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INSTANT KILLED AT SPAWNPOINT _ fighting against hangars that have 8000 to 10000 more than i

INSTANT KILLED AT SPAWNPOINT _ fighting against hangars that have 8000 to 10000 more than i

6 авг. 2024, 17:3106.08.24

INSTANT KILLED AT SPAWNPOINT _ fighting against hangars that have 8000 to 10000 more than i

Such unfair gaming, dead in seconds against players that are endgame and that is not 4 or 5 times - its always.

People get tricked into spending something and then they make the game unplayable aside for hardcore cashers or old players who oneshot 2 and 3 star mechs with their 7 star mechs and weapons.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
7 авг. 2024, 13:1607.08.24

Hello! Currently, we are running a test that aims to develop a fair and effective system for pairing a player with appropriate opponents. The test has been started yesterday, so Matchmaking needs some time to be calibrated and stabilized. Stay tuned as we are working to make it exciting! 😎

7 авг. 2024, 21:4607.08.24

Hello! Currently, we are running a test that aims to develop a fair and effective system for pairing a player with appropriate opponents. The test has been started yesterday, so Matchmaking needs some time to be calibrated and stabilized. Stay tuned as we are working to make it exciting! 😎

Your test is failing.  BADLY.  Every match there are between 2-4 players just leaving.  That is NOT success, or even progress (considering your test has been going on for well over 24 hours now).

We don't care about future enhancements if your current ones make the game unplayable for half the users.  You'll drive them away.  Then what kind of game will you have?  --  a dead one.

As a person in charge of a team of developers myself, I'll give you some advice for free ... don't let your customers only hear silence when things are going wrong.  The worst thing you can do is to be silent, especially when you have a problem this big.  In my office, we'd be posting updates twice a day for something like this.  Yes the product is live and running, but for nearly half the population its not useable in a manner that is conducive to your business.  You need to show them progress and offer them words (regularly) until the problem is fixed.  Otherwise they will assume you are ignoring their complaints.  Oh, and the words I'm talking about aren't just "we're working on it" or "give it time and it'll calibrate" - they need to be meaningful and speak to the actual work you are doing fixing their problem.  Remember, your customers problems ARE YOUR PROBLEMS.  If your customers feel ignored, eventually they will ignore you and your product.

9 авг. 2024, 00:0009.08.24
9 авг. 2024, 00:02(отредактировано)

Hello! Currently, we are running a test that aims to develop a fair and effective system for pairing a player with appropriate opponents. The test has been started yesterday, so Matchmaking needs some time to be calibrated and stabilized. Stay tuned as we are working to make it exciting! 😎

It's been three days and it's still bad! If anything, it's been getting worse. There's nothing fair about it. The old system was better even though it was broken as well. I guess that'll be your excuse for not actually fixing the matchmaking and bringing back the old system...

You'll just give us the broken option or the really broken option to choose from and not actually fix anything 🤦‍♂️

9 авг. 2024, 06:3209.08.24

Yes I agree so much. I can't do anything with my main hangar cos when I use it, I'm up against 5000 to 6000 hp players. Literally WTF Plarium.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
9 авг. 2024, 14:2009.08.24
9 авг. 2024, 14:23(отредактировано)

Hi guys! Your feedback and concerns are heard! We will stop the test during the next Tournament, which will start in several days. It will feature the usual Matchmaking system, as it did before the test. Moreover, we will downgrade the bots equipped with the Mods, and... the Implant Removal Discount is coming 🔜 You probably want to reboot your Hangars after the Mods update, don't you? 

13 сент. 2024, 16:3313.09.24


13 сент. 2024, 17:2513.09.24
13 сент. 2024, 17:25(отредактировано)

The game is rigged, CrystalDrew lies for the scam developers of this game. We are dealing with careless, heartless, inhumane individuals that get paid or compensated by this evil shady company! 

