(Patch Notes) (22.07.2020) Update 2.10
This update includes some brand-new features, along with some existing feature and balance changes. There’s a lot to cover, so here’s everything you need to know:
Gold Bars & the Bazaar.
Gold Bars are a special resource that can be won from battling in Tag Arena and as a weekly reward from your Tag Arena Tier placement. Gold Bars can then be exchanged at the Bazaar for rare and valuable items.
The Bazaar itself gives you access to a wide range of highly sought-after or exclusive items, which can only be acquired by exchanging them for Gold Bars.
Players in higher Tag Arena Tiers will earn more Gold Bars, but they'll also have access to a wider selection of rarer items at the Bazaar
Your Tag Arena Tier also determines which Bazaar Slots are open to you and therefore which Items you’re able to get. For example, players in Silver Tiers won’t have access to items in Gold Slots, but will be able to acquire all items from Bronze or Silver Slots.
Bronze Slots are open to everyone, while higher Tier Slots will open immediately as soon as you reach the required Tier.
Items at the Bazaar may have cooldowns or purchase limits. Cooldowns at the Bazaar won’t be temporarily paused if you are demoted to a lower Tier while a cooldown is active.
Bazaar-exclusive Accessories.
We’re adding two brand-new types of Accessories that can only be acquired at the Bazaar. Both types of Accessories are unique in that they also have Special Effects that can greatly impact a Champion’s performance in Battle. The two new Accessory types are:
Cleansing Accessories. 8% chance to remove 1 random debuff from the wearer each turn.
Refresh Accessories. 5% chance to prevent a Skill going on cooldown after use.
The Special Effects from these Accessories stack if multiple Accessories of the same type are equipped. And like always, each Accessory has its own Rank, Rarity, and Faction.
Champion Fragments.
Champion Fragments allow you to summon specific Champions once you've collected enough Fragments. Each Champion has their own set of Fragments that are only used to summon that Champion. For example, Foli's fragments can only be used to summon Foli, and can't be used to summon Dracomorph or any other Champion.
Right now, each Champion needs 100 Fragments - but you can always collect more if you want more than one of those Champions. Champion Fragments can't be sold, swapped, transformed, or transferred to another Champion.
You can get Champion Fragments from Events and Tournaments.
More Daily Login Rewards.
We’ve extended the Daily Login Reward program to 270 days. Log into the game regularly to receive Shards, Resources, Skill Tomes, and much more. For reaching the 210th and 240th days, you'll receive all-new Epic Champions… and on the 270th day, you’ll get a free Void Legendary Champion!
Here are the new Daily Login Reward Champions:
Tainix Hateflower
Rarity: Epic
Type: Support
Affinity: Force
Faction: Demonspawn
Ghrush the Mangler
Rarity: Epic
Type: DEF
Affinity: Spirit
Faction: Ogryn Tribes
Visix the Unbowed
Rarity: Legendary
Type: DEF
Affinity: Void
Faction: Dark Elves
Tag Team Arena Improvements
- - Added the Tiers tab in Tag Arena.
- - Added information about new Accessories to the Arena Rewards info page.
- - Fixed visual bug: The number of Tag Team Arena Points won for each Battle is now displayed correctly in the Battle tab in cases when you lose 1 Battle of 3.
- - Fixed a bug that resulted in opening Champion info from the Chat while battling in Tag Team Arena.
- - Champions chosen as Leaders in Tag Arena Defenses now remain in the team after being ascended.
- - Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze when tapping “Skip Battle” and your device’s native “Back” button at the same time on Android, or “Skip Battle” and “Esc” on Plarium Play.
- - Fixed a bug that caused freezes when using Drag & Drop to select Champions in Tag Arena Defense teams.
- - Fixed the format of Battle counter in the top-right corner of the screen.
- - Added music to Tag Team Arena Battles.
- - Fixed a low resolution issue with the result screen shown between Battles.
Champion Fixes
The following changes have been introduced to make these Champions or Skills work as intended:
- - Target selection now works correctly on Auto.
- - The error that occurred upon killing a Champion whose HP had been both increased and then decreased has been fixed.
- - The lag that occurred when using the [Reflect Damage] buff in combination with Passive Skills that revive Champions has been fixed.
- - The [Unkillable] buff no longer gets removed prematurely.
- - Skills that ignore the [Unkillable] buff, for example, Rotos the Lost Groom’s Fated Destruction skill, will now ignore the [Unkillable] buff only if those skills inflict enough damage to kill the target from the skill itself (before Giant Slayer or Warmaster mastery “rolls”).
