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Stashed crates and fortune tokens

Stashed crates and fortune tokens

15 июнь 2023, 06:2715.06.23

Stashed crates and fortune tokens

 I've got about 1000 silver crates and 180 gold crates unopened. Someone once said it's a good idea to keep them for Derby's etc. I've got this far with that but now I'm thinking why? And how ? https://omegle.onl/  

And I've stashed a little over 300 fortune vault tokens. The thinking there was to always have a buffer in case an event demanded the opening of fortune vaults. But that really only needed say 50 tokens and its got out if hand

Is there any reason to keep all this for some reason I don't know or should I cash it all in?

15 июнь 2023, 14:5315.06.23

I actually keep a stockpile for the same reasons you listed in your post. It's nice to be able to open them all at once when an event is going on that is based on acquiring blueprints, for instance. About every 2 months or so there is one such event, but only every 2-3 of those have a prize worth obtaining.

Furthermore, I think it's nice to save them for future content. When you acquire a new bot, you may want to open 1k crates and get a lot of blueprints all at once (more of an end-game tactic), rather than spending Acorns, which most players simply won't do anyways due to the high cost.

There are also occassionally events that give points for obtaining skins, which is why having fortune tokens in stockpile can be nice.