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Guide: Doom Tower

Guide: Doom Tower

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
11 авг. 2021, 12:0511.08.21

Guide: Doom Tower

Doom Tower


The Doom Tower is a monthly challenge to climb to the top of the Tower, beating 120 increasingly challenging Floors and beating 12 tough Bosses along the way (and a bunch of optional Secret Rooms!).



  • 30-Day Time Limit: The Doom Tower works in 30-day periods. You'll have 30 Days to reach the top and earn your Rewards - after which, the Doom Tower resets and you can start the climb again for another pile of Rewards.
  • Multiple Rotations: After each reset, the Tower Changes and a new Rotation opens. The Bosses and the enemies you'll face on each Floor will change, along with the special Rules you'll have to face in each Secret Room.
  • Two Difficulties: The Doom Tower has two difficulties: Normal and Hard. Both are open at the same time, and you can choose whichever difficulty you want to start the climb on - or even switch things up and jump back and forth between the two.
  • Rewards: There are two main types of rewards:
    • Completion Rewards: You'll get these from each Floor once per Rotation - when you first beat a Floor or Secret Room. Beat every Floor in the Tower to win everything on offer.
    • Farming Rewards: Only Boss Floors have Farming Rewards. Once you've beaten a Boss Floor once, you can re-enter the Floor and farm them using Silver Keys to win as much as you want. Hit the "Reward Info" Icon on the Doom Tower Map to see which rewards are available from each Boss Floor. Note: You'll only see which Farming Drops are available after you beat a Floor for the first time.
  • Keys: There are two types of Keys in the Doom Tower: Gold and Silver. Gold Keys are used to clear a Floor (including Boss Floors) for the first time. Silver Keys are used to beat Secret Rooms and to farm Boss Floors for rewards after you've beaten them once. You will get 10 Gold Keys and 10 Silver Keys every day, which you can use however you please across either Normal or Hard difficulty. Reset is at 00:00 UTC every day, at which point you'll have 10 of each Key again to start your day.


The Doom Tower consists of 120 Floors. To reach the top of the Tower, you'll need to beat each Floor one-by-one in ascending order.

  • Farming Rewards: Only Boss Floors have Farming Rewards. Once you've beaten a Boss Floor once, you can re-enter the Floor and farm them using Silver Keys to win as much as you want. Hit the "Reward Info" Icon on the Doom Tower Map to see which rewards are available from each Boss Floor. Note: You'll only see which Farming Drops are available after you beat a Floor for the first time.

You'll only receive Completion Rewards the first time you beat a Floor on any given Rotation. After that, you can re-enter a Floor as many times as you want (and it won't cost you any Keys), but there will be no further rewards for repeatedly clearing a Floor.


You can activate Auto-Climb mode by checking the "Start Auto-Climb" box before you start a battle. 


Auto-Climb will allow you to automatically ascend Floors (except Boss Floors and Secret Rooms) one by one.

You can stop Auto-Climb mode at any time during battle via the pause menu. Auto-Climb will also stop once you lose a battle, don't have enough Gold Keys for the next Floor, or if the next Floor is a Boss Floor. 

Boss Floors

Every 10th Floor, you'll be challenged with a Boss Floor. At the moment, there are eight Doom Tower Bosses: Nether Spider, Scarab King, Magma Dragon, Frost Spider, Celestial Griffin, Eternal Dragon, Dreadhorn, and Dark Fae.

Like normal Floors, you'll need Gold Keys to enter a Boss Floor and beat it for the first time. You'll receive a Completion Reward for beating the Boss for the first time, but Boss Floors also have more rewards on offer. After you've beaten a Boss once, you can use Silver Keys to re-enter the Boss Floor as many times as you want to win special Farming Rewards.

Farming Boss Floors will reward you with unique Forge Materials - Nether Eggs, Scarab Claws, Magma Cores, Frost Spines, Dragon Bones, Griffin Feathers, Dreadhorn Plates, and Fae Spheres - which can be used to craft the following Artifact Sets at the Forge:

  • Fatal (2 Set: ATK +15%. C. RATE +5%.)
  • Untouchable (4 Set: Immunity for 2 turns. Res +40.)
  • Affinitybreaker (4 Set: C. DMG +30%. 20% chance to change weak hit into critical hit.)
  • Frostbite (2 Set: 15% chance to block Freeze debuffs. 10% chance to place Freeze debuff for 1 turn on attacker.)
  • Guardian (4 Set: Wearer absorbs 10% of all damage dealt to ally Champions. Heals by 10% every turn. Damage absorbed is not reduced by DEF.)
  • Bloodthirst (4 Set: C. RATE +12%. Heals by 30% of damage dealt.)
  • Fortitude (2 Set: RES +40. DEF +10%.)
  • Lethal (4 Set: C. RATE +10%. Ignores 25% of enemy DEF.)

These Artifact Sets can only be crafted with Materials earned in the Doom Tower, and are exclusively available at the Forge.

