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12 окт. 2023, 18:4712.10.23


There has been a long and casual list of screw-ups with this game. 

1. The matchmaking is still crap. Seems to prove they don' care. They are more concerned with how it looks than good game play. This latest change has me more convinced than ever that this company doesn't listen, care or even give player insight any serious consideration. 

2. After months of complaints they said they were going to lessen the amount of em rifles nope. Now some bots have two sets.

3. They continuously claim that bots can't cheat.... true but programmers can which is the same thing. The only reason I bring this up is because I have timed things like graviton beam? 3 second buildup? Bulls***e. Never got past two. Enemies ( bots ) do much more damage than players ( again only speculating ) but when a Shadow can one shot my purple star Onyx with em sixes well thats just impossible damagewise and no, no other bot was around and yes I was full health.

4. Numerous times I have shot bots down and watched their health bar disappear and they just keep shooting away and kill you.

5. Literally just today I was killed by em rifle I was in an alcove back to wall had one of those new crappy spider mechs in front of me and he killed me while facing the other way. Then another time three bots shoulder to shoulder all going for me whole ignoring each other. Just proves they are programmed to hunt players more than each other. Why? Because if the companies bots are winning matches then we ain't and we have to buy acoin to keep up or get better.

 I'm just saying, if I could get a freedom of information and see what they were doing I am 💯 sure we'd all be mad as heck. But different countries let companies do more corrupt crap.

 Again Crystal Drew is not the enemy. You all have to understand that if ya got a job you do it. His Is to give feedback nothing more.  they tell him what to tell us that's his job nothing more. I've had jobs that made me feel like a sleeze at the end of the day so benefit of the doubt.

 I predict this game is going to fail. They will squeeze every drop and done. Raid Shadow Ledgends is a ghost town compared to what it use to be thanks to Plarium taking and taking. They are repeating the same thing here. Whoever runs that place is more soulless than Satan.

Edited: explicit language is prohibited 


12 окт. 2023, 20:4112.10.23

YOU??? UAHAAUHAAH today there were BOTs, stupid BOTs with RIFLES, that with 1 shot you died immediately, it looked like a camouflaged EM-RIFLE auahahaha these incompetents...they no longer know what to find to fool us, the game has already failed,, and they know it.... poor guys... they think too much about rods...

21 окт. 2023, 17:1521.10.23


22 окт. 2023, 10:3322.10.23

Grav beams reduce implosion time if more than one is hitting you at once. 

26 окт. 2023, 23:3526.10.23
26 окт. 2023, 23:35(отредактировано)

Grav beams reduce implosion time if more than one is hitting you at once. 

No crap? So if using two then it's quicker.? I missed that on the weapon description. My apologies I had no clue.

26 окт. 2023, 23:5626.10.23


27 окт. 2023, 13:4727.10.23


Yes happens all the time now, I feels like their targeting programming is made to record a hit even if it's not