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Game lock-up spells Doom for Mech Arena

Game lock-up spells Doom for Mech Arena

1 июнь 2021, 13:5701.06.21

Game lock-up spells Doom for Mech Arena

Once again, consistent with plarium and too many game developers, they want your money so badly, but will not just keep the game running.

Serious problems with the whole game - on their end freezing - everyone frozen in place, with a big red notice blaming your internet connection, which is not the problem.

This gets beyond aggravating, to where the match or game is not worth playing, so bad you only move for one second then wait for 10 seconds of game freezing, then move for 1-2 seconds.

As of now, when this happens, I'm leaving the match, period. No more of this garbage!

The developers are taking your money, but apparently not putting anything into the infrastructure needed to run it.

These people need to wake up and get their servers in order or this game will go the way of the War Robots game or worse.

RescueCommunity Manager
1 июнь 2021, 14:1001.06.21

I understand your frustration.  As the game is in BETA there is only the main server that all areas run on.  Since people live all around the world there can be issues especially when updates can produce unintended bugs.

It is always recommended to check the easiest fixes first such as internet, phone comaptibility, etc. and then begin to narrow it down so any major underlying issues can be addressed.

If you know that your internet and phone is not the issue I would reach out to support.  You can contact them via in-game, through the webform: https://plrm.me/arena_support   or through email [email protected]  

Please make sure your message contains: Your game ID, Screenshots of the issue (if possible) and a description of the issue.

Hope this helps!

1 июнь 2021, 14:5201.06.21

  - And as typical, they respond by trying to blame the player/customer.

I knew I would probably have to explain this on a primitive level.

NOTE: "The whole game freezes" - not just me. Everybody is affected, after the delay/count down, etc. has ended and people can move again, nobody has moved, nobody's hit points have changed, etc.

If it were me that was frozen, other people/mechs would have continued, but they were obviously frozen just as I was.

Do I need to get painfully specific, first-hand account? Probably...Do I need to get painfully specific, first-hand account? Probably...Do I need to get painfully specific, first-hand account? Probably...Do I need to get painfully specific, first-hand account? Probably...

More than once I was about to die, no HPs left, enemy drilling me, I'm dying - but wait, the game freezes, and when it comes back, I am not dead, everything exactly as it was, for a couple seconds, then the game freezes again, this happened 2 - 4 times, I should have been dead the first time.

Again, everything, everyone frozen, exactly, not just me.

2 июнь 2021, 20:1702.06.21

I've only experienced this due to the family streaming HD video on multiple devices.  When they do that I get off the WIFI and use my Sprint connection.  That usually solved the problem.  Other than that it's rare that I freeze.