22 июнь 2017, 10:1322.06.17
Hiya, just curious anybody out there ever got a lengendary dragon equipment drop from a BG battle before or you need to buy the key for random dropped lengendary chest?you need to get the chest items themselves will never drop but chest and keys are dropped IF you play higher ends bgs
I so far only get chest no keys or equipment yet.could be the level of bgs your at. you can get them on bgs over 100 but is rare they are a little more likely once you are over 150 but bgs get very expensive once you go o ver 100 dont really see it as being doable long term unless your a coiner(this is no disrespect to coiners or free players just my opinion based on experience) need both coiners and free players to make game interesting but plarium of course designs game to lure people into spending some cash and bgs over 100 will have you dipping into your pocket before you know it( i may of given impression dragon legendary equipments drops let me correct that now only dragon legendary chests are dropped in bgs and sometimes keys(unforntunetely keys are rare))