I would really love to know stats on this one at the end of the event. How many players out of the population got it and what their squad power was, and how many players vs bots were in the match on both the winning and losing side of it.
I have a funny feeling that squad power will either be really really high or just barely enough to get M.D., that other than the achieving player, there will at most be one other person in the match (each with 4 bot teammates), and that it will be a less than 10% of the population that plays during this time period that gets it.
Only 2 healing mechs in the game. This is really set up for those that spend money or are new to the game.
And you have to play pretty much the perfect game of control point. You have to be the best in everything. And it can only be done in one match type. Kind of pushing it a bit, aren't ya MA?