This will probably be deleted and probably be banned again for what they'll say is "aggressive behavior or misinformation"  we all know the truth though and the truth is spreading fast... where's all the honest positive feedback? None! Where's the players?? Matches are dominantly bots.. you developers want dominance so bad that you use non human bots to feel dominant,.. you aren't dominant whatsoever, you're control freaks!

14 сент. 2024, 01:1114.09.24

So, just an FYI, my hanger power is 4.5k, and I recorded my enemy's in 2v2 Deathmatch, and found that the average enemy player strength is 6.8k. I still won most of my matches, (cuz i'm good at the game) but it is very hard to take down a 6 star gatecrasher with 6 star Railgun 16 and 12 (and ledgendary pilot)

Just am worried for people that are getting spawn killed.🙁

14 сент. 2024, 10:0414.09.24

This CRYSTAL has the same rehearsed speech every time  .... She wrote the same thing months ago .. QUOTE "Hello! Your feedback is considered! We decided to stop the test during the next Tournament that comes in several days, so it will feature the usual Matchmaking system.  " 

The guys at Plarium are usually great ... the matchmaking is still BAD ,,,, BUT it is a lot better than it was a few months ago.  My advice is talk to the guys directly  (When your playing -Click your AVATAR-Then Click the Connection TAB- and a SUPPORT button will pop up.) 

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
16 сент. 2024, 14:1816.09.24

The game is rigged, CrystalDrew lies for the scam developers of this game. We are dealing with careless, heartless, inhumane individuals that get paid or compensated by this evil shady company! 

This will probably be deleted and probably be banned again for what they'll say is "aggressive behavior or misinformation"  we all know the truth though and the truth is spreading fast... where's all the honest positive feedback? None! Where's the players?? Matches are dominantly bots.. you developers want dominance so bad that you use non human bots to feel dominant,.. you aren't dominant whatsoever, you're control freaks!

Hello! We are banning users only if there is a violation of the rules of the forum. Criticism is always welcomed and considered unless it's just hate speech, calling names, offenses, and so forth. Please change your tone of voice to more friendly as in another way, we can't have a productive conversation, and it will end with a ban again. Let's listen and respect each other.

As I've mentioned before, I don't spread any lies and all the info shared by me is legit and confirmed by the devs. All the activities in the game are transparent and fair, we have no way and desire to somehow trick our players. Unfortunately, we can't please everyone with the updates for out game, but we are doing our best.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
16 сент. 2024, 14:1916.09.24
The General

So, just an FYI, my hanger power is 4.5k, and I recorded my enemy's in 2v2 Deathmatch, and found that the average enemy player strength is 6.8k. I still won most of my matches, (cuz i'm good at the game) but it is very hard to take down a 6 star gatecrasher with 6 star Railgun 16 and 12 (and ledgendary pilot)

Just am worried for people that are getting spawn killed.🙁

Hello! I can presume that the Matchmaking system may take into account your performance as well to make the game more challenging but still exciting for you.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
16 сент. 2024, 14:2216.09.24

This CRYSTAL has the same rehearsed speech every time  .... She wrote the same thing months ago .. QUOTE "Hello! Your feedback is considered! We decided to stop the test during the next Tournament that comes in several days, so it will feature the usual Matchmaking system.  " 

The guys at Plarium are usually great ... the matchmaking is still BAD ,,,, BUT it is a lot better than it was a few months ago.  My advice is talk to the guys directly  (When your playing -Click your AVATAR-Then Click the Connection TAB- and a SUPPORT button will pop up.) 

Hello! My pronouns are he/him.

You've described an option of how to get in touch with our Support team. It works, but their main task is helping players with issues in the game.

The work on the Matchmaking system is in progress. Me and my colleagues collect, process and deliver all the feedback to the team.

16 сент. 2024, 17:3516.09.24


  I concur and believe this is in fact a very big issue with the game.

I believe that the matchmaking problem has been a persistent issue in the game for a long time. In my opinion, the best way for players to express their dissatisfaction with the current system is to contact the game developers directly. Leaving a comment on this forum seems to have had very little impact.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
17 сент. 2024, 13:4917.09.24


  I concur and believe this is in fact a very big issue with the game.

