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Finally a Fix For Matchmaking

Finally a Fix For Matchmaking

5 окт. 2024, 17:5605.10.24

Finally a Fix For Matchmaking

Don't expect to come across this headline in Mech Arena News anytime soon. Although matchmaking has been a persistent problem in MA for quite a while, it has recently taken a turn for the worse. It's not just that I'm facing opponents with much more experience, firepower, and HP... wait, those are the precise reasons. When I encounter an opponent who significantly outperforms me, I make it a point to review their statistics. It's always interesting to find entire hangars with 6-star ratings, including their weapons, and frequently, 2 or 3 mechs adorned with pink stars. You would think this would motivate me to strategize and improve my own performance. NOPE! The exact opposite. It is very disheartening, and quite frankly, I feel that I am being ripped off considering the time and expense I have put into my hangar.  I keep emphasizing this for a reason. As I mentioned in previous comments, as long as the problem persists, it is our duty as players to make our voices heard until Plarium finally listens and fixes the issue. Let's disregard the ignorant comments that outline reasons why fair matchmaking is not possible, because they have no idea what they're talking about.  

Going up against players who have squads with twice or three times my squad power should never happen. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of similar games out there that offer what we would consider fair matchmaking, so there is no reason we don't have it. You understand that if I didn't enjoy playing MA so much, I would have stopped a while ago.

I wrote an opinion piece ( Why Plarium Will Not Fix Matchmaking ) a short while ago.  In it, I outline my honest opinion as to the reason Plarium keeps resisting the efforts by players to fix Matchmaking.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
7 окт. 2024, 13:3107.10.24

Hello! Thanks for your comment. You are doing absolutely right highlighting and voicing the issue to us. Be sure that your feedback is heard.

Meanwhile, the work on the Matchmaking is in progress. Don't expect improvements to be released fast - the feature is complicated and demands time and effort. Nonetheless, our team is continuously working on it and the improvements are yet to come!

7 окт. 2024, 19:5507.10.24

The game is working as they intend it to. The lopsided matchmaking, the lag/latency/game interruptions, the cheating non human bots and everything else that hinders gameplay is working just how they want it. How many people do you see leaving matches? I see it happening all the time, I even see happen a lot it in official content creator videos.. Frustration makes people quit and that will take them right back to the main menu for multiple clicky pop-up offers.

7 окт. 2024, 22:4307.10.24

The Plarium Supporting Team is as slow as theri "work-in-progress" matchingmaking improvement. I have submitted an request regarding an error  in ther Diviion determination on September 22nd. Until today, October 6th, the error is not resolved.

My case is that I was forced to move to the Seasonal Division 10 while my League Division score was only 5-6k-ish (League Division 3). I purposely stayed in League Division 3 to avoid the notorious matchmaking rules as much as possibile. But when the latest season started, I was prompted a message like "You are qualified to join Seasonal Division." and when I closed that message window, I was moved to Seasonal Division 10. And there is no way you can "demote" yourself back to League Division. The Plarium supporting team just kept saying they are investigating for more than two weeks. LOL, how does this simple game-log-checking thing takes more than 2 weeks?

As you can imaging, after forced moving to the Seasonal Divsion, every battle I played I was matched with >Tier 7 legendary mechs or mechs with all various legendary weapons in the enamy team. And I have only one Tier 5 mech in my squad. So, as I mentioned in another post series, we all know this is Plarium's strategy to "encourage" you to buy more high tier mechs and weapons. And as I mentioned, Plarium turned a great, exciting game into something really frustrating, dissapointing and unfair. 

Yes, in-game purchase is optional. I paid for several in-game purchases for my son and myself. However, the more we paid, the more frustration we had from the matchingmaking rules. So this "forced moving to Seasonal Division" thing is the last straw. Therefore, before all this frustrating, dissappointing and unfair things are changed, Plarium will not make a penny from me. 

8 окт. 2024, 01:0308.10.24
8 окт. 2024, 01:06(отредактировано)

They have zero intention of fixing matchmaking. The players keep getting the same canned response  as shown in the first reply. Almost three years of the same excuses and next to no improvement. All designed to get you to spend. The grade update over a year ago made it even worse. Absolutely no reason a player with only tier 3 mechs should be facing higher than tier 5 at the most, let alone tier 7, 8, or 9 that they routinely get matched against. Easy fix if they truly wanted to improve matchmaking...

8 окт. 2024, 06:4908.10.24

On a similar topic, lawyers have been filing lawsuits against some of the biggest video game corporations over allegations of video game addiction: These suits state that developers and publishers intentionally make their games as addictive as possible in an effort to extract money from players. Which companies were named: Activision Blizzard, Epic Games, Nintendo, and Sony Interactive Entertainment.  Who am I to argue the definition of addiction? So when some clown tells you that nobody is forcing you to pay ... FORCE seems to be a very subjective term. 

8 окт. 2024, 22:4308.10.24

Being disappointed really makes you want hazelnut chocolate cream waffles with banana slices. Maybe with roasted hazelnuts on top as well. And a strawberry vanilla milkshake with chocolate and strawberry drizzle. And add freeze dried strawberry bits. And chocolate shavings. And add whipped cream. I'd also love to have a side of fruit salad. A big side. Of fruit Salad.

9 окт. 2024, 07:4809.10.24
9 окт. 2024, 09:20(отредактировано)

Fruit salad ...Big Frickin Success!