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Mech Arena Weapon Tier List

Mech Arena Weapon Tier List

24 май 2023, 20:4024.05.23

Mech Arena Weapon Tier List


Disc Launcher- lots of damage from close to mid range with a big splash radius that will devastate the opposing team

EM Rilfe- it used to be in its own S+ tier but since the nerf it takes 5 seconds to kill a mech instead of 2 seconds.

Gravaton Beam- 2 seconds to kill a mech from 0-125 meters.

Minigun- used to be an A tier but with the recent buff it's the go-to close range weapon.

Helix Racks- Allows big damage output without being seen. Can instakill any mech with a reload speed of 5 seconds.


Missile Rack- huge damage all at once but big weapon reload and slow projectile speed.

Arc Torrent- good close range damage until you run out of charge.

Railgun- extemly powerful at the beginning of a game but with a seven second recharge after using all its charge and no aim assist its a solid A.


Longarms- OK damage, has lots of shots but a big reload speed.

Fragment Guns- Good damage with good reload. Bad range is what keeps it at B tier.

Javelin Racks- Helix Racks but worse.

Nade Launchers- used to be D tier but with damage buff its B tier. Ridicilously slow projectile speed refrains it from being A tier.

Voltaic RPG- lots of damage if you manage to hit your target . Slow firing rate and slow projectile speed.


Shotguns- garbage because of update. Bad damage with bad range.

Carbine- bad damage output and no special abilities.


Pulse Cannon- Big hit cone, bad damage, and max energy being 8, it was doomed to be in D or F tier.

Stasis Beam- Extremly bad damage.

F TIER- all weapons here are only useful early game.

Plasma Cannon


Thermal Lance


25 май 2023, 11:4525.05.23

A good list

26 май 2023, 23:4326.05.23

Would rocket mortar be S TIER because of its capacities or D because of the unfairness?

27 май 2023, 18:1927.05.23
27 май 2023, 18:19(отредактировано)

EM Rifles need to be lowered in tier. Rail Gun and EM are, arguably on the same level and with the recent EM nerf they are not S level at all.

27 май 2023, 20:0527.05.23
N8 _

Would rocket mortar be S TIER because of its capacities or D because of the unfairness?

I think rocket mortars just need their own rocket mortar tier, RM*. Above all else in damage capabilities, with the asterisk that it's dishonorable to use them.

I would drop EM rifles a tier at this point, possibly miniguns as well, haven't really seen what they can do since the buff, raise javelins a tier, probably even two, and likely drop missile racks a rank. I love missile racks, but they're best used at close range to be most effective with their slow projectiles but their long reload makes using them at a close range a liability, so it just kills their score for me. I personally don't care for javelins myself, but that's mostly because I haven't been able to figure them out. I've had huge issues against people who do know how to use them though, either by firing around corners, or people who use them with a lancer to get up to high ground to hit pretty much anyone anywhere.