I believe that the matchmaking problem has been a persistent issue in the game for a long time. In my opinion, the best way for players to express their dissatisfaction with the current system is to contact the game developers directly. Leaving a comment on this forum seems to have had very little impact.

The agents from the Support team are not the developers.

"Leaving a comment on this forum seems to have had very little impact"—this point can be argued as all feedback, including comments and posts on the forum, is processed and delivered to the devs.

17 сент. 2024, 16:5317.09.24
17 сент. 2024, 17:07(отредактировано)

I am not trying to be difficult here. This part of the forum is designed for Game discussion. I am attempting to address what seems to be a longstanding issue with matchmaking from my perspective. This problem was here way before I started playing. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. That being said, the forum system is obviously not working. Players have been continuously complaining about matchmaking and a litany of other issues for a long time. Therefore, in light of that, "My Opinion" is to try a different approach and see if anything improves. (I am sure that Support will send the ticket (that you get to comment on 'Satisfied or Not Satisfied") to the proper individuals.)

17 сент. 2024, 20:4417.09.24

Matchmaking was, is, and always will be a work in progress. It's not perfect, and it never will be, simply because it's a mathematical impossibility. 

That said, if you're fighting people with that much of a power difference, then I reckon that they're SP droppers, i.e people that intentionally manipulate matchmaking to face easier opponents. If you check their hangars, you'll see that they usually have one or two highly upgraded builds with the remaining hangar slots filled with low rank mechs and weapons. Sadly, this is a form of blatant matchmaking manipulation that is done by a lot of players, and they manage to find new ways to bypass any sountermeasures that are introduced to deter them. Hence my statement that matchmaking will always be a work in progress. 

19 сент. 2024, 15:1319.09.24
19 сент. 2024, 19:54(отредактировано)

Silence the voice of reason ... LOL  The fact that he/her BLAMES players again is more proof of his continued BIAS. 

21 сент. 2024, 17:1121.09.24

People keep going to my spawn, show up with minigun 16's, and BAM, I'm dead.

Even my Scropius and my Solis are getting wrecked.

22 сент. 2024, 10:0222.09.24
22 сент. 2024, 10:05(отредактировано)

вы просто молодцы разработчики👍 убили прерасную игру, больше года вы нас не слышите и не хотите я так понял а только продолжаете выпускать уйму обновлений с легендарными робатами котрых канечно же придется купить за дохуя акойнов или же ваше любмое - за деньги. так же проблема подбора игроков в туре длится больше 2 лет и вы за 2 года нечего не сделали,знаете как обидно когда я трачу целый день на то чтобы пробить 25000 очков в турнире играя при этом на аресе чтобы потом в какой-то момент зашел или читер или донатер с ангаром на все 6 фул звёзд и за час получил 70000 очков,и все мои сторания нервы и убитое время на смарку. вы большие молодцы разработчики,создали хорошую игру и сами же ее похранили,кучу людей уже просто удолили ее и играть приходится только с ботами,в 20-21 году вы были прекрасны,мех арену все обожали за то что эта игра не была донатной ямой как те же war robots,но теперь вы от war robots ни чем не отличаетесь👏

23 сент. 2024, 15:0723.09.24

Honestly, I've been struggling to find reason to play this game. I only stay on the forum because I enjoy talking to most of the people here. The big reason why I abandoned this game is because it started to not feel like a game anymore. IT WAS A TASK. With all the sp droppers, and to boot, when I use my main hangar, I have to face enemies at an sp level of around 5000-6000. WHEN I'M 3000. I'm not going to play anymore of this game, but that doesn't mean I don't want others to have fun with it. Please, fix the game. I know I speak for a lot of people. Moffbastion is trying his best to make a fun environment, though I don't know what happened to it, and yet he got more work done than plarium did in a year. Not here to hate, not here to criticise, I am here to inform. Or complain, whichever way plarium (with their overflowing pockets of money) takes it.