players and moderators on the best ways of upgrading your team of champions.

1 окт. 2019, 07:1501.10.19
What about arena challenges? Now it takes a lot of time for a new player to compete in the silver league, and you can't progress in personal missions without the arena..