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Pushing and shoving going to far

Pushing and shoving going to far

13 янв. 2021, 06:1413.01.21

Pushing and shoving going to far

I'm a fairly good player i almost always come in 1 of the 3 map slots every game so trust me that this complaint is not for any other reason then to better the game.

I'm very frustrated, as well as I am sure that other players are tired of being shoved into the oppositions line of fire to be picked off while clearly taking cover from the enemy.

Whats more frustrating is that as much as I am shoved, I dont seem to be able to shove a single bot friendly or opposing out of my way.

I would love for players experiencing this frustrating complication to comment on the issue and make it clear that this needs fixed.

Most importantly a bot should not be pushing anyone or anything out of the way 

RescueCommunity Manager
13 янв. 2021, 14:5313.01.21

I see it happen at lot at the begininng of almsot every round.  I think the start mech spacing needs to be spread out more and there needs to be a clear 1st, 2nd, 3rd, so on so that everyone doesnt try to arrive at the same point at the same time.

Otherwise, I personally don't notice it when the match is underway.

13 янв. 2021, 22:5013.01.21

This is a very interesting topic because I also have noticed this. Most Importantly, I have noticed that only the ai bots can push me out of the way. 

I think the ai are not developed enough to interact with players on the same team. As it is, I am already impressed that they can be as good as they are in battle. 

But yes, especially on the current tourney maps I find it very frustrating when I spawn my sniper and it gets pushed right out in the open. 

DeletedCommunity Manager
18 янв. 2021, 14:3018.01.21

Hello! We know about this issue and already passed it to the devs. They will fix it as soon as they can. 

19 янв. 2021, 11:5419.01.21

I  feel  your  pain!  There  are  two  problems  here.  Some  guys  just  don't  get  it.  Cant  drive  and  feel  like  they  should  be  able  to  push  past  you,  well  they  can't.  The  other  malady  is  self  serving  player  do  want  to  use  you  as  a  shield.  I  have  unfriended  a  person  or  two  for  their selfish  behaviors  such  as  attempti  to  use  me  as  a  shield .  This  is  a  team  sport  though  most  don't  quit  grasp  the  concept.  If  someone shoves  me  from  behind  if  possible  ill  just  sidestep  them  and  give  them  an  opening  to  go  get  their  butt  shot  off.  What  does  make  me  mad  is  when  someone  crowds  you  from  behind  cutting  off  retreat  path,  that  is  annoying.