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My Thoughts on the "Gear Hub"

My Thoughts on the "Gear Hub"

9 июнь 2023, 10:0809.06.23

My Thoughts on the "Gear Hub"

Lets get to the chase. There are 2 things that we will be covering:

1. Progression in right/wrong?

2. Does it effect the matchmaking?

Ans 1. The progression is decent, however, I feel like in some cases, we are forced to buy like everything in the tier as ranking some of those ites is more expensive than buying newer ones. This kind o hinders our progression pace as we are spending money on tons of items and some of them dont impact the game much despite thier hefly price.

Ans 2. Now for this, I really dont know, so far I have created a new account that has this feature and the matchmaking is currently fair. Note however that the account I am speaking about hasnt even played 200 games and has barely like more than 150-160 kills. I dont know how this will change the game in later stages. All I can do is wait.

Do tell your own thoughts.

10 июнь 2023, 20:2910.06.23

Bad idea. This update will not be in favor of the players. Just like grade update, the game will become even worse.