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reasons why ffa ranked is bad

reasons why ffa ranked is bad

22 май 2023, 03:5522.05.23

reasons why ffa ranked is bad

I don't even break 5k squad power yet i go in and this is what i run into how in gods name am i supposed to compete against crap like this. no reason to bother playing when nothing i have can tank his crap even with stuns and sheilds. so damn stupid but i knew before ffa was released this would be an issue. yet herp derp plarium full steam ahead. lowest rank mech he runs is a surge at rank 4 but that thing is crazy broken now. only 2 legendary implants but basically everything he runs is rank 6 3 max rank mechs and 1 rank 6 and 1 rank 4. thank you plarium for showing how you care about us none whales being able to enjoy our selves. god if i had bezos level money i'd buy this company and replace everyone at the top. make a game everyone can enjoy not just the whales


22 май 2023, 04:4222.05.23

and look at who wins playoff events most of the time. the company claimed to make it easier to get implants but so far spending money seems to still be the only option for most of us nothing like constantly getting thermal weapon implants constantly. a weapon NO ONE USES

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
22 май 2023, 13:3822.05.23

Hi! We will consider your feedback!

26 май 2023, 10:4026.05.23

Hi! We will consider your feedback!

here we go drew within 2 days the top spot in the current playoff well the top 3 are again out of reach for the vast majority of the player base 37k points either he's super rich, had a lot saved up or is using money scammed from others or a stolen credit card. these playoffs are a sad joke and some of the most poorly designed and thought out events. implants are still far to hard to get. and we have good ole bots with top tier set ups. from what i see if i want legendary impants i have to wait for the 30 dollar bundles to come around which is bull crap. the broken bs implant/pilot set up on bots needs to go




CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
26 май 2023, 13:4326.05.23

here we go drew within 2 days the top spot in the current playoff well the top 3 are again out of reach for the vast majority of the player base 37k points either he's super rich, had a lot saved up or is using money scammed from others or a stolen credit card. these playoffs are a sad joke and some of the most poorly designed and thought out events. implants are still far to hard to get. and we have good ole bots with top tier set ups. from what i see if i want legendary impants i have to wait for the 30 dollar bundles to come around which is bull crap. the broken bs implant/pilot set up on bots needs to go




Thanks a lot for sharing your experience with us, we will pass it on to our developers!