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Champion Reviews rating setup

Champion Reviews rating setup

18 сент. 2018, 22:1418.09.18

Champion Reviews rating setup

Hello All

I've been playing since the start and one of the biggest things I keep hearing about was is players asking questions like "is champion X good?", "what should I use on champion X"  and because I have been very curious to see what people have been doing with their champions as well as what they think of them against campaign, arena and the various dungeons.

So I started a little project and made a setup in google spreadsheets where it allows players rate champions and provide suggestions on gear for other players. you can also choose to include a tip for that champion that will be displayed for others to see.

Have a look

Some explanations for the details seen on the display

All ratings are averaged against all reviews for the champion furthermore the overall rating is generated from the Campaigns, arena and dungeons as a whole
This shows a brief of what the Champion does
Suggested Gear Sets
This runs an average across all suggestions and provides the top 3 suggestions for that champion
Most Recent Tips
This section shows the last 3 tips entered for that champion.

This setup was made to allow new and old players to voice their opinion about characters where the system would create a realistic review of all the champions regardless of if a player submitted a low review at the start then resubmitted a new review later on. this setup is created to represent the group review as it changes.

so I would like to invite everyone regardless of new or expert to post some reviews for 2 reason

1. to help the community as a whole with understanding this new game and its champions within

2. to encourage the devs to implement something like this in game, where players wouldn't have to leave to get wiki or rating type information on champions.

So click here to have your say and review your favourite Champions, whether you're starting out of a veteran. 

tell me what you think, any questions or feedback let me know (please note like the game this is fairly new go easy :D)

20 сент. 2018, 08:2820.09.18
Hey, this is an awesome initiative! We are planning to include a Champion rating system in the game itself, but I think something like this will still be more thorough and give players more options to express their thoughts on individual Champions. Keep it up! My personal hope is that in the future we will be able to create a thorough and comprehensive wiki on all Champions available in the game.
16 май 2020, 22:3816.05.20

Hello, I been playing your game about a month now. I have to say with the high micro transactions in build in the game. You guys could do so much more to improve the context of the game. For example, making weapons for the type of champions. Like a bow for a ranger. 2nd by focusing the temptation to buy items once u reach a certain level is overwhelming. Dont get me wrong I dont mind paying a little here and there, but if you dont want a long life span of the game, that will be ultimately the end results. I like your game please dont be the another  statistic that every gaming company does. Dont ask too much from  The consumer without real results in return. Hopefully someone read this within the company and take it to heart. You made a good and fun game, dont get too greedy on profits and ruin it. Make a long life span and the money will come in forever. GAMER from south Korea 

17 май 2020, 02:3417.05.20
I would be willing to pay a flat monthly fee if more items in the game were free.  People are hesitant to click the button each time for individual purchases.  But if you bill our cards for a monthly fee, its all automatic.  Keep the game as f2p but offer the monthly fee as an option.