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Javelin/killshot ruin everything

Javelin/killshot ruin everything

30 дек. 2020, 02:1330.12.20

Javelin/killshot ruin everything

Lets face it there is no nerf that would fix them i can sit in 1 spot the whole game with my killshot 1 shot anyone who comes close. the absolute worse case scenario and the only way to kill me is if i get board enough to go out from my hideout to cap a beacon and they spawn right infront of me as im capturing a beacon which 1 jump back behind a building and im safe again wow got my heart racing for a whole 10 seconds. problem seems simple i have is ive tried to ignore them play something else that requires skill and what do you know i run into a killshot with javelins lol its hopeless just ban them or i can assure you my 12+kills per game will have others rage quitting or buying the exact same setup and we can all be camping with our killshots seems like the fun exciting game right...nvm

DeletedCommunity Manager
5 янв. 2021, 14:4305.01.21

We will make rebalance of Mech and weapons after the global release. 

RescueCommunity Manager
5 янв. 2021, 15:1105.01.21

Why?  OP is pretty in the wrong here.

Available counters:

1. Juggernaut and his ability shield

2. Aries and his ability shield

3. Bridges prevent Javelin from doing arched damage.  Will hit terrain

4. Hugging walls by corners prevent javelin from doing arched damage. Will hit building.

5. Any mech with Dual Long-arms will snipe him down before getting close.

6. Lancer jumping up to any surface Killshot can't get or dash too.

7. Guardian's ability to put weapons and abilities on cooldown then counter attack

8.  Shadow's ability to become untargetable and with movement speed cannot be dashed easily at.

9. Pather's ability Statis Barrier and any medium range weapon will stop/slow and blow up that combo.

10.  Any mech with Missle Rack 6 or 8.

Just to name a few.

6 янв. 2021, 01:0406.01.21

I also really hope that the killshot and javalins don't get nerfed 

6 янв. 2021, 23:0706.01.21

I dont know if you have actually play or just comment. Im assuming you dont hugging walls doesn't stop me from blowing up your mech i just go to the corner of that building and launch from there, still with 100per protection over hangs in maps are rare only 1 map currently makes javelins impossible and if your suggesting that the opposing team just camp under you are missing the point if my weapon makes your entire team camp i win ill run the beacons while you stay under cover if you think shields counter and you actually play then you just fail at this game my reload time is faster then your shield ability i can find a box keep it between you and me and just keep attacking with my killshots low profile you cant hit me behind a box and my bots is quicker then yours 1st strike takes away your shield and if your smart enough to try to rush me i circle around the box at 16m and repeat a second  volly. You must have a vested interest in javelins or else you wouldnt take these so called counters seriously when i get 24kills with my killshot javelin in 1 tournament match it should be obvious something is wrong if your still denying it then the prob is with 

6 янв. 2021, 23:2006.01.21
20 янв. 2021, 04:34(отредактировано)

Lets dive more into this

1st lancers ontop of building dont need to be in reach of killshots they are killed with 1 volly of javelins and being ontop of a building means they have no cover they make easy prey and are targeted first.

2nd Guardians ability is 30 feet pretty sure javelins are 75 so no their ability isnt going to help in any way

3rd ares are a viable counter to a killshot javelin but if you actually played you would know just avoid that 1 mech kill the entire rest of the team its like avoiding the brickhouse it shouldn't be hard. And if you played you would notice ares equipping javelins not as effective if you can rush them in a 1v1 battle issue is these mech setups are not in a vacuum thier are other mechs around saying simply gk to the backfield of the opposing side and get close with serious opposition is laughable at best 

4th jugs using javelins aswell avoid them go for direct fire killshots lancers Panthers ect. Jugs not using kill shots find a box you win

6 янв. 2021, 23:2906.01.21

I have these weapons i play with these weapons i win excessively with these weapons 80-90% win ratio 7-8 kills average per match 10-24 kills per match tournament depending on opponents skill. if im asking for a nerf its not because i cant compete against them its only because it detracts from game and all other weapon setups and i would like a challenge 20+ kills in a tournament isnt a challenge so im not saying nerf that guy over there hes op im literally saying nerf everything i already have

8 янв. 2021, 22:5908.01.21

I have a panther with 2 long arms. When I see a killshot, I prioritize it and kill it in two shots. 

I have a guardian with pulse cannons, When I see a killshot I hang around a corner or around a bend until it is within 30 meters. After I use ability, Its a free kill. 

