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Mech Redesign Review

Mech Redesign Review

21 сент. 2023, 15:0021.09.23

Mech Redesign Review

Ok, so this is a big mixed bag for me.  A couple of the new looks I like.  Several I don't.  And the rest (any I don't mention below) are neither good nor bad - I can live with em.

Lancer - Excellent job!

Paragon - ok, but I HATE the restricted cockpit.  The bars around the cockpit make it look cheap, I much preferred something closer to the original cockpit design.

Panther - This was the sleek and nimble hunter, now... its blocky and just ...  yuck.

Juggernaut - I'm sorry, I know someone thinks this is cool, but that face is a joke.  A sad, sad joke.

Stalker - This was a predator (reminded me of the movie with the same name).  Now it looks like some 5 year old's idea of "edgy and cool".  It's the blades out in front.  They look terrible.

Arachnos - Oh my beloved Arachnos, what have they done to you??  It always reminded me of the Tachikoma from Ghost in the Shell SAC.  Now it looks like someone took an Abrams tank and put it on 4 legs.  It is blocky and UGLY.

Aegis - What is it with skulls?  I don't mind them on an individual skin, but on the base design?  Get rid of the skull and put all the hex panels back!  That was something unique and colorful about this mech and now you got rid of a third of them and downplayed the remaining ones.  Not a good choice.

Orion - I always thought that Orion looked like something from a scrapyard.  This looks much better!!

Brickhouse - I want to like this, I really do for some reason, but it looks cheap and rushed.  I don't know if it's the cockpit or something else, but I can guarantee one of the problems is the fans on top.  The old ones had an illusion of high fidelity, these don't.

Gatecrasher - This used to be an undefined brick.  Now it looks like something of a Paragon 2.0.  It's an improvement!!

I'm still trying to decide how I feel about a couple of these.  Killshot looking like something out of the movie Alien for example.  Surge in particular though - I don't like that you've replaced the ball with a helmet in the middle, but I love the new bottom panels on the "legs".  

Please understand these are personal opinions, and I'm certain many will disagree with them.  I just think that something was missed overall.  Edgy is the word I heard in the official Plarium comments.  Edgy does not always mean spikes, chains, and skulls.  Most of the original mechs (the first 6 or so mechs from the game) should have been treated like Lancer - a few tweaks  to bring the definition and quality of the mech up.  Instead we got ... Juggernaut.  (I'm sorry, but really?!???  lol ).

At the end of the day, the single most important thing is being able to identify a mechs unique silhouette.  I don't think this has always been considered as much as it should be.  Its very important.  

I don't know how open you are to making a few tweaks to these redesigns based on public feedback, but I would encourage you to do so.  With the possible exception of the Arachnos and Juggernaut redesigns, I don't think a lot would have to be done to make these better.  Still, the point of all of this is to give you something to think about in as constructive of a manner as possible.

Really appreciate the work you put into 3.0!!!

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
21 сент. 2023, 15:0521.09.23

Hello! Thanks a lot for leaving such comprehensive feedback! We will consider it 😺