That Is such a lie. Your "gradually" means 'never'. You just repeating the same crap you say to everyone else. All you care about is the money you get from working with plarium, you never care about the people, infact you secretly, cunningly, and schemingly force people to pay for your stuff. You even downgrade the weapons we like so that we can buy the new items worth a lot of real life money. Then when we complain or give actual good suggestions, you throw it off with some automated reply system and you don't focus on what we are actually saying. You say stupid stuff like "we are now working on that stay tuned" crap. I really dislike actions from people like you and your plarium buddies. They are selfish, Unrealistic, they have too high of an expectation from normal people, they are schemers, they are irritating, and they are irresponsible. And yes everyone knows your tricks and plots, we hate them so much to where we hate plarium. We just can't break from the game because we spent money that you schemefully forced us to give. Also even if we asked to get a reimbursement from the trash weapons we now have, you would go as far as "banning someones account for 6 months". This is unacceptable. I was even going to ask for the developers give me to restart me all the way over in mech arena, and yes you can keep the money I gave you, but give me back all of the credits I spent all of the acoins I spent, blue prints, implants, every single thing. But restart me all the way over. However, I bet you would say something dumb like, "oh we cant do that, it will not be fair to other players" type crap, or you would ban me and secretly threaten me...because we all know....your are infact a human. So wake up crystaldrew. Look at the world your living in. You got what you want, people are still even playing mech arena, so just listen to us drew, listen.