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What do I put on eclipes?

What do I put on eclipes?

1 июнь 2023, 06:0301.06.23

What do I put on eclipes?

I got eclipse a few days ago, and it currently has nade launcher 12, which actually does really good with a damage and ability duration implant, but I want to know what other builds it could use. I wanna put an arc 12, but the only legendary range implant for it i have is on my surge who has arc 6. So my question is, do I take the legendary range implant off surge and put it on eclipse? https://tutuapp.uno/   Or should I out 2 arc 6 on eclipse and one arc 12 on surge? I like arc 6 on surge but nade launchers don't always do it for me. And seeing as how surge can dash and get close easily, it makes sense to put the legendary implant on eclipse. So what do i do here?

1 июнь 2023, 08:4001.06.23

Personally keep the range implant on Surge. What u need for Eclipse are EM Rifles

18 июнь 2023, 01:2518.06.23

My preference: Twin Miniguns (16+8) and juiced up cloak run speed. Your turning radius on an Eclipse while cloaking is insane, and you can destroy an entire FFA field easily if you use the terrain to your advantage.

18 июнь 2023, 07:0718.06.23

Nades are tricky at best. Missile racks are a decent option just depends on the make up of the rest of your team.

19 июнь 2023, 00:1519.06.23

Have you tried using a BLUE implant for Arc Range on the Eclipse? A yellow range implant at rank 5 is 55% bonus and rank 6 blue is 54% range, which is practically the same.

20 июнь 2023, 22:2620.06.23

The gold ArcTorrent Range implant adds a few meters on the blue implant, which is helpful but not a must-have. Many players like me don't have the gold implant and it's not a big deal.

A bunch of my classmates run maxed Eclipses and generally the best weapons to try on it are EMRs, ArcTorrents, Disc Launchers and Miniguns. Nade Launchers also work well if you get in close and use them like shotguns. Missile Racks are decent too. Just be aware that Eclipse's big vulnerability is enemy Discs, so weapons that require you to get within DL range expose you to that risk. Still several close-up weapons are  popular, particularly ArcTorrents.

21 июнь 2023, 07:4921.06.23
21 июнь 2023, 07:50(отредактировано)

You probably don't have access to them but I run Cryo Javs on mine. Stealth, hit them with the cryo javs, run away. It works great on those heavy hitters because they don't move fast to begin with and the cryos make them stand still.

Eclipse is a beast but anything that makes you put yourself in line of sight is a risk. I'm thinking about upgrading my Eclipse to the next level so I can slap some minigun 8s on it (since I randomly pulled a gold minigun dmg implant) but I haven't pulled that trigger yet.