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Forum Update

Forum Update

24 сент. 2018, 14:5924.09.18

Forum Update

Greetings, Warriors! We’ve released a number of important updates and features to improve our Forum. Here is a list of these changes:

  1. Your forum nickname and avatar are no synchronized with your Plarium.com player profile. This means that your nickname and avatar will be the same as the ones in your portal profile.
  2. New Forum Messenger. You no longer need to open a new browser tab to use the Messenger. Instead, it will open as a dialogue box in your current browser tab. Additionally, search by username has been removed from the messenger.
  3. Instead of searching by username, you can send messages directly from the Members search results on the forum by clicking the “dialogue” icon next to the name of the user.

  4. Plarium ID is required to use the Messenger. If you can't access the new messenger on the forum you need to complete your registration on the Plarium.com portal. To do that, please click the highlighted link in your forum profile. You will get your Plarium ID once the registration is completed and the email is confirmed.

As always, we’re eager to hear your thoughts. If you experience issues on the Forum or feel that some features should work differently, please don’t hesitate to inform us.

16 янв. 2024, 19:1116.01.24