I have an Ares with rpgs. when I see a killshot, I use my shield to block its javs and then rush it before it reloads. Or I just stay out of range and pick it off. 

When I use lancer, you can time your jump to miss both his dash and javs 

Any bot with a lot of hp can soak up a hit and then charge in. 

Dont forget that while a killshot jav build might win in 1 to 1, Everything changes when your fighting multiple enemys. 

Maybe your getting a lot of kills because the ai don't know these tips, however I guarantee when you fight real players, They will be much smarter. 

9 янв. 2021, 03:2709.01.21
20 янв. 2021, 04:38(отредактировано)

Your describing direct line of fire weapons and if you run into a javelin user that allow an opening with direct fire weapons then congrats hit the noob. what i am discussing is players that actually know what they are doing not anecdotal setups. i killed this setup so it must not be over powered doesnt cut it. I base my standards on stats and percentages of team kills/damage. If a strawman argument was valid merely showing 24kills out of 28 in a 2 round tournament would be enough to end this discussion. Since it does not a further need to look into this issue is necessary such as range of killshots ability, need for running cover in maps a 50/50 standard would help alot with this aspect so that each weapon platform could shine in its intended way. A max distance of killshots range for ability could be limited to 30 to balance it with guardian. For me to use the ability and smack into the corner of a building a mech has not appeared from yet and allow the range to kill him never seeing the enemy could be eliminated. There are many ways to nerf this setup and the proof the nerf doesn't go to far will be when players still choose this setup. I would love to know the admins percentage of medals using kill shots in game. When you are confronted by the numbers opinions dont matter.

9 янв. 2021, 06:1509.01.21

Sorry im an idiot should have noticed this earlier but you say when you see a killshot you go for it first as do i and most players i see. Think about that for a moment ill wait...........could it be because of the threat they pose? Well i guess any enemy would pose a threat but why them first? Its obvious its because they are a bigger threat and you admit it in very first situation you present that claims they are not a threat. 

RescueCommunity Manager
9 янв. 2021, 14:5009.01.21

Killshots are glass cannons.  They are an offensive type mech.  You arguement about them getting lots of kills is true because they are again an offensive type mech.  I would expect them to get more kills then a guardian or aries that prioritizes defense.

However, that doesn't mean every other mech is weak sauce.  There are counters to them people just prefer to be aggresive and get kills.  At higher levels you won't be getting 10 kills in a match.  I can still get 10kills in a match but I have to work for it and it doesn't happen nearly as often as when I started and would just run around the map destroying mechs as I went.

9 янв. 2021, 21:3109.01.21

So the argument is that the killshot is over powered but only from 1-66% of the game and dont worry the last 33% they are not as viable anymore? Your right at my power i only play up to players with 2k power and they are still viable so im assuming you must be referring to 2k-3k when they cease to be so overwhelming. If this doesn't show an imbalance in thier abilities opposed to every other mech and your fine with 1 mech running the table on 66% of your game then im at a loss i cant argue the obvious anymore (ill get back to you on that last 33% when im there and still running the field)

10 янв. 2021, 14:0310.01.21

When is the global release

11 янв. 2021, 02:3011.01.21


When I said I "prioritize killshots" with my longarm panther, it is because they are a greater threat. If that killshot were to get in close range, my sniper build would be destroyed. killshot are very deadly at close range. Especially for low armor panthers. I can also 1 shot kill a killshot at 100m with this build. Therefore, It is very productive for me to "prioritize" these mechs. 

YES I do think that killshots are very powerful. The most powerful mech in the game perhaps, However, I don't think they should be nerfed. There are lots of ways to kill them. I personally enjoy the challenge of killing a killshot, and I love when a killshot user spawns expecting a lot of kills and I drop him in 1 shot. 

As for my own killshot... I currently run javelins, however I don't get a ton of kills every match and Im not at a high squad power.  This is because I play it very aggressively to have more fun, but also get killed easier. I like a lot of variabilities in my hanger so I get bored of a powerful mech build quickly and move on to something more fun.

In conclusion, use killshot javelins if you like them. If you find that your getting too many kills? move on to another mech that offers more of a challenge. 

REMEMBER... this is a video game that is destined to make things harder to get you to pay for them. 

As it is, we can have a good build for free. Lets take what we get and not complain about it. 

RescueCommunity Manager
12 янв. 2021, 15:2712.01.21

I do agree  with you Marsmith2626 that in early game development they are very OP.  There are not many mechs that can counter them (unlocked yet) and not many weapons available that can put a significant dent in them for the amount of damage they can put out.

