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Drop Rates for Sir Nicholas fusion

Drop Rates for Sir Nicholas fusion

21 янв. 2019, 23:4021.01.19

Drop Rates for Sir Nicholas fusion

So I have been farming 12-6 for quite some time, and as a result have collected many ‘diabolist’ characters.  I’ve noticed that since the fusion event I’ve had not a single one drop even though I farm 12-6 Brutal explicitly for the high xps.  Just for context I have 2 that are at 5* and 1 that is at 4*...I say this because I used to get so many I use them as my easy 3 star upgrade characters.  The fact that I haven’t had a single one drop since the event start is highly ‘coincidental’.  Not to mention that I’ve also tried farming a bunch of the others and have not received any either.  I use up all my energy every day, including the arena and the daily quest energy, so I am a very regular player.  Anyone else notice the same? 
22 янв. 2019, 17:2622.01.19

I got diabolist on literally my first try.

But it took me 600 energy to get 1 Heiress...

When I was skilling up my Exe, I also got 1 on the first day and 5 on the second day...

RNG dude, it happens

27 янв. 2019, 09:3227.01.19
28 янв. 2019, 16:21(отредактировано)

Well it's definitely not RNG. Drop rate changed from my personal experience since fusion stuff happened to us. Berserkers and Warmaidens were raining when I used to lvl food using node 9. Recently it took me about 2k energy to get 1 warmaiden. Same with exe and diabolist lady. 

Started second account to test some possible farmable parties (maxed skills) . Smth like Spirithost/Exe/Diabolist Warmaiden or some other compositions. And there's nothing compared to drop rates before that fusion. No fun just stupid pointless grinding with no result. And maxed skilled farmable party is just a fantasy now.

If we skip all that fusion thing farmable rares are (or atm were) incredibly useful to prepare food. U get 3 lvl 30 3* Champs and while lvling u also get some rares to rank upgrade. Now it's just another stupid process "get a shit loads of 2* => 3* them etc." Boring no fun but with fusion now. 
28 янв. 2019, 16:2628.01.19
The drop rates have not been touched, no. But people do tend to pay much more attention to specific Champions dropping from Campaign Battles when you need them. I farm Stage 12-6 myself quite a lot, and haven't noticed any great abundance of Diabolist in rewards - apart from one case a month or so back when I had three drop on fairly quick succession after not seeing her for ages, but that's just RNG.
5 фев. 2019, 13:3305.02.19

Marius said:

The drop rates have not been touched, no. But people do tend to pay much more attention to specific Champions dropping from Campaign Battles when you need them. I farm Stage 12-6 myself quite a lot, and haven't noticed any great abundance of Diabolist in rewards - apart from one case a month or so back when I had three drop on fairly quick succession after not seeing her for ages, but that's just RNG.

While I can appreciate RNG and all of its woes and wonders, I do agree that while Relic Keeper was, for me, a simple trial in patience, Old Saint Nick has been, and still very much is, proving to be quite the ordeal. I was coming here to inquire about drop rates, actually, because quite frankly, I have been farming almost exclusively for Warmaiden, Spirit Host and Diabolist for as long as his fusion became available and have yet to drop them. I mean. Wow. Meanwhile, I've dropped the other 3S champions 2-3 times each, on each stage... 

But I'll chalk it up to bad luck, bad karma, and even worse mojo.

25 фев. 2019, 00:5125.02.19
Are the drop rates for champions affected by difficulty ? are we more prone to land a rare if we play Brutal instead of Hard ? 
25 фев. 2019, 15:0025.02.19
Chaybani said:

Are the drop rates for champions affected by difficulty ? are we more prone to land a rare if we play Brutal instead of Hard ? 
Yep, drop rates are affected quite significantly! Brutal is your best bet. 
4 март 2019, 19:2604.03.19
Why they change sir nicholas earlyer. I finished all fusion Charakters at 8 a clock pm in 04.03.  They write its posible To make the fusion To 04.03. But they change At 4 a clock pm
5 март 2019, 00:4305.03.19

Hey Swayt!

"Due to a number of technical difficulties that we have faced in the past couple of days and in appreciation of your patience, we are going to give everyone a few extra days to fuse Sir Nicholas. He will remain available until 23:59 UTC, March 3rd."

Quoted from Marius

Hope this answers your question! Cheers!

