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Still having problems with Fire Knight....

Still having problems with Fire Knight....

24 сент. 2022, 14:0124.09.22

Still having problems with Fire Knight....

...and not for lack of trying, mind you. After over a month of trying, I'm still stuck on the Dungeon Mission because I simply can't get to the level 14 Knight.

Specifically, I'm stuck on 13, and I know what the big problem is - the Force Atrtribute. I need a party that can get past the trash mobs AND get the required 10 hits on that shield, and while I'm sure I can do one, I have yet to fiure out how to do both. And until I luck out and pull Coldheart and/or Felhound I just can't make it work.

Here's my roster as it stands:





Currently, I'm working on bringing USK, Alure, and Jizoh to Rank 6, but not really sure whether they would work on the same team. Also not sure what sort or gear to use here. Btw, I'm 8 days away from gaining Scyl and about 10 days from being able to buy Drexthar, if either of those would work. 

24 сент. 2022, 15:0524.09.22

Put jizoh in vault, do not 6star... alure definitely for all fk regardless of affinity. 

24 сент. 2022, 15:3124.09.22
24 сент. 2022, 15:35(отредактировано)

Put jizoh in vault, do not 6star... alure definitely for all fk regardless of affinity. 

She tends to be the one who gets trounced by the trash mobs. Like I said, this is a Force boss.

Like I said, any idea on what gear to put on Alure? Don't forget, simply removing the gear you thought would work costs 300K gold each time.

On the same note, I've tried using Athel, but again, trounced for the same reason.

24 сент. 2022, 17:4624.09.22

She tends to be the one who gets trounced by the trash mobs. Like I said, this is a Force boss.

Like I said, any idea on what gear to put on Alure? Don't forget, simply removing the gear you thought would work costs 300K gold each time.

On the same note, I've tried using Athel, but again, trounced for the same reason.

As much speed as possible into the 250+ range and 250+ accuracy. Although these numbers are more for 20-25, stage 13 can be won with much less.

Green beats red affinity so armigar could be a option as well. Looking at your roster you dont have many spirit affinity champs and you are ranking up far too many worthless champs at the same time.

Looking at your deliana gearing is the most probable culprit to your lack of success. At lower levels you do not need to worry too much about affinity as stats are so low, but the first thing I see is deliana having 134 speed. All champions should be in the 170 range and as you move later into the game you will be building champions all in the 200 range and then even more into the 250 range and even have some like arbiter into the 340 range.

With the right gear you could run your apothecary, warmaiden, elhain, allure, and magnar and clear it easy. I think you need to probably work on everyone's gear first for awhile though.

24 сент. 2022, 18:1824.09.22
24 сент. 2022, 18:19(отредактировано)

So what exactly IS the right gear? As in sets? Right now Deliana has 1 Lifesteal and 1 Speed, Would Immortal or Regeneration be any better?

One more question, is Relentless worth using?

EDIT: Thanks, btw, i haven't checked HER speed in a long time,  clearly the gear she needs is not what she has. 

24 сент. 2022, 19:1224.09.22

Generally, champs whose role is buff/debuff want to be 200+ speed so that they can cycle multiple turns each wave. It'll let them reset their cooldowns faster.

Also - if you have the gear for it, Affinitybreaker on Alure lets you cheat an extra TM decrease on her A1 (IE, you can get four procs instead of just three).

My suggestion for your team:

  • Deliana
  • Apoth
  • Alure 
  • Eva (swap to Kael on blue)
  • Zargala (swap to Magnarr on green)
24 сент. 2022, 19:2124.09.22

So what exactly IS the right gear? As in sets? Right now Deliana has 1 Lifesteal and 1 Speed, Would Immortal or Regeneration be any better?

One more question, is Relentless worth using?

EDIT: Thanks, btw, i haven't checked HER speed in a long time,  clearly the gear she needs is not what she has. 

the right gear is gear with good stats, not gear from a specific set. your first priority when gearing a champion should always be to ensure that they have the optimal main stats on their gear. for deliana, that would likely be hp% gloves, hp% or acc chestplate, and speed boots. your second priority should be to make sure that your gear also has important substats which in her case are obviously hp, accuracy, and speed. a little defense wouldn't go amiss either; it's not as important as the others, but you also don't want to neglect it entirely so substats are the ideal place to build it up a bit. now, if you can get the main stats you want and you can get those pieces with a good collection of substats and you can get a set bonus without compromising those two, that's when you start to worry about which set bonus is best. perception and immortal are ideal, but obviously it depends on what you have.

in regard to relentless, are you asking if relentless is worth using on deliana specifically or in general? if it's the former, i would say no. for the latter, i would say yes, under the right circumstances. my general rule of thumb is to use 4 piece sets only if they mesh particularly well with a particular champion's kit and stick to 2 piece the rest of the time.

24 сент. 2022, 19:2424.09.22

Not sure I can get Affinitybreaker yet. As of now I can't get past the second boss of the Doom Tower, something else I'm working on