In my opinion though the game should be more damaged focused at the beginning to get the new player base in and allow them to learn so I am less concerned about game balance because not all the content is unlocked.  As they progress more ability based mechs and mechanics need to be implement to continue to progress and more important present a challenge.

I think it would be good to debate or argue the rate of game progression for MechArena.  Perhaps it is too slow and players stay in lower brackets to long with little variety of play.

17 янв. 2021, 18:1817.01.21

This game is good how are you good is it it's good and I g

17 янв. 2021, 22:5917.01.21

Just wait til you get deeper into the game and start facing higher ranked mechs  -  javs don't 1-shot-kill anything any more. In fact, it takes 4 or 5 salvos to kill a shielded juggernaut. 

19 янв. 2021, 11:4119.01.21

I  hear  all  these  guys  talking  about  their  phenomenal  kill  rates.  If  your  bored  go  find  another  game.  The  other  alternative ,  and  Ive  mentioned  this  before  Would  be  a  pro  league.  Im  lvl.10  with  a  paltry  1700  garage  score  and  get  pitted  against  guys  with  2900,  3500  and  consequently gett  my  butt  kicked.  How  about  another  tier  of  fighters  who  do  excell  like  the  ones  complaining?  I  find  the  game  at  my  level  challenging.  For  all  you  overachievers  I  suggest  a  new  league   with  multiple  levels  like  topaz,  tanzanite,  opal,  sapphire etc....  you  get  the  picture?

20 янв. 2021, 04:2220.01.21
20 янв. 2021, 04:47(отредактировано)

Im confused since i notice a mech that is obviously over powered at the lower ranks and runs the table the solution is to lvl up? How does that fix the lower ranks unbalanced games again? Or i should go find another game because i noticed something that ruins a large portion of this game  can and obviously will be changed as the admin suggests. This is a beta test for this game this means we test and suggest what would make this game better and comment. If we dont what would be the point in being a beta tester. If you dont have anything to contribute to the topic such as a counter view supported by detaled explanation then play the game and dont use the forums. I do however like debate and some people use this forum such as rescue to actually debate better scaling damage for killshot is a viable solution. So to the others dont speak of something to let your presence be known let your presence be known by speaking of something with substance 

20 янв. 2021, 21:2520.01.21


As someone who has played many pay to win games, I know that the harder it gets to win, the more they want you to pay. I don't want the game to get harder. In fact, that whole idea is incredibly senseless. Leave it to time and greed. They will make it harder just like every frikin mobile game out there so that they can make money. 

And furthermore, what is it to you if beginner players get a good mech? They arent going to have 300 iq strategy. 

If you think Javs and Killshot are too overpowered DONT USE THEM. 

For my level, they are now slightly underpowered. 

Are javs and killshots ruining the game??????        

Maybe for you. 

21 янв. 2021, 02:0821.01.21
21 янв. 2021, 04:15(отредактировано)

Your wrong again some of the top games are not pay to win. please go look at the model for pubg or call of duty you pay next to nothing and if you pay anything extra it doesn't give you a in game benefit aside from looking cool. The model for more players with a lower cost will out preform the few players paying an arm and leg. If greed is their motivation they would strive for a game with more players. 

My problem isnt with players getting a free mech that is good. your trying to twist my point so you can try to make yours. The mech is obviously unbalanced for its lvl and is peerless for over half the game. My point is that this has everyone playing the same over powered mech and not diversifying. This game will suffer as a result if this is not fixed. This game is designed to allow players a chance to play to their play style and still be able to win with skill or cash as you put . Simply telling a player dont play that overpowered mech isnt good enough. Its as absurd as telling a player if they want a real challenge just equip 1 weapon and leave the other side empty or just use auto cannon 2s on each side thats the real challenge. 

Ive been playing this game since you literally had to pay to play. the game was a table top pog base game so no mechs no play. My kid now plays with my mechs i won from table top tournaments so i know what works and what doesn't in these games since I've been around since the very beginning of these later copies. So yes you do want this game to get harder. The games that require the most skill and strategy draws the most followers. World of warcraft, mtg, dnd, call of duty doesnt matter the format from mmorpg to first person shooters all game types have several competitors for their exact content the one that excels in difficulty is always the top game in its field. Players want to prove they are the best its why online games even exsist the harder the game the more skill required. Players are fueled by simple reasons they are not complicated.