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Mine vs sparring pit

Mine vs sparring pit

20 сент. 2018, 00:0220.09.18

Mine vs sparring pit

The topic of mine returns has come up a few times in chat so thought I'd open a discussion into the mine vs sparring pit.

Each level of the mine costs 500 gems for a total of 1500 and takes 100 days to return a profit. The general feeling seems to be that those in the game for the long haul should choose this option first but I am not so sure.

It also costs 1500 gems to unlock all base level sparring pit slots. Base level slots return 2k xp/hr for a total of 10k xp/hour if all 5 are unlocked.

That equates up to 240k xp/day from the sparring pit (assuming your upgrading champ levels each time they are eligible to upgrade).

Over the 100 days of a mine paying itself off, the sparring pit would generate up to 24 million extra xp points that I can use to upgrade food.

I've heard of people getting up to 7k per run (4 energy per run) on some instances which if my math isn't completely messed up means a fully unlocked sparring pit first could save almost 14,000 energy (more if you can't manage 7k xp/run).

Am I thinking this through correctly or have I missed something. Interested in all opinions.
25 сент. 2018, 01:3425.09.18

I think it is a great discussion.

Ultimately the 900 gems for a pack of shards seems to offer the best value.

I have mine 2/3 and half sparring pits.  I think ill get mine 3/3 and then all L1 sparring pits ans then buy 900 gem blue shard packs after that.

I have been sticking L25 heroes into sparring pit because heroes dont auto level in there and this way I click once or twice a day.

My view :

Short term sparring pit best bang for buck especially if you are time poor and are disiplined to be online to click the level ups.  Also a good option if you only play a game for a month or 3 months max.

Long term : after 365 days your 1500 gems paid for themselves and then made you another 3975 gems.  With this you could of upgraded all sparring pit slots for free to L1 and bought 3x 900 gem packs also for free.

If you have the time to play and are looking to play long term then this option feels superior.  Downside is you will need to work harder levelling up when comparing vs someone who levelled up sparring pit first.

29 сент. 2018, 15:5429.09.18
Thanks for your opinion PrimeTime, after reading your last comments I'm inclined to agree, over a long enough timeline, if you have time, it might be slower initially but would be more accelerated growth in the long run.
13 авг. 2019, 22:3613.08.19
It is quite the conundrum isn’t it. I’ve just started playing im slowly getting the hang of it. I like the game, ultimately it is a money game. You are not going to get very far without spending a bit of money. I drowned my wallet when I played GoW so am very weary to do it again but have bought some small packs, but that’s also where it starts lol, the maths you guys did definitely helps and I might look into the gem mine soon, just not sure how long I will be playing it, probably enough to do it but that still means spending probs $100 to get it done, food for thought. The food part I’m still confused about lol watching so raid vids to better understand the game and what’s best
14 авг. 2019, 11:1914.08.19

geoff7429 said:

It is quite the conundrum isn’t it. I’ve just started playing im slowly getting the hang of it. I like the game, ultimately it is a money game. You are not going to get very far without spending a bit of money. I drowned my wallet when I played GoW so am very weary to do it again but have bought some small packs, but that’s also where it starts lol, the maths you guys did definitely helps and I might look into the gem mine soon, just not sure how long I will be playing it, probably enough to do it but that still means spending probs $100 to get it done, food for thought. The food part I’m still confused about lol watching so raid vids to better understand the game and what’s best

Hi :)

I am totally F2p player  . and this game is playable without spending any money

i maxed my gem mine on my 26th day of playing -- so far i'm playing for 2 months and 6 days --  and i already bought another sparring pit slot ..i had enough gems to unlock all of them  but  i'm spending my gems now on 900 gem shard packs . 
22 авг. 2019, 22:4522.08.19
Damn nice dude. I been getting help from clan mates understanding a lot more they are f2p aswell. I’ve stopped buying and doing well now, probs not as well as you haha but getting there. Understand it heaps better now. Thanks for reply dude :)
23 авг. 2019, 18:0023.08.19
23 авг. 2019, 18:04(отредактировано)
So solid math but there are a few other factors. The biggest being accessibility. the gem mine will always fill every 24 hrs, while the pit maxes out at the end of the lvl. Meaning that unless you stay on time with the pit you will start missing out of xp before you miss out on gems. Plus once a day is better than twice or more. Especially since most people play at the same time block every day.  This will add up and take away from the total value. Additionally the gem mine can unlock the pit. The pit cannot unlock the mine. Meaning you will lose out. Real money currency will almost always out weigh any other currency. Both are long game areas but the mine has the most value because it reaches a wider range of utility. 
9 окт. 2019, 12:4409.10.19

I'm a f2p player and I had the mine fully upgraded by day 16. It has already paid for pit level 1. You just gotta do your challenges, missions, and quests. And don't  use your gems for energy until you have the mine fully upgraded.  In the end, the maths support mine over pit.

30 дек. 2019, 17:0630.12.19

Why oh why do they put such a big number on their play packs.

My perspective is, if a game is enjoyable and the work has been put in to tune it, I will always purchase as a token of gratitude.

But omg 99.99 for some of these packs is ridiculous!

7 авг. 2020, 00:3607.08.20
I chose mine over pit on my first account (barring the first one in pit). I did/do not regret it as it made progression faster in the end. I did, however, get a great deal of advice from more expirienced players saying other wise. My other two accounts have followed this advice and I regret it big time. I am now trying to find the gems to upgrade the mine and it is so slow.
23 нояб. 2020, 08:1023.11.20

Why so many necros these past few weeks... Does people not see the original post dates before replying?

23 нояб. 2020, 09:4023.11.20

Hey oz, check the date. This post is long dead.

23 нояб. 2020, 11:2523.11.20

@merchaholic the person I was replying to has deleted his post making look like the necromancer