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Update 0.11 Patch Notes

Update 0.11 Patch Notes

2 окт. 2018, 16:4502.10.18

лишние буковки у Акромантулы в навыке Арахнофобия

2 окт. 2018, 17:2902.10.18

Дезертир - не переведено оба навыка

3 окт. 2018, 04:2603.10.18

Еще проблема насчет спирит хоста. Даже до нерфа она была ослабленной версией Горгораба. Да, я понимаю, что Горгораб исключительно силен - но занерфить спирит хоста всеми возможными способами и ничего не сделать с Горгорабом мне кажется весьма непоследовательным. (Да, я надеюсь, что снижение ее баффа до 25% было багом, но не уверен в этом)

И более общий вопрос: какой подход вам кажется более правильным - что рарные герои должны быть хотя и нишевыми, но полезными даже для топовых игроков, или что с набором достаточного количества эпиков нужда в рарных героях должна отпадать полностью?
3 окт. 2018, 09:5303.10.18

У нас там еще очень большая очередь на ребаланс, при этом очередность может определяться не только приоритетом, но и скоростью, с которой эти изменения можно продумать, протестировать и включить. 

По общему вопросу: мы хотим оставить Редких Героев в таком состоянии, чтобы их действительно можно было использовать даже топовым игрокам. Та же Спирит Хост всё еще выполняет все свои функции. Основной удар пришелся по Ауре, которая даже по моему личному мнению (как игрока, не КМа) была немного лишней. Тут также следует учитывать то, что Спирит Хост довольно просто фармится в сюжетной кампании.
3 окт. 2018, 10:0503.10.18
Когда исправят бафф то? На арене 25% вообще не дело
3 окт. 2018, 11:3403.10.18
В одном из патчей в ближайшем будущем.
3 окт. 2018, 14:1103.10.18

Что аура общего назначения должна давать меньший бафф, чем специализированные ауры - я целиком и полностью согласен. Проблема немного в другом. Слегка упрощая, в SW схожие баффы на разных уровнях соотносились как 15 / 20 / 25. Здесь же мы имеем 10 / 19 / 24 (реальные значения для глобального баффа на скорость)

И говоря более обще - в SW мы имели таких 3* (или даже 2*) бойцов, как Бернард, Шаннон, Меган, Тил и многих других. Все они фаримлись даже лучше, чем спирит хост здесь (для их фарминга не приходилось жертвовать экспой) - и в то же время по уровню полезности с ними здесь может сравниться только спирит хост до нерфа. Да, Дампир тоже был ограниченно полезен - как стартовый фармер. И он тоже был занерфлен еще жестче, чем спирит хост. По мне, так намного лучшим решением было бы поднять десяток других 2* и 3* героев до того же уровня полезности. Это бы одновременно создало альтернативы в композиции команд, и в то же время эти герои все равно оставались бы слабее, чем большинство 4*
3 окт. 2018, 16:3503.10.18

Thanks for the comprehensive patch notes, Marius!

I have a suggestion with a complaint embedded within it. Please feel free to move this message to the feedback section if you feel it more appropriate.

Champion Balance & Skill Tome Refunding:

The balance changes focused on Skills and I understand the need for constant monitoring of Champions to ensure good power balance. Skills is one aspect of Epic and Legendary Champion progression I feel is quite "locked out" at the moment, meaning that it requires a fair amount of monetary investment or a lot of patience because they are currently not dispensed frequently via many avenues of gameplay.

Given the monetary investment into Skill Tomes and that balance changes are bound to happen at regular intervals, I'd like to suggest the dev team implement a Skill Tome refund procedure whereby a number of Skill Tome Refund tokens are granted to a player appropriate to the number of Champions and Skills directly affected by a balance update. You could even simply standardize an amount of tokens based on an average or estimate of Skill Tomes allowed to be refunded.

The player may then elect to use some or all of these tokens on their Champions to refund Tomes invested to particular Skills. They may choose to keep the Skills they've unlocked for, say, Skullcrown, but don't like the changes to Zargala's Skills and thus decide to pull out of them and get the Tomes back.

I realize this is a not-trivial change to how the game is built and would probably require the implementation of a private mailbox for player accounts instead of the current bulletin board-style messaging system that you guys have on the home screen, among other things. But I think it's an idea to seriously consider: I don't feel too strongly about balance changes now, but as time goes on and I invest more Skill Tomes into more Champions, it's going to get more serious and I would greatly appreciate the option to rethink my investments and use balance changes as an opportunity to explore the use of other Champions.

Thanks for reading.

4 окт. 2018, 10:2904.10.18
12 окт. 2018, 14:21(отредактировано)

Maclintok said:

Thanks for the comprehensive patch notes, Marius!

I have a suggestion with a complaint embedded within it. Please feel free to move this message to the feedback section if you feel it more appropriate.

Champion Balance & Skill Tome Refunding:

The balance changes focused on Skills and I understand the need for constant monitoring of Champions to ensure good power balance. Skills is one aspect of Epic and Legendary Champion progression I feel is quite "locked out" at the moment, meaning that it requires a fair amount of monetary investment or a lot of patience because they are currently not dispensed frequently via many avenues of gameplay.

Given the monetary investment into Skill Tomes and that balance changes are bound to happen at regular intervals, I'd like to suggest the dev team implement a Skill Tome refund procedure whereby a number of Skill Tome Refund tokens are granted to a player appropriate to the number of Champions and Skills directly affected by a balance update. You could even simply standardize an amount of tokens based on an average or estimate of Skill Tomes allowed to be refunded.

The player may then elect to use some or all of these tokens on their Champions to refund Tomes invested to particular Skills. They may choose to keep the Skills they've unlocked for, say, Skullcrown, but don't like the changes to Zargala's Skills and thus decide to pull out of them and get the Tomes back.

I realize this is a not-trivial change to how the game is built and would probably require the implementation of a private mailbox for player accounts instead of the current bulletin board-style messaging system that you guys have on the home screen, among other things. But I think it's an idea to seriously consider: I don't feel too strongly about balance changes now, but as time goes on and I invest more Skill Tomes into more Champions, it's going to get more serious and I would greatly appreciate the option to rethink my investments and use balance changes as an opportunity to explore the use of other Champions.

Thanks for reading.

Thank you for writing the idea out, Maclintok! The first thing that I'd like to say is that we do not plan to nerf any Champions into the ground. Our team is keeping a close eye on the overall balance and is trying to implement changes as fast as possible, and that will only improve in the future. We are not planning to implement a refund function, it gives too much room for abuse even when minor balance changes are involved. However, should we at any point hit a Champion a bit too hard with the nerfbat, we will be open to discussing it with the Community. 

In Zargala's case, pretty much everyone knows she was overperforming in the Arena and needed to be changed, so I have not observed any huge issues post-change. But should our players ever disagree, I will gather all your feedback, pass it on to the Devs and do my best explain your position. I can personally attest to the fact our Dev Team is very invested and passionate about this game, they are involved in testing new Champions, balance changes to the old ones, and are very quick to report when something has not been done properly. So I wouldn't worry too much, communication is always open!