SynapsePro26 сент. 2023, 23:3426.09.2312.07.2311What is your favorite mechPick your main mech and maybe your least favorite mine so far my favorite is Surge. Have a good one everybody
BananaDan26 сент. 2023, 23:3826.09.2319.11.2116Panther. Ultimate survivibility, no bad weapon choices. I currently run VRPG 14 and Arc 6. It shreds at close range.
SynapsePro26 сент. 2023, 23:5026.09.2312.07.2311BananaDanPanther. Ultimate survivibility, no bad weapon choices. I currently run VRPG 14 and Arc 6. It shreds at close range.Very
KabiKabi27 сент. 2023, 02:5527.09.2305.09.22204Mine has to be surge, but tengu is soo fun, so he comes in as second. My least favorite mech is cheetah because he is incredibly annoying to fight as surge.
Lark27 сент. 2023, 20:2727.09.2304.08.22218Favourite is Panter, least favourite that I own to play is redox (worst Legendary) least favourite to play against is maxed bastion DL12.