- - Fixed the bug that allowed Tormin the Cold to place a [Freeze] debuff on Champions that tried to put buffs while they were under the block buffs debuff. Now he will only place a [Freeze] debuff if the enemy receives a buff.
- - The [Provoke] debuff placed by Tormin the Cold is now removed when Tormin is killed.
- - Tormin the Cold will now ignore all Mastery effects as intended with his Wintry Wind [P] skill.
- - Lightsworn’s Indomitable skill can now be used manually in Clan Boss battles after the Boss's 50th turn.
- - Cruetraxa’s Rite of Rebirth [P] skill will now always place the [Revive On Death] buff on herself when she kills an enemy with a critical hit.
- - Foli’s Living Armor [P] skill now works correctly against Tormin the Cold.
- - Hound Spawn now ignores DEF with the [Shattering Strike] skill.
- - Suzerain Katonn now inflicts damage to all enemies after removing the [Block Damage] buff from them with the Banish From Time skill.
- - Arbiter now correctly fills the Turn Meters of all allies by 20% with the Destiny's Call skill.
- - Elhain now has an extra 15% chance of inflicting a critical hit with the ascended Lightning Arrow skill.
- - Mortu-Macaab now correctly places [Block Revive] when killing an enemy with the Peril skill when the Warmaster Mastery is used.
- - Skullcrown’s From Beyond [Passive] skill now works correctly when she is under a [Shield] buff and is attacked with a skill that ignores the [Shield].
- - Dracomorph and Baron will now attack all remaining enemies with any surplus damage only if their default skill kills the target.
- - Fireblade’s Burning Spear skill will now have +5% Damage on 3rd, 5th, and 6th Skill Levels instead of Buff/Debuff Chance.
- - Fixed a bug that caused Kantra the Cyclone’s HP bar to indicate an incorrect amount.
Visual Fixes
- - The visualization of Rotos the Lost Groom’s skills has been fixed including an animation bug that occurred when Rotos receives a [Freeze] debuff.
- - Rotos the Lost Groom’s HP is now always displayed correctly.
- - The [HP Burn] effect is now displayed correctly against Bosses.
- - The visualization of revives from Passive Skills has been fixed for the following Champions: Altan, Brakus the Shifter, Minaya, Skull Lord Var-Gall, Tormin the Cold, Alika, Basilisk, Bushi, Sikara, Skullcrown, Torturehelm, Hospitaller, Master Butcher.
- - The [Veil] buff that Duchess Lilitu places on revived allies is now always correctly displayed.
- - Allies will now not switch places between Rounds when there are empty slots on the team.
- - Champions will now return to their initial positions after attacking in battles.
Game Experience Enhancements
- - Tainix Hateflower and Ghrush the Mangler cannot be summoned from Sacred Shards.
- - Added a warning to prevent sacrificing Champions with Artifacts or Accessories equipped.
- - All Epic and Legendary Champions of Rank 4 or higher received as rewards from Tournaments or Events are now locked by default.
- - Added a warning when both your Inbox and the relevant Storage options (Artifact Storage, Collection) are full and you try to purchase additional Items at the Shop or enter a Battle where you may win an Item as a reward.
- - A popup is now shown when there are no empty slots when attempting to fuse a Champion. No resources will be wasted.
- - Fixed an error that occurred when receiving a Faction Wars reward.
- - Balance change: Multi-hit skills that place [Sleep] debuffs will now no longer remove [Sleep] debuffs with additional hits if an earlier hit placed the debuff in the first place. The [Sleep] debuff will be removed by attacks as usual after that turn is finished.
- - Fixed an error that occurred during Battles with Kael, Elhain, Galek or Athel in the team.
- - Fixed how Event Rewards display on low-resolution devices.
- - When your Inbox is full, Artifacts or Accessories won from Battles can be sold only after the Battle, and not from your Inbox.
- - The red dot indicator will now disappear correctly from the Events interface.
- - The Level-Up popup will now appear before any new feature popups are shown when both occur at the same time.
- - Starting from Level 16, the progress of the “Beat the Demon Lord” Clan achievement will now be calculated correctly.
- - Fixed various issues with soundbanks.
- - Fixed an authorization error resulting in an inability to log out from your account.
- - Adjusted the volume of the narrator in the Campaign storyline.
- - Fixed the position of the resources bar on the Bastion screen.
- - In the Spider’s Den, teams will now correctly attack any targeted Spiderlings instead of the Spider on Auto.
- - Links in messages from our Support team are now clickable.
- - Moderators will now be indicated in in-game chat.
That’s everything we have for you! We’d love to hear your thoughts, so don’t be shy - head on over to our Forums and let us know what you think!