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Eclipse in Hub with acoin, Aegis and Disk nerf,PvE

Eclipse in Hub with acoin, Aegis and Disk nerf,PvE

12 янв. 2024, 08:4312.01.24

Eclipse in Hub with acoin, Aegis and Disk nerf,PvE

Hi Devs, I'm playing MA since beta release.. but recently many update change Game Rules.. for ex:

-Disk Splash/Rear damage : how it's possible front damage r low then rear/splash damage??

-Aegis recent update level up this bot like a Legendary mech (not epic class 5);

-Eclipse in hub with acoins --> r month we r waiting for it?

-PvE or Clan wars : if clan wars isn't a your priority, PvE didn't come anyway , how we can continue get interest in this game??

I play most of my match in TopTier hangar and I'm already annoyed about this latency of real update..

Just Another Pilot or Mech or Weapon without real upgrade to game make thisone less attractive for Top hangars player (for this reason many many Top Players r leaving the game) : CashCow Strategy Maybe? I understand Plarium have to make money but with strategy only results is a Great TurnOver of new players with Zero Fidelity of Old players..   Hope I'm wrong, just for this I wait more time before I Unistall


CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
15 янв. 2024, 16:1415.01.24

Hello! Thanks for your feedback. I'll comment on some of the points:

1. Aegis - I can't say that the Mech was nerfed or buffed. The Mech was rather reworked as previously its Ability was confusing. Currently, the Mech meets its Grade according to our calculations.

2. Eclipse in Gear Hub with A-Coins - later, like anything else.

3. The updates for Clans are expected in the future. It's not a priority now.