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All My Mech and Weapon Ideas

All My Mech and Weapon Ideas

30 апр. 2023, 00:1730.04.23

All My Mech and Weapon Ideas

attacker mech - name "Carrier"

Ability-(pasive) can hold four weppons that can be equiped in the hanger

max energy capasity - 44

health - between redox and brickhouse

rarity - legendary 

support mech - name (i dont know)

Ability - Radar, will reveal all opposing mechs on the field and apply stasis,

max energy capasity - 16 or 24

health -  higher than zepher

rarity - legendary

Heavy Duty Weppon - Name "Cannon"

Magazine - 40

RPM - 120

range - optimal 0-70 max 71-120

Projectile speed - 180

energy cost - 12, 14, 16,

DMG - pretty high

Perk - Armor peircing - if a bullet hits a shield it will pass through but only deal a percent of the original dmg to the mech, like orion ability but also works on panther barrier.

no double dmg chance and it also reduces turnning speed, like minigun

rarity - epic

Barrash weppon - name "Carpet bomb"

The thing about this weppon is it fires a projetile that archs over the target but when it reaches directly over the target it propells itself straight down

Range  - optimal 5-90

Magazine - 5-8

projectile speed - same as nade laucher

energy cost - 6, 8, 12, 16,

DMG - medium, but higher than nade laucher

max DMG radius - 8

rarity - legendary

Sniper weppon - name "Sonic Rifle"

Range - infinite

Magazine - 1

projectile speed - instant

energy cost - 20, you can only have one sonic rifle, you don't get two when you level it up

Dmg - same, or close to EM Rifle 16, but no double DMG chance

when fired, the bullet will ignore all walls, barriers, and shields, passing through them and damaging all mechs in its way

Perk - Sonic Boom - all mechs within 5m of the bullet as it travles will take 25% DMG

Reload speed - 20-24 seconds

Shot deley - 1 second

Rarity - epic

Tank Mech - name "Titan"

Ability - endure - reduce all DMG taken by 50% for 7 seconds - cooldown - 7 seconds

Max energy capacity - 24

Max level Health - around 130,000

rarity - common

Close Quartars Weppon - name "Hammer"

energy cost - 12

range - optimal 0-7, max 8-15

Magazine - 1

Perk - impact - apply stun effect for two seconds  

DMG per magazine - arround 70,000

Reload - 6-8 seconds

rarity - legendary

Beam Weppon - name "Repair beam"

energy cost - 6, 8

Range - optimal 0-60

RPM - 600

Max rapair per magazine - arround 30,000

magazine - 100-200

is effected by pilots

does not do any DMG, only effects allies

Rarity - rare

Scout mech - name "Kamikaze"

Ability - self destruct - explodes (and dies) after a two second deley, damaging all enemy mechs within a 20m (or it could be 15m if 20m seems to OP) radious. counts as a kill for the mech that was closest to it when it exploded

Max level ability DMG - 250,000

health - similar to Gardian

the ability can be blocked by shields and walls

Energy capasity - 24

movment speed - very fast

rarity - rare

Tank Mech - name "Fortress"

Ability - Entrench - reduce all DMG taken by 90%, but prevents the mech from moving, and greatly reduces turning speed. the ability can be toggled on or off after a four second couldown (DMG reduction can go up to 98% with implants)

health - similar to bastion, if not higher

energy capasity - 24

movment speed - very slow

rarity - legendary 