5 март 2019, 01:0005.03.19
Heya Alpha. I appreciate you sharing that quote, but I do want to point out that up until today, the time frame to fuse Sir Nic was showing until 4/3. This motivated me to pump a bunch of time, and influenced me to buy another pack. I have only been playing for a few weeks, and so I wasn't even going to try for Nic until the extension came out. I don't see why one has to go away for the other to be added. And believe me when I say, this kind of missinformation is a sure fire way to guarantee I will never open my wallet to a company again.
5 март 2019, 09:5405.03.19
Была такая же проблема с дьяволицей. Фармил 12.6 две недели, всю енергию туда сливал, больше 4к, выбил 15 редких собак, и ни одной дьяволицы.  После просто качал корм на 12.6, и в течении 2 дней выбил их 3 штуки. Как то очень странно персонажи падают, как только слияние, те которые нужны, резко прекращают падать, и начинают падать другие редкие с той же локации. Сейчас та же ситуация с ящером с 10 локации, падает вторая ящерица, нужная не падает.  Можно только восхитится тому, как программистам удалось воплотить закон подлости в программном виде. 
5 март 2019, 10:4605.03.19

Alphahelix please understand that the problem is, that nearly no one is watching into the forum and the game said 4th March...... 

It's not hard to understand why so many people feel scammed. 

18 май 2019, 10:0018.05.19
Iv been farming spirithost for almost 2 months, with roughly one minute ten run times. This is ridiculous, im the first one to write off self entitled power creeping snowflakes, but relic keeper is a fusion hero. Maybe summoners war spoiled me, but after this experience, running for shost for weeks, i could easily go back to SW and not look back knowing the grind isnt as insane (i wont quote the definition of insanity since its too obvious.) Please look at my accounts back end numbers on the grind because this is a real problem. Iv never posted on a game forum in my life, and i really enjoy Raid. My suggestion is after 1k runs, give us the option to buy the rare we want from the farmed location for 100 gems. I feel it's fair and imho and as a mathmatician, this implimentation shouldnt hurt your bottum line. Or just please send me a spirithost. If i dont have one by the 21st ill be uninstalling. Not a threat, i just have more self respect than this.
1 июнь 2019, 03:2101.06.19
1 июнь 2019, 03:26(отредактировано)

500 runs on Brutal (stage 6) looking for Spirithost. 

5 Graybeards (1%). Dozens of MKs and Rangers. Zero Spirithost drops  apparently the loot table has this character less than a .2% chance of dropping. Perhaps the table is good, but where this hero drops is not reported correctly? Perhaps durham forest is wrong campaign area?

I can think of no better way than to create fatigue than when there appears little hope of a toon dropping to make progress. 

16 июль 2019, 22:5916.07.19
16 июль 2019, 23:10(отредактировано)

Ya, something is wrong here. After burning over 2000 energy on 9-6 today, I have yet to receive a Warmaiden or even a berserker.   I HAVE received the common “Outrider” and ONLY outrider a total of 13 times. Plenty of shards (104), and selling the boots on every run has netted me over 3 million silver.  I had trouble getting heiress but it was only about 700 energy.  Diabolist dropped on my first run through 12 on brutal. I now have 4 spirithosts. I got executioner quickly and all I now need is warmaiden. It’s like the game knows what I’m doing. OR Plarium did something due to the fusion event (that I have no interest in)

According to the YouTube video explaining drop rates, the drop rate for a 3 star hero is 2.4%. I should have 9 or more berserkers/warmaidens by now. I call shenanigans
27 июль 2019, 10:4327.07.19
hi all, i've been farming chapter 9 and 4 on hard to get spirithost and warmaiden. I spent over 2k energy on 2 accounts and got like 4 berserkers and 5 greybeards. I know that on hard difficulty the drop rates are lower than brutal but statisticly if there are 2 rare champs available on a chapter it should be a 50% 50% drop with some deficit, depends on rng ok. but this is not rng! once you have unlocked a champ it starts trowing it to you over and over and the other one never show, i don't need relickeeper for the champ i need it for the objective. this is ridiculus. plarium do something about this we are all freaking out about this
30 июль 2019, 13:1530.07.19

hello op

just like Marius said: ''But people do tend to pay much more attention to specific Champions dropping from Campaign Battles when you need them''

when i farm and dont pay attention i end up with so many drops, but when i want to actually get that champion i start counting the runs and get stressed out and then i have to run outside to get some energy drink to keep up with the stress levels

tl;dr rng and psychology

4 сент. 2019, 22:3804.09.19

Marius said:

The drop rates have not been touched, no. But people do tend to pay much more attention to specific Champions dropping from Campaign Battles when you need them. I farm Stage 12-6 myself quite a lot, and haven't noticed any great abundance of Diabolist in rewards - apart from one case a month or so back when I had three drop on fairly quick succession after not seeing her for ages, but that's just RNG.

I see a lot of post answered this way. Excuse me for being sceptical but your job in the end is to answer this way whether it is true or false as you have to polish the company image and protect it from its own too...

So I will go straight to the point... Is it possible to have an official droplist and drop rate of main items ig per campain/dungeon?

7 дек. 2019, 16:2507.12.19

I notice the same after spending  4k without drop i stop farming them till this sht event was over ivan i cencel my new acount and start to play my old one ;(

19 март 2020, 02:2419.03.20
Im not asking for a Pony at Christmas - Just a few 3 star drops so I can progress after many hours of playing......
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