You will only be able to see the Farming Drops for each Boss after you've already beaten the Floor once. Hit "Reward Info" on the Tower Map to see what's available. 


Secret Rooms

Secret Rooms are completely optional challenges and don't need to be completed to progress and climb the Tower.

It costs one Silver Key to enter a Secret Room, but just like in the rest of the Tower, you won't actually lose that key if you fail to beat the Secret Room.

There are 12 Secret Rooms on each difficulty, and they'll be unlocked one-by-one as you climb the Tower and clear Floors as usual. Unlike normal Tower Floors, Secret Rooms can be completed in any order once unlocked - meaning you can skip a Room and come back to it later if you need to.

Secret Rooms are different from other areas in the Tower in that they require you to follow special Rules to complete them - like only using Rare Champions, or only using Skinwalkers.

Note: if a Rule is regarding a Champion's Type, and at least one of a Mythical Champion's Forms is the necessary Type, then both of a Mythical Champion's Forms will be eligible to be used in that particular Secret Room. 


Once unlocked, you'll be able to complete them at any time during that rotation of the Doom Tower - but after the Tower resets, you'll have to climb up the Tower to unlock them again.

Beating Secret Rooms will earn you special Rewards - such as Champion Fragments for an exclusive group of Champions.

These Champions will only be attainable by collecting Fragments from Secret Rooms, and their Fragments will be awarded from Secret Rooms in a predefined order. You'll need to collect all the Fragments from the first Champion on a given difficulty before moving onto the second, and so on. 


The following Champion Fragments will be awarded from Secret Rooms in the order given:

Normal Difficulty

  1. Archmage Hellmut
  2. Akoth the Seared
  3. Rian the Conjurer
  4. Dark Kael
  5. Gwynneth
  6. Taya
  7. Zii Ixchi
  8. Liburga
  9. Krakarth

Hard Difficulty

  1. Thea the Tomb Angel
  2. Urost the Soulcage
  3. Gomlok Skyhide
  4. Varl the Destroyer
  5. Ba Satha
  6. Vasal of the Seal
  7. Cromax Moonblood
  8. Gronjarr
  9. Ginro the Stork

You'll only receive rewards for beating a Secret Room once on each Rotation. And just like with normal Floors, you can re-enter to fine-tune your teams and try to find the fastest team possible - but it won't cost you any Keys, and you won't get any more Rewards from the Room itself.

Once you've collected all the Fragments for all the Champions on a given difficulty, the rewards from Secret Rooms will change to match the Boss Floor that's coming up next. For instance, Secret Room 1 will drop Materials from the Boss on Floor 10; Secret Room 2 will drop Materials from the Boss on Floor 20, and so on. For example, if the Boss on Floor 10 is Agreth the Nether Spider, then Secret Room 1 will drop Nether Eggs as a reward.

Each Secret Room is connected to the upcoming Boss Floor in the same way. The rewards for Secret Rooms after collecting all the Champions Fragments on a given difficulty will be the following:

  1. Nether Eggs - if Agreth the Nether Spider is on the next Boss Floor.
  2. Scarab Claws - if Borgoth the Scarab King is on the next Boss Floor.
  3. Magma Cores - if Kuldath the Magma Dragon is on the next Boss Floor.
  4. Frost Spines - if Sorath the Frost Spider is on the next Boss Floor.
  5. Dragon Bones - if Iragoth the Eternal Dragon is on the next Boss Floor.
  6. Griffin Feathers - if Grythion the Celestial Griffin is on the next Boss Floor.
  7. Dreadhorn Plates - if Bommal the Dreadhorn is on the next Boss Floor.
  8. Fae Spheres - if Astranyx the Dark Fae is on the next Boss Floor.

Note: you will be able to get these unique Forge Materials as Secret Room rewards only after you've collected all the Fragments for all the Champions on a given difficulty. If you've collected all the Fragments for Champions on Normal difficulty, then you can earn Forge Materials from Secret Rooms on Normal difficulty. The rewards for Secret Rooms on Hard difficulty will remain as Champion Fragments until all the Champions have been collected. 


Players are ranked according to how many Turns it takes them to clear all available Floors and Secret Rooms. The overall Rankings are calculated by summing up the total number of Turns each player has taken across the entire Tower. Each player can improve their rank by re-running Floors and Secret Rooms.

This means that even though there are no Farming Rewards available for re-running normal Tower Floors or Secret Rooms, you can still fine-tune and perfect your team to see how you stack up against other players and climb the Rankings.

Each difficulty has its own separate Rankings, and there are two types of Rankings in the Doom Tower: Global, which ranks the performance of everyone in Teleria; and Clan, which ranks the performance of everyone in your Clan. 


The number of Turns you've taken will be counted after your first successful battle in the Tower, but you will only appear in the Rankings after you clear Floor 10.

You can review the fastest players and their teams on any individual Floor or Room by tapping the "Best Teams" icon in the Team Selection window. You can see the current Rankings at any time by tapping "Rankings" on the Tower Map, and the final standings will be shown to everyone when the Doom Tower